
第43章 Ojo is Forgiven (3)

Also I feel it is wrong to leave those two victims standing as marble statues, when they ought to be alive.So I propose we allow Dr.Pipt to make the magic charm which will save them, and that we assist Ojo to find the things he is seeking.What do you think, Wizard?""That is perhaps the best thing to do," replied the Wizard."But after the Crooked Magician has restored those poor people to life you must take away his magic powers.""I will," promised Ozma.

"Now tell me, please, what magic things must you find?" continued the Wizard, addressing Ojo.

"The three hairs from the Woozy's tail I

have," said the boy."That is, I have the Woozy, and the hairs are in his tail.The six-leaved clover I--I--""You may take it and keep it," said Ozma."That will not be breaking the Law, for it is already picked, and the crime of picking it is forgiven.""Thank you!" cried Ojo gratefully.Then he continued: "The next thing, I must find is a gill of water from a dark well.'

The Wizard shook his head."That," said he, "will be a hard task, but if you travel far enough you may discover it.""I am willing to travel for years, if it will save Unc Nunkie," declared Ojo, earnestly.

"Then you'd better begin your journey at once," advised the Wizard.

Dorothy bad been listening with interest to this conversation.Now she turned to Ozma and asked: "May I go with Ojo, to help him?""Would you like to?" returned Ozma.

"Yes.I know Oz pretty well, but Ojo doesn't know it at all.I'm sorry for his uncle and poor Margolotte and I'd like to help save them.May I go?""If you wish to," replied Ozma.

"If Dorothy goes, then I must go to take care of her," said the Scarecrow, decidedly."A dark well can only be discovered in some out-of-the-way place, and there may be dangers there.""You have my permission to accompany Dorothy,"said Ozma."And while you are gone I will take care of the Patchwork Girl.""I'll take care of myself," announced Scraps, "for I'm going with the Scarecrow and Dorothy.

I promised Ojo to help him find the things he wants and I'll stick to my promise.""Very well," replied Ozma."But I see no need for Ojo to take the Glass Cat and the Woozy.""I prefer to remain here," said the cat."I've nearly been nicked half a dozen times, already, and if they're going into dangers it's best for me to keep away from them.""Let Jellia Jamb keep her till Ojo returns,"suggested Dorothy."We won't need to take the Woozy, either, but he ought to be saved because of the three hairs in his tail.""Better take me along," said the Woozy."My eyes can flash fire, you know, and I can growl--a little.""I'm sure you'll be safer here," Ozma decided, and the Woozy made no further objection to the plan.

After consulting together they decided that Ojo and his party should leave the very next day to search for the gill of water from a dark well, so they now separated to make preparations for the journey.

Ozma gave the Munchkin boy a room in the palace for that night and the afternoon he passed with Dorothy--getting acquainted, as she said--and receiving advice from the Shaggy Man as to where they must go.The Shaggy Man had wandered in many parts of Oz, and so had Dorothy, for that matter, yet neither of them knew where a dark well was to be found.

"If such a thing is anywhere in the settled parts of Oz," said Dorothy, "we'd prob'ly have heard of it long ago.If it's in the wild parts of the country, no one there would need a dark well.P'raps there isn't such a thing.""Oh, there must he!" returned Ojo, positively;"or else the recipe of Dr.Pipt wouldn't call for it.""That's true," agreed Dorothy; "and, if it's anywhere in the Land of Oz, we're bound to find it.""Well, we're bound to search for it, anyhow,"said the Scarecrow."As for finding it, we must trust to luck.""Don't do that," begged Ojo, earnestly."I'm called Ojo the Unlucky, you know."

  • 须摩提女经


  • 理惑论


  • 广志绎


  • 岭表录异


  • 劝报亲恩篇


  • 清朝那些事儿


    本书以时间为序,全方位地对清朝各个年代的政治、军事、制度、文化、艺术乃至礼仪、饮食文化等,作了全面详尽的解析,以正史为第一手材料,以小说的文本方式,详尽讲述了一个个短小却血脉清晰的故事。通过一个个小故事,又分门别类地堆积起每个君王时代的逸闻秘史,系统、完整,塑成了一个个君王清晰立体的帝王生涯轮廓。局部文本貌似戏说,却有铁的史实为依据、 “靠山”。一个逝去时代的缤纷史实,无论宏大抑或卑琐,全都穿越时间的大幕而来,清晰逼真地呈现在读者的视域中。深刻而不失生活况味,轻松又携带着史料的真实面具。于是,阅读在对冷漠森严的历史书卷想像中展开,却在极尽享受的故事体验的尽兴中结束——读本的价值无须赘述!
  • 一世琅心


  • 困兽


  • 赛尔号之命运的锁链


  • TFboy请原谅我的爱


  • 一座城池


  • 福妻驾到


  • 君宁


  • 万能魔女,冥帝独爱


  • 风起时,我还不知道爱着你

