

"A few days later came the meeting.Gennaro returned from it with aface which told me that something dreadful had occurred.It was worse than we could have imagined possible.The funds of the society were raised by blackmailing rich Italians and threatening them with violence should they refuse the money.It seems that Castalotte, our dear friend and benefactor, had been approached.He had refused to yield to threats, and he had handed the notices to the police.It was resolved now that such an example should be made of them as would prevent any other victim from rebelling.At the meeting it was arranged that he and his house should be blown up with dynamite.There was a drawing of lots as to who should carry out the deed.Gennaro saw our enemy's cruel face smiling at him as he dipped his hand in the bag.No doubt it had been prearranged in some fashion, for it was the fatal disc with the Red Circle upon it, the mandate for murder, which lay upon his palm.He was to kill his best friend, or he was to expose himself and me to the vengeance of his comrades.It was part of their fiendish system to punish those whom they feared or hated by injuring not only their own persons but those whom they loved, and it was the knowledge of this which hung as a terror over my poor Gennaro's head and drove him nearly crazy with apprehension.

"All that night we sat together, our arms round each other, each strengthening each for the troubles that lay before us.The very next evening had been fixed for the attempt.By midday my husband and I were on our way to London, but not before he had given our benefactor full warning of this danger, and had also left such information for the police as would safeguard his life for the future.

"The rest, gentlemen, you know for yourselves.We were sure that our enemies would be behind us like our own shadows.Gorgiano had his private reasons for vengeance, but in any case we knew how ruthless, cunning, and untiring he could be.Both Italy and America are full of stories of his dreadful powers.If ever they were exerted it would be now.My darling made use of the few clear days which our start had given us in arranging for a refuge for me in such a fashion that no possible danger could reach me.For his own part, he wished to be free that he might communicate both with the American and with the Italian police.I do not myself know where he lived, or how.All that I learned was throughthe columns of a newspaper.But once as I looked through my window, I saw two Italians watching the house, and I understood that in some way Gorgiano had found our retreat.Finally Gennaro told me, through the paper, that he would signal to me from a certain window, but when the signals came they were nothing but warnings, which were suddenly interrupted.It is very clear to me now that he knew Gorgiano to be close upon him, and that, thank God! he was ready for him when he came.And now, gentleman, I would ask you whether we have anything to fear from the law, or whether any judge upon earth would condemn my Gennaro for what he has done?""Well, Mr.Gregson," said the American, looking across at the official, "I don't know what your British point of view may be, but I guess that in New York this lady's husband will receive a pretty general vote of thanks." "She will have to come with me and see the chief," Gregson answered.

"If what she says is corroborated, I do not think she or her husband has much to fear.But what I can't make head or tail of, Mr.Holmes, is how on earth YOU got yourself mixed up in the matter.""Education, Gregson, education.Still seeking knowledge at the old university.Well, Watson, you have one more specimen of the tragic and grotesque to add to your collection.By the way, it is not eight o'clock, and a Wagner night at Covent Garden! If we hurry, we might be in time for the second act."

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