

With these threats he clenched his hand again, and dexterously diving in betwen the elbows and catching the boy's head as it dodged from side to side, gave it three or four good hard knocks.Having now carried his point and insisted on it, he left off.

'You won't do it agin,' said the boy, nodding his head and drawing back, with the elbows ready in case of the worst; 'now--'

'Stand still, you dog,' said Quilp.'I won't do it again, because I've done it as often as I want.Here.Take the key.'

'Why don't you hit one of your size?' said the boy approaching very slowly.

'Where is there one of my size, you dog?' returned Quilp.'Take the key, or I'll brain you with it'--indeed he gave him a smart tap with the handle as he spoke.'Now, open the counting-house.'

The boy sulkily complied, muttering at first, but desisting when he looked round and saw that Quilp was following him with a steady look.And here it may be remarked, that between this boy and the dwarf that existed a strange kind of mutual liking.How born or bred, and or nourished upon blows and threats on one side, and retorts and defiances on the other, is not to the purpose.Quilp would certainly suffer nobody to contract him but the boy, and the boy would assuredly not have submitted to be so knocked about by anybody but Quilp, when he had the power to run away at any time he chose.

'Now,' said Quilp, passing into the wooden counting-house, 'you mind the wharf.Stand upon your head agin, and I'll cut one of your feet off.'

The boy made no answer, but directly Quilp had shut himself in, stood on his head before the door, then walked on his hands to the back and stood on his head there, and then to the opposite side and repeated the performance.There were indeed four sides to the counting-house, but he avoided that one where the window was, deeming it probable that Quilp would be looking out of it.This was prudent, for in point of fact, the dwarf, knowing his disposition, was lying in wait at a little distance from the sash armed with a large piece of wood, which, being rough and jagged and studded in many parts with broken nails, might possibly have hurt him.

It was a dirty little box, this counting-house, with nothing in it but an old ricketty desk and two stools, a hat-peg, an ancient almanack, an inkstand with no ink, and the stump of one pen, and an eight-day clock which hadn't gone for eighteen years at least, and of which the minute-hand had been twisted off for a tooth-pick.Daniel Quilp pulled his hat over his brows, climbed on to the desk (which had a flat top) and stretching his short length upon it went to sleep with ease of an old pactitioner; intending, no doubt, to compensate himself for the deprivation of last night's rest, by a long and sound nap.

Sound it might have been, but long it was not, for he had not been asleep a quarter of an hour when the boy opened the door and thrust in his head, which was like a bundle of badly-picked oakum.Quilp was a light sleeper and started up directly.

'Here's somebody for you,' said the boy.


'I don't know.'

'Ask!' said Quilp, seizing the trifle of wood before mentioned and throwing it at him with such dexterity that it was well the boy disappeared before it reached the spot on which he had stood.'Ask, you dog.'

Not caring to venture within range of such missles again, the boy discreetly sent in his stead the first cause of the interruption, who now presented herself at the door.

'What, Nelly!' cried Quilp.

'Yes,' said the child, hesitating whether to enter or retreat, for the dwarf just roused, with his dishevelled hair hanging all about him and a yellow handkerchief over his head, was something fearful to behold; it's only me, sir.'

'Come in,' said Quilp, without getting off the desk.'Come in.Stay.

Just look out into the yard, and see whether there's a boy standing on his head.'

'No, sir,' replied Nell.'He's on his feet.'

'You're sure he is?' said Quilp.'Well.Now, come in and shut the door.What's your message, Nelly?'

The child handed him a letter.Mr Quilp, without changing his position further than to turn over a little more on his side and rest his chin on his hand, proceeded to make himself acquainted with its contents.

  • 读画闲评


  • 摄大乘论本


  • The Book of Tea

    The Book of Tea

  • 祇园正仪


  • Massimilla Doni

    Massimilla Doni

  • 三天五界


  • 日域


  • 凰定天下倾世女皇


    蒹葭苍苍,白露为霜。 所谓伊人,在水一方。 溯洄从之,道阻且长 溯游从之,宛在水中央。他说:待我城破之日,红妆花轿娶你可好?她靠在他胸前,巧笑嫣然,答曰:好城门打开之时,他却被迫迎娶她人新房之内,红烛燃烧,她的面前却是一碗黑色汤药他的新婚之夜,她却心痛腹痛一整夜,他却不知他说:待我统一天下,便封你为后她微笑,并不置否一朝圣旨如下,后位依旧是她人她却被封为公主,成为她的妹妹………重生之时,风云骤起,内心的封闭能否打开?谁才是能与她携手之人?
  • 逍遥鸿宇


  • 盛世神话


  • 万古天界


  • 无敌小先知


  • 恶魔校草遇上呆萌甜心


  • 三界引路人


  • 传奇无双

