

The traditions of the great players of the past, the notable personages that make up the parties in the Royal Box and Committee Box, the honour of a visit from their Majesties the King and Queen, and, above all, the generous, non-partisan, sportsmanlike attitude of the British public, make it a unique privilege to enter the centre court in championship competition.These things inspire the mind to an almost abnormal keenness.It is this atmosphere that made N.E.Brookes, Anthony F.Wilding, A.W.Gore, R.

F.and H.L.Doherty more dangerous there than anywhere else.It is this factor that spurs on J.C.Parke and A.R.F.Kingscote to their greatest tennis to-day.

The great championship turf at Forest Hills, where the American Championship is held, offers a unique contrast to Wimbledon.

The age of Wimbledon is its great attraction.It is the spirit of youth, of progress, of business-like mechanical perfection of management, and the enormous crowds and attendant enthusiasm that is the chief attraction at Forest Hills.Fully 15,000 were present on the closing day of the event in 1919.Orderly, courteous, enthusiastic, but partisan, the American tennis public comes out to cheer on its favourite.No people in the world appreciate visiting players more whole-heartedly and none do more for their comfort than the American people.It is partisan, personal, sportingfriendliness, warmer yet not so correct as the manner of the British public, that the Americans give.We have much to learn from our British friends.Yet I hope we will never sacrifice the warmth of feeling that at times may run away with us, yet in the main is the chief attraction of the American people.It is this enthusiasm that spurs on the men to their greatest efforts in the National Championship.

The Australian team, Norman E.Brookes, Gerald Patterson, Randolph Lycett, and R.V.Thomas, who visited the United States, in 1919, scored a unique personal triumph.The whole gallery present at the notable match in the Championship, when Patterson went down to defeat in a terrific 5- set struggle with W.M.Johnston, rose and cheered Patterson as he walked off the court.It was a real ovation; a tribute to his sportsmanship, and an outburst of personal admiration.Brookes was the recipient of an equal demonstration on his final appearance at Forest Hills.The stimulus of the surroundings produced the highest tennis of which these men were capable.

Yet in all championships it is the personal element that is the moving factor.Personalities are the deciding force in popularity.Patriotism is partially submerged in personality.

The Davis Cup matches bring out the gamest struggles in the history of tennis.It is in these unique series of matches that the fame of Anthony F.Wilding, Norman E.Brookes, J.C.Parke, B.C.Wright, M.E.M'Loughlin, and others reached its crest.It was the unselfish giving of one's best, under all conditions, for the honour of the country that called out the finest tennis in each man.Parke reached his crest in his memorable defeat of Brookes.M'Loughlin has never quite equalled his marvellous game of 1914 against Brookes and Wilding.

It is the psychology of patriotism that brings out this tennis.

Personality is submerged.Unity of purpose as a team, replaces the object of personal glory that is the keynote of championship.

It is the friendly rivalry of sport, between such men as form the backbone of tennis in each country, that does more for international understanding than all the notes ever written from the White House.

I could go on writing tennis psychology as explained by externalconditions for hundreds of pages, but all I want to do is to bring to mind a definite idea of the value of the mind in the game.Stimulate it how you will, a successful tennis player must admit the value of quick mind.Do it by a desire for personal glory, or team success, or by a love of competition in matching your wits against the other man's, but do it some way.

Do, not think that tennis is merely a physical exercise.It is a mental cock-tail of a very high "kick."

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