

I think that you once told me you had some knowledge of the Marquis of Lansdowne, when he was Lord Henry Petty.I can hardly hope that, after an interval of so many years, you will recognise him in the following sketch:- His appearance is much more that of a Whig than Lord Grey-- stout and sturdy--but still withal gentlemanly; and there is a pleasing simplicity, with somewhat of good-nature, in the expression of his countenance, that renders him, in a quiescent state, the more agreeable character of the two.He speaks exceedingly well--clear, methodical, and argumentative; but his eloquence, like himself, is not so graceful as it is upon the whole manly; and there is a little tendency to verbosity in his language, as there is to corpulency in his figure; but nothing turgid, whileit is entirely free from affectation.The character of respectable is very legibly impressed, in everything about the mind and manner of his lordship.I should, now that I have seen and heard him, be astonished to hear such a man represented as capable of being factious.

I should say something about Lord Liverpool, not only on account of his rank as a minister, but also on account of the talents which have qualified him for that high situation.The greatest objection that I have to him as a speaker, is owing to the loudness of his voice--in other respects, what he does say is well digested.But I do not think that he embraces his subject with so much power and comprehension as some of his opponents; and he has evidently less actual experience of the world.This may doubtless be attributed to his having been almost constantly in office since he came into public life; than which nothing is more detrimental to the unfolding of natural ability, while it induces a sort of artificial talent, connected with forms and technicalities, which, though useful in business, is but of minor consequence in a comparative estimate of moral and intellectual qualities.I am told that in his manner he resembles Mr.Pitt; be this, however, as it may, he is evidently a speaker, formed more by habit and imitation, than one whom nature prompts to be eloquent.He lacks that occasional accent of passion, the melody of oratory; and I doubt if, on any occasion, he could at all approximate to that magnificent intrepidity which was admired as one of the noblest characteristics of his master's style.

But all the display of learning and eloquence, and intellectual power and majesty of the House of Lords, shrinks into insignificance when compared with the moral attitude which the people have taken on this occasion.You know how much I have ever admired the attributes of the English national character--that boundless generosity, which can only be compared to the impartial benevolence of the sunshine-- that heroic magnanimity, which makes the hand ever ready to succour a fallen foe; and that sublime courage, which rises with the energy of a conflagration roused by a tempest, at every insult or menace of an enemy.The compassionate interest taken by the populace in the future condition of the queen is worthy of this extraordinary people.There may be many amongthem actuated by what is called the radical spirit; but malignity alone would dare to ascribe the bravery of their compassion to a less noble feeling than that which has placed the kingdom so proudly in the van of all modern nations.There may be an amiable delusion, as my Lord Castlereagh has said, in the popular sentiments with respect to the queen.Upon that, as upon her case, I offer no opinion.It is enough for me to have seen, with the admiration of a worshipper, the manner in which the multitude have espoused her cause.

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