

There is another thing that behoves me to mention, and that is, that an elder is not to be seen in the churches of London, which is a sore signal that the piple are left to themselves; and in what state the morality can be, you may guess with an eye of pity.But on the Sabbath nights, there is such a going and coming, that it's more like a cried fair than the Lord's night--all sorts of poor people, instead of meditating on their bygane toil and misery of the week, making the Sunday their own day, as if they had not a greater Master to serve on that day, than the earthly man whom theyserved in the week-days.It is, howsomever, past the poor of nature to tell you of the sinfulness of London; and you may we think what is to be the end of all things, when I ashure you, that there is a newspaper sold every Sabbath morning, and read by those that never look at their Bibles.Our landlady asked us if we would take one; but I thought the Doctor would have fired the house, and you know it is not a small thing that kindles his passion.In short, London is not a place to come to hear the tidings of salvation preeched,--no that I mean to deny that there is not herine more than five righteous persons in it, and I trust the cornal's hagent is one; for if he is not, we are undone, having been obligated to take on already more than a hundred pounds of debt, to the account of our living, and the legacy yet in the dead thraws.But as I mean this for a spiritual letter, I will say no more about the root of all evil, as it is called in the words of truth and holiness; so referring you to what I have told Miss Mally Glencairn about the legacy and other things nearest my heart, I remain, my dear Mrs.Glibbans, your fellou Christian and sinner, JANET PRINGLE.

Mrs.Glibbans received this letter between the preachings, and it was observed by all her acquaintance during the afternoon service, that she was a laden woman.Instead of standing up at the prayers, as her wont was, she kept her seat, sitting with downcast eyes, and ever and anon her left hand, which was laid over her book on the reading-board of the pew, was raised and allowed to drop with a particular moral emphasis, bespeaking the mournful cogitations of her spirit.On leaving the church, somebody whispered to the minister, that surely Mrs.Glibbans had heard some sore news; upon which that meek, mild, and modest good soul hastened towards her, and inquired, with more than his usual kindness, How she was? Her answer was brief and mysterious; and she shook her head in such a manner that showed him all was not right."Have you heard lately of your friends the Pringles?" said he, in his sedate manner--"when do they think of leaving London?'

"I wish they may ever get out o't," was the agitated reply of the afflicted lady.

"I am very sorry to hear you say so," responded the minister."Ithought all was in a fair way to an issue of the settlement.I'm very sorry to hear this.""Oh, sir," said the mourner, "don't think that I am grieved for them and their legacy--filthy lucre--no, sir; but I have had a letter that has made my hair stand on end.Be none surprised if you hear of the earth opening, and London swallowed up, and a voice crying in the wilderness, 'Woe, woe.'"The gentle priest was much surprised by this information; it was evident that Mrs.Glibbans had received a terrible account of the wickedness of London; and that the weight upon her pious spirit was owing to that cause.He, therefore, accompanied her home, and administered all the consolation he was able to give; assuring her, that it was in the power of Omnipotence to convert the stony heart into one of flesh and tenderness, and to raise the British metropolis out of the miry clay, and place it on a hill, as a city that could not be hid; which Mrs.Glibbans was so thankful to hear, that, as soon as he had left her, she took her tea in a satisfactory frame of mind, and went the same night to Miss Mally Glencairn to hear what Mrs.Pringle had said to her.No visit ever happened more opportunely; for just as Mrs.Glibbans knocked at the door, Miss Isabella Tod made her appearance.She had also received a letter from Rachel, in which it will be seen that reference was made likewise to Mrs.Pringle's epistle to Miss Mally.

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