"What you say, sir," he answered modestly, "may be true as to the Atlantic; but we have a respect for the land up here on Ontario.""That is because you are always land-locked," returned Cap, laughing heartily; "but yonder is the the Pathfinder, as they call him, with some smoking platters, inviting us to share in his mess; and I will confess that one gets no venison at sea.Master Western, civility to girls, at your time of life, comes as easy as taking in the slack of the ensign halyards; and if you will just keep an eye to her kid and can, while I join the mess of the Pathfinder and our Indian friends, I make no doubt she will remember it."Master Cap uttered more than he was aware of at the time.Jasper Western did attend to the wants of Mabel, and she long remembered the kind, manly attention of the young sailor at this their first interview.He placed the end of a log for a seat, obtained for her a delicious morsel of the venison, gave her a draught of pure water from the spring, and as he sat near her, fast won his way to her esteem by his gentle but frank manner of manifesting his care; homage that woman always wishes to receive, but which is never so flattering or so agreeable as when it comes from the young to those of their own age -- from the manly to the gentle.Like most of those who pass their time excluded from the society of the softer sex, young Western was earnest, sincere, and kind in his attentions, which, though they wanted a conventional refinement, which, perhaps, Mabel never missed, had those winning qualities that prove very sufficient as substitutes.Leav-ing these two unsophisticated young people to become ac-quainted through their feelings, rather than their expressed thoughts, we will turn to the group in which the uncle had already become a principal actor.
The party had taken their places around a platter of venison steaks, which served for the common use, and the discourse naturally partook of the characters of the differ-ent individuals which composed it.The Indians were silent and industrious the appetite of the aboriginal American for venison being seemingly inappeasable, while the two white men were communicative, each of the latter being garrulous and opinionated in his way.But, as the dialogue will put the reader in possession of certain facts that may render the succeeding narrative more clear, it will be well to record it.
"There must be satisfaction in this life of yours, no doubt Mr.Pathfinder," continued Cap, when the hunger of the travellers was so far appeased that they began to pick and choose among the savory morsels; "it has some of the chances and luck that we seamen like; and if ours is all water, yours is all land.""Nay, we have water too, in our journeyings and marches," returned his white companion; "we border-men handle the paddle and the spear almost as much as the rifle and the hunting-knife.""Ay; but do you handle the brace and the bow-line, the wheel and the lead-line, the reef-point and the top-rope?
The paddle is a good thing, out of doubt, in a canoe; but of what use is it in the ship?""Nay, I respect all men in their callings, and I can be-lieve the things you mention have their uses.One who has lived, like myself, in company with many tribes, un-derstands differences in usages.The paint of a Mingo is not the paint of a Delaware; and he who should expect to see a warrior in the dress of a squaw might be disappointed.
I am not yet very old, but I have lived in the woods, and have some acquaintance with human natur'.I never be-lieve much in the learning of them that dwell in towns, for I never yet met with one that had an eye for a rifle or a trail.""That's my manner of reasoning, Master Pathfinder, to a yarn.Walking about streets, going to church of Sun-days, and hearing sermons, never yet made a man of a human being.Send the boy out upon the broad ocean, if you wish to open his eyes, and let him look upon foreign nations, or what I call the face of nature, if you wish him to understand his own character.Now, there is my brother-in-law, the Sergeant: he is as good a fellow as ever broke a biscuit, in his way; but what is he, after all?