

Apparently the head of the great trust intended to lose no time in having that business talk with Ridgway, which he had graciously promised the latter.Eaton and his chief were busy over some applications for leases when Smythe came into the room with a letter"Messenger-boy brought it; said it was important," he explained.

Ridgway ripped open the envelope, read through the letter swiftly, and tossed it to Eaton.His eyes had grown hard and narrow"Write to Mr.Hobart that I am sorry I haven't time to call on Mr.Harley at the Consolidated offices, as he suggests.Add that I expect to be in my offices all morning, and shall be glad to make an appointment to talk with Mr.Harley here, if he thinks he has any business with me that needs a personal interview."Smythe's leathery face had as much expression as a blank wall, but Eaton gasped.The unparalleled audacity of flinging the billionaire's overture back in his face left him for the moment speechless.He knew that Ridgway had tempted Providence a hundred times without coming to disaster, but surely this was going too far.Any reasonable compromise with the great trust builder would be cause for felicitation.He had confidence in his chief to any point in reason, but he could not blind himself to the fact that the wonderful successes he had gained were provisional rather than final.He likened them to Stonewall Jackson's Shenandoah raid, very successful in irritating, disorganizing and startling the enemy, but with no serious bearing on the final inevitable result.In the end Harley would crush his foes if he set in motion the whole machinery of his limitless resources.That was Eaton's private opinion, and he was very much of the feeling that this was an opportune time to get in out of the rain.

"Don't you think we had better consider that answer before we send it, Waring?" he suggested in a low voice.

His chief nodded a dismissal to the secretary before answering.

"I have considered it."

"But--surely it isn't wise to reject his advances before we know what they are.""I haven't rejected them.I've simply explained that we are doing business on equal terms.Even if I meant to compromise, it would pay me to let him know he doesn't own me.""He may decide not to offer his proposition." "It wouldn't worry me if he did."Eaton knew he must speak now if his protest were to be of any avail."It would worry me a good deal.He has shown an inclination to be friendly.This answer is like a slap in the face.""Is it?"

"Doesn't it look like that to you?"

Ridgway leaned back in his chair and looked thoughtfully at his friend."Want to sell out, Steve?""Why--what do you mean?" asked the surprised treasurer.

"If you do, I'll pay anything in reason for your stock." He got up and began to pace the floor with long deliberate strides."I'm a born gambler, Steve.It clears my head to take big chances.Give me a good fight on my hands with the chances against me, and I'm happy.You've got to take the world by the throat and shake success out of it if you're going to score heavily.That's how Harley made good years ago.Read the story of his life.See the chances he took.He throttled combinations a dozen times as strong as his.Some people say he was an accident.Don't you believe it.Accidents like him don't happen.He won because he was the biggest, brainiest, most daring and unscrupulous operator in the field.That's why I'm going to win--if I do win.""Yes, if you win."

"Well, that's the chance I take," flung back the other as he swung buoyantly across the room."But YOU don't need to take it.If you want, you can get out now at the top market price.I feel it in my bones I'm going to win; but if you don't feel it, you'd be a fool to take chances."Eaton's mercurial temperament responded with a glow."No, sir.I'll sit tight.I'm no quitter.""Good for you, Steve.I knew it.I'll tell you now that I would have hated like hell to see you leave me.You're the only man I can rely on down to the ground, twenty-four hours of every day."The answer was sent, and Eaton's astonishment at his chief's temerity changed to amazement when the great Harley, pocketing his pride, asked for an appointment, and appeared at the offices of the Mesa Ore-producing Company at the time set.That Ridgway, who was busy with one of his superintendents, should actually keep the most powerful man in the country waiting in an outer office while he finished his business with Dalton seemed to him insolence florescent.

"Whom the gods would destroy," he murmured to himself as the only possible explanation, for the reaction of his enthusiasm was on him.

Nor did his chief's conference with Dalton show any leaning toward compromise.Ridgway had sent for his engineer to outline a program in regard to some ore-veins in the Sherman Bell, that had for months been in litigation between the two big interests at Mesa.Neither party to the suit had waited for the legal decision, but each of them had put a large force at work stoping out the ore.Occasional conflicts had occurred when the men of the opposing factions came in touch, as they frequently did, since crews were at work below and above each other at every level.But none of these as yet had been serious.

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