

"Oh, I'll want you!" Then coolly: "Shall we wait till you make up your mind before announcing the engagement?""Don't be too sure," she flashed at him."I'm horribly unsure.""Of course, you're laughing at me, just as you would"--she tilted a sudden sideways glance at him--"if I asked you WHY you wanted to marry me.""Oh, if you take me that way----"

She interrupted airily."I'm trying to make up my mind whether to take you at all.""You certainly have a direct way of getting at things."He studied appreciatively her piquant, tilted face; the long, graceful lines of her slender, perfect figure."I take it you don't want the sentimental reason for my wishing to marry you, though I find that amply justified.

But if you want another, you must still look to yourself for it.My business leads me to appreciate values correctly.When I desire you to sit at the head of my table, to order my house, my judgment justifies itself.I have a fancy always for the best.When I can't gratify it I do without.""Thank you." She made him a gay little mock curtsy "I had heard you were no carpet-knight, Mr.Ridgway.But rumor is a lying jade, for I am being told--am I not?--that in case I don't take pity on you, the lone future of a celibate stretches drear before you.""Oh, certainly."

Having come to the end of that passage, she tried another."A young man told me yesterday you were a fighter.He said he guessed you would stand the acid.What did he mean?"Ridgway was an egoist from head to heel.He could voice his own praises by the hour when necessary, but now he side-stepped her little trap to make him praise himself at second-hand.

"Better ask him."

"ARE you a fighter, then?"

Had he known her and her whimsies less well, he might have taken her audacity for innocence.

"One couldn't lie down, you know."

"Of course, you always fight fair," she mocked.

"When a fellow's attacked by a gang of thugs he doesn't pray for boxing-gloves.He lets fly with a coupling-pin if that's what comes handy." Her eyes, glinting sparks of mischief, marveled at him with mock reverence, but she knew in her heart that her mockery was a fraud.She did admire him; admired him even while she disapproved the magnificentlawlessness of him.

For Waring Ridgway looked every inch the indomitable fighter he was.He stood six feet to the line, straight and strong, carrying just sufficient bulk to temper his restless energy without impairing its power.Nor did the face offer any shock of disappointment to the promise given by the splendid figure.Salient-jawed and forceful, set with cool, flinty, blue-gray eyes, no place for weakness could be found there.One might have read a moral callousness, a colorblindness in points of rectitude, but when thelast word had been said, its masterful capability, remained the outstanding impression.

"Am I out of the witness-box?" he presently asked, still leaning against the mantel from which he had been watching her impersonally as an intellectual entertainment.

"I think so."

"And the verdict?"

"You know what it ought to be," she accused."Fortunately, kisses go by favor, not by, merit." "You don't even make a pretense of deserving." "Give me credit for being an honest rogue, at least." "But a rogue?" she insisted lightly.

"Oh, a question of definitions.I could make a very good case for myself as an honest man.""If you thought it worth while?"

"If I didn't happen to want to be square with you"--he smiled.

"You're so fond of me, I suppose, that you couldn't bear to have me think too well of you.""You know how fond of you I am." "Yes, it is a pity about you," she scoffed."Believe me, yes," he replied cheerfully.

  • 印川


  • 神战御龙


  • 武侠游方行


  • 天价冷妃:王爷要淡定


  • 默默的快穿


  • 神遗之域


  • 红颜非祸水


  • 爱的修炼手册


  • 祭祀之国:乱世鸾凤


  • 霸道老公娇妻别想逃

