

"One moment, Mr.Ridgway.I have told you my purpose in coming to Montana.That purpose no longer exists.Circumstances have completelyaltered my intentions.The finger of God is in it.He has not brought us together thus strangely, except to serve some purpose of His own.I think I see that purpose.'The stone which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner.This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes,'" he quoted unctiously."I am convinced that it is a waste of good material to crush you; therefore I desire to effect a consolidation with you, buy all the other copper interests of any importance in the country, and put you at the head of the resulting combination."In spite of himself, Ridgway's face betrayed him.It was a magnificent opportunity, the thing he had dreamed of as the culmination of a lifetime of fighting.Nobody knew better than he on how precarious a footing he stood, on how slight a rock his fortunes might be wrecked.Here was his chance to enter that charmed, impregnable inner circle of finance that in effect ruled the nation.That Harley's suave friendliness would bear watching he did not doubt for a moment, but, once inside, so his vital youth told him proudly, he would see to it that the billionaire did not betray him.A week ago he could have asked nothing better than this chance to bloat himself into a some-day colossus.But now the thing stuck in his gorge.He understood the implied obligation.Payment for his service to Aline Harley was to be given, and the ledger balanced.Well, why not? Had he not spent the night in a chaotic agony of renunciation? But to renounce voluntarily was one thing, to be bought off another.

He looked up and met Harley's thin smile, the smile that on Wall Street was a synonym for rapacity and heartlessness, in the memory of which men had committed murder and suicide.On the instant there jumped between him and his ambition the face that had worked magic on him.What a God's pity that such a lamb should be cast to this ravenous wolf! He felt again her arms creeping round his neck, the divine trust of her lovely eyes.He had saved her when this man who called himself her husband had left her to perish in the storm.He had made her happy, as she had never been in all her starved life.Had she not promised never to forget, and was there not a deeper promise in her wistful eyes that the years could not wipe out? She was his by every right of natural law.By God! he would not sell his freedom of choice to this white haired robber!

"I seldom make mistakes in my judgment of men, Mr.Ridgway," the oily voice ran on."No small share of such success as it has been given me to attain has been due to this instinct for putting my finger on the right man.I am assured that in you I find one competent for the great work lying before you.The opportunity is waiting; I furnish it, and you the untiring energy of youth to make the most of the chance." His wolfish smile bared the tusks for a moment."I find myself not so young as I was.The great work I have started is well under way.I must trust its completion to younger and stronger hands than mine.I intend to rest, to devote myself to my home, more directly to such philanthropic and educational work as God has committed to my hands."The Westerner gave him look for look, his eyes burning to get over the impasse of the expressionless mask no man had ever penetrated.He began to see why nobody had ever understood Harley.He knew there would be no rest for that consuming energy this side of the grave.Yet the man talked as if he believed his own glib lies.

"Consolidated is the watchword of the age; it means elimination of ruinous competition, and consequent harmony and reduced expense in management.Mr.Ridgway, may I count you with us? Together we should go far.Do you say peace or war?"The younger man rose, leaning forward with his strong, sinewy hands gripping the table.His face was pale with the repression of a rage that had been growing intense."I say war, and without quarter.I don't believe you can beat me.I defy you to the test.And if you should--even then I had rather go down fighting you than win at your side."Simon Harley had counted acceptance a foregone conclusion, but he never winked a lash at the ringing challenge of his opponent.He met his defiance with an eye cold and steady as jade.

"As you please, Mr.Ridgway.I wash my hands of your ruin, and when you are nothing but a broken gambler, you will remember that I offered you the greatest chance that ever came to a man of your age.You are one of those men, I see, that would rather be first in hell than second in heaven.So be it." He rose and buttoned his overcoat.

"Say, rather, that I choose to go to hell my own master and not as theslave of Simon Harley," retorted the Westerner bitterly.

Ridgway's eyes blazed, but those of the New Yorker were cool and fishy.

"There is no occasion for dramatics," he said, the cruel, passionless smile at his thin lips."I make you a business proposition and you decline it.That is all.I wish you good day."The other strode past him and flung the door open.He had never before known such a passion of hatred as raged within him.Throughout his life Simon Harley had left in his wake wreckage and despair.He was the best-hated man of his time, execrated by the working classes, despised by the country at large, and distrusted by his fellow exploiters.Yet, as a business opponent, Ridgway had always taken him impersonally, had counted him for a condition rather than an individual.But with the new influence that had come into his life, reason could not reckon, and when it was dominant with him, Harley stood embodied as the wolf ready to devour his ewe lamb.

For he couldn't get away from her.Wherever he went he carried with him the picture of her sweet, shy smile, her sudden winsome moments, the deep light in her violet eyes; and in the background the sinister bared fangs of the wild beast dogging her patiently, and yet lovingly.

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