

She happened, while she was thus engaged, to encounter the face of the man on deck, in whom the sentimental stage of drunkenness had now succeeded to the boisterous, and who, taking from his mouth a short pipe, quilted over with string for its longer preservation, requested that she would oblige him with a song.

'You've got a very pretty voice, a very soft eye, and a very strong memory,' said this gentleman; 'the voice and eye I've got evidence for, and the memory's an opinion of my own.And I'm never wrong.

Let me hear a song this minute.'

'I don't think I know one, sir,' returned Nell.

'You know forty-seven songs,' said the man, with a gravity which admitted of no altercation on the subject.'Forty-seven's your number.Let me hear one of 'em--the best.Give me a song this minute.'

Not knowing what might be the consequences of irritating her friend, and trembling with the fear of doing so, poor Nell sang him some little ditty which she had learned in happier times, and which was so agreeable to his ear, that on its conclusion he in the same peremptory manner requested to be favoured with another, to which he was so obliging as to roar a chorus to no particular tune, and with no words at all, but which amply made up in its amazing energy for its deficiency in other respects.The noise of this vocal performance awakened the other man, who, staggering upon deck and shaking his late opponent by the hand, swore that singing was his pride and joy and chief delight, and that he desired no better entertainment.With a third call, more imperative than either of the two former, Nell felt obliged to comply, and this time a chorus was maintained not only by the two men together, but also by the third man on horseback, who being by his position debarred from a nearer participation in the revels of the night, roared when his companions roared, and rent the very air.In this way, with little cessation, and singing the same songs again and again, the tired and exhausted child kept them in good humour all that night; and many a cottager, who was roused from his soundest sleep by the discordant chorus as it floated away upon the wind, hid his head beneath the bed-clothes and trembled at the sounds.

At length the morning dawned.It was no sooner light than it began to rain heavily.As the child could not endure the intolerable vapours of the cabin, they covered her, in return for her exertions, with some pieces of sail-cloth and ends of tarpaulin, which sufficed to keep her tolerably dry and to shelter her grandfather besides.As the day advanced the rain increased.At noon it poured down more hopelessly and heavily than ever without the faintest promise of abatement.

They had, for some time, been gradually approaching the place for which they were bound.The water had become thicker and dirtier;other barges, coming from it, passed them frequently; the paths of coal-ash and huts of staring brick, marked the vicinity of some great manufacturing town; while scattered streets and houses, and smoke from distant furnaces, indicated that they were already in the outskirts.Now, the clustered roofs, and piles of buildings, trembling with the working of engines, and dimly resounding with their shrieks and throbbings; the tall chimneys vomiting forth a black vapour, which hung in a dense ill-favoured cloud above the housetops and filled the air with gloom; the clank of hammers beating upon iron, the roar of busy streets and noisy crowds, gradually augmenting until all the various sounds blended into one and none was distinguishable for itself, announced the termination of their journey.

The boat floated into the wharf to which it belonged.The men were occupied directly.The child and her grandfather, after waiting in vain to thank them or ask them whither they should go, passed through a dirty lane into a crowded street, and stood, amid its din and tumult, and in the pouring rain, as strange, bewildered, and confused, as if they had lived a thousand years before, and were raised from the dead and placed there by a miracle.

  • 乾隆休妻


  • 海天诗话


  • 超宗慧方禅师语录


  • 班马异同论


  • 五分戒本


  • 光对面的思过崖


  • 容你轻轻撩动我心


  • 废柴逆袭记:王爷!别闹!


  • 末日械皇


  • 自动营销


  • 霸世唐门


  • 琢玉之传


  • 九歌传


  • 中国年画


    年画是中国画的一种,始于古代的“门神画”。清光绪年间正式称为年 画,是中国特有的一种绘画体裁,也是中国农村老百姓喜闻乐见的艺术形式 。大都用于新年时张贴及装饰环境,含有祝福新年吉祥喜庆之意,故名。传 统民间年画多用木板水印制作。年画因画幅大小和加工多少而有不同称谓。 整张大的叫“宫尖”,一纸三开的叫“三才”。加工多而细致的叫“画宫尖 ”、“画三才”。颜色上用金粉描画的叫“金宫尖”、“金三才”。六月以 前的产品叫“青版”,七八月以后的产品叫“秋版”。《中国文化知识读本:中国年画》在深入挖掘和整理中华优秀传统文化成果的同时,结合社会发展,注入了时代精神。书中优美生动的文字、简明通俗的语言、图文并茂的形式,把中国文化中的物态文化、制度文化、行为文化、精神文化等知识要点全面展示给读者。
  • 海市山濛

