

"They dream with open eyes, and the awakening is sometimes disagreeable.Ah, my dear Count Larinski, this, that, and the other, /et cetera/.Thus endeth the adventure."Then, stretching out her neck until her face was close to his, she darted at him a venomous, viper-like look, and, in a voice that seemed to cut into his tympanum like a sharp-toothed saw, she hissed, "Samuel Brohl, the man with the green eyes, sooner or later the mountains must meet!"It seemed to him that the candelabra on the mantel-piece darted out jets of flame, whose green, blue, and rose-coloured tongues ascended to the ceiling; and it appeared to him as though his heart was beating as noisily as a clock-pendulum, and that every one would turn to inquire whence came the noise.But every one was occupied; no one turned round; no one suspected that there was a man present on whom a thunderbolt had just fallen.

The man passed his hand over his brow, which was covered with a cold sweat; then dispelling, by an effort of will, the cloud that veiled his eyes, he, in turn, leaned towards the princess, and with quivering lip and evil, sardonic glance, said to her, in a low voice:

"Princess, I have a slight acquaintance with this Samuel Brohl of whom you speak.He is not a man who will allow himself to be strangled without a great deal of outcry.You are not much in the habit of writing, nevertheless he received from you two letters, which he copied, placing the originals in safety.If ever he sees the necessity of appearing in a court of justice, these two letters can be made to create quite a sensation, and unquestionably they will be the delight of all the petty journals of Paris."Thereupon he made a profound bow, respectfully took leave of Mme.de Lorcy, and retired, followed by Abbe Miollens, who inflicted a real torture by insisting on accompanying him to the station.

No longer restrained by Mme.de Lorcy's presence, the abbe spoke freely of the happy event in which he prided himself to have been a co-operator; he overwhelmed him with congratulation, and all the good wishes he could possibly think of for his happiness.During a quarter of an hour he lavished on him his myrrh and honey.Samuel would gladly have wrung his neck.He could not breathe until the abbe had freed him from his obtrusive society.

A storm muttered in the almost cloudless sky.It was a dry storm; the rain fell elsewhere.The incessant lightning, accompanied by distant thunder, gleamed from all quarters of the horizon, and darted its luminous flashes over the whole extent of the plain.At intervals the hills seemed to be on fire.Several times Samuel, who stood with his nose against the glass of the car-door, thought that he saw in the direction of Cormeilles the flaring light of a conflagration, in which were blazing his dream and two millions, to say nothing of his great expectations.

He bitterly reproached himself for his folly of the previous day."If I had passed yesterday evening with her," he thought, "surely she would have spoken of the Princess Gulof.I would have taken measures accordingly, and nothing would have happened." It was all M.Langis's fault; it was to him that he imputed the disaster, and he hated him all the more.

However, as he approached Paris, he felt his courage returning.

"Those two letters frightened the old fairy," he thought."She will think twice before she declares war with me.No, she will not dare."He added: "And if she dared, Antoinette loves me so much that I can make her believe what I please."And he prepared in his mind what he should say, in case the event occurred.

At that very moment Mme.de Lorcy, who was alone with Princess Gulof, was saying: "Well, my dear, you have talked with my man.What do you think of him?"The princess distressed her by her reply."I think, my dear," she rejoined, "that Count Larinski is the last of the heroes of romance--or, if you like better, the last of the troubadours; but I have no reason to believe him to be an adventurer."Mme.de Lorcy could get nothing further from Princess Gulof; she had invited her to remain overnight; she got no pay for her hospitality.

The princess spent part of the night in reflecting and deliberating.

Samuel Brohl's insolent menace had produced some effect.She sought to remember the exact purport of the two letters that formerly she had had the imprudence to write him from London, while he was fulfilling a business commission for her in Paris.On his return she had required Samuel to burn these two compromising epistles, in her presence; he had deceived her; he burned the envelopes and blank paper.The thought of some day having her composition quoted in court, and printed verbatim in the petty journals, terrified her, and made her blood boil in her veins; she hardly cared to take Paris and St.Petersburg into her confidence concerning an experience the recollection of which caused her disgust--but to let such an admirable opportunity of vengeance escape her! renounce the delight of the gods and of princesses! permit this man who had just defied her to accomplish his underhand intrigue! She could not resign herself to the idea, and the consequence was that, during the night she spent at Maisons, she scarcely closed her eyes.

  • 四溟诗话


  • 杂症会心录


  • 朝鲜禅教考


  • 斯未信斋杂录


  • 华严策林


  • 杏庭摘稿


  • 函谷关


  • 会思考的狗


  • 仙君您最大


  • 禅林疏语考证


  • 天兽图


  • EXO你是我心中的光芒


  • 落霞宫


  • 网游——金戈铁马


  • 大云经祈雨坛法

