

And the baits for this bold fish are not many: I mean, he will bite as well at some, or at any of these three, as at any or all others whatsoever: a worm, a minnow, or a little frog, of which you may find many in hay- time.And of worms; the dunghill worm called a brandling I take to be best, being well scoured in moss or fennel; or he will bite at a worm that lies under cow-dung, with a bluish head.And if you rove for a Perch with a minnow, then it is best to be alive; you sticking your hook through his back fin; or a minnow with the hook in his upper lip, and letting him swim up and down, about mid-water, or a little lower, and you still keeping him to about that depth by a cork, which ought not to be a very little one: and the like way you are to fish for the Perch with a small frog, your hook being fastened through the skin of his leg, towards the upper part of it: and,lastly, I will give you but this advice, that you give the Perch time enough when he bites; for there was scarce ever any angler that has given him too much.And now I think best to rest myself; for I have almost spent my spirits with talking so long.

Venator.Nay, good master, one fish more, for you see it rains still: and you know our angles are like money put to usury; they may thrive, though we sit still, and do nothing but talk and enjoy one another.Come, come, the other fish, good master.

Piscator.But, scholar, have you nothing to mix with this discourse, which now grows both tedious and tiresome ? Shall I have nothing from you, that seem to have both a good memory and a cheerful spirit?

Venator.Yes, master, I will speak you a copy of verses that were made by Doctor Donne, and made to shew the world that he could make soft and smooth verses, when he thought smoothness worth his labour: and I love them the better, because they allude to Rivers, and Fish and Fishing.They be these:

Come, live with me, and be my love, And we will some new pleasures prove, Of golden sands, and crystal brooks, With silken lines, and silver hooks.

There will the river whisp'ring run, Warm'd by thy eyes more than the sun And there the enamel'd fish will stay Begging themselves they may betray.

When thou wilt swim in that live bath, Each fish, which every channel hash, Most amorously to thee will swim, Gladder to catch thee.than thou him.

If thou, to be so seen, beest loath By sun or moon, thou dark'nest both; And if mine eyes have leave to see, I need not their light, having thee,Let others freeze with angling reeds, And cut their legs with shells and weeds, Or treacherously poor fish beset With strangling snares or windowy net;Let coarse bold hands, from slimy nest, The bedded fish in banks outwrest; Let curious traitors sleeve silk flies, To 'witch poor wand'ring fishes' eyes.

For thee, thou need'st no such deceit, For thou thyself art shine ownbait; That fish that is not catcht thereby, Is wiser afar, alas, than I.

Piscator.Well remembered, honest scholar.I thank you for these choice verses; which I have heard formerly, but had quite forgot, till they were recovered by your happy memory.Well, being I have now rested myself a little, I will make you some requital, by telling you some observations of the Eel; for it rains still: and because, as you say, our angles are as money put to use, that thrives when we play, therefore we'll sit still, and enjoy ourselves a little longer under this honeysuckle hedge.

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