"Even so, Sam," returned the other equably."And now, tell me how you managed to round us all up safely.""You've heard, then, that we got the whole party in time?""Yes, I've been talking with one of your enthusiastic riders that went out with you after us.He's been flimflammed into believing you the greatest man in the United States.Tell me how you do it.""Nick's a good boy, but I reckon he didn't tell you quite all that." "Didn't he? You should have heard him reel off your praises by theyard.I got the whole story of how you headed the relief-party after you had reached the ranch more dead than alive.""Then, if you've got it, I don't need to tell you.I WAS a bit worried about the old man.He was pretty far gone when we reached him, but he pulled through all right.He's still sleeping like a top.""Is he?" His guest's hard gaze came round to meet his."And the lady? Do you know how she stood it?""My sister says she was pretty badly played out, but all she needs is rest.Nell put her in her own bed, and she, too, has been doing nothing but sleep."Ridgway smoked out his cigar in silence then tossed it into the fireplace as he rose briskly.
"I want to talk to Mesa over the phone, Sam.""Can't do it.The wires are down.This storm played the deuce with them.""The devil! I'll have to get through myself then.""Forget business for a day or two, Waring, and take it easy up here," counseled his host.
"Can't do it.I have to make arrangements to welcome Simon Harley to Mesa.The truth is, Sam, that there are several things that won't wait.I've got to frame them up my way.Can you get me through to the railroad in time to catch the Limited?""I think so.The road has been traveled for two or three days.If you really must go.I hate to have you streak off like this.""I'd like to stay, Sam, but I can't.For one thing, there's that senatorial fight coming on.Now that Harley's on the ground in person, I'll have to look after my fences pretty close.He's a good fighter, and he'll be out to win.""After what you've done for him.Don't you think that will make a difference, Waring?"His friend laughed without mirth."What have I done for him? I left him in the snow to die, and while a good many thousand other people would bless me for it, probably he has a different point of view.""I was thinking of what you did for his wife.""You've said it exactly.I did it for her, not for him.I'll accept nothing from Harley on that account.He is outside of the friendship between her and me, and he can't jimmy his way in."Yesler shrugged his shoulders." All right.I'll order a rig hitched for you and drive you over myself.I want to talk over this senatorial fight anyhow.The way things look now it's going to be the rottenest session of the legislature we've ever had.Sometimes I'm sick of being mixed up in the thing, but I got myself elected to help straighten out things, and I'm certainly going to try.""That's right, Sam.With a few good fighters like you we can win out.Anything to beat the Consolidated.""Anything to keep our politics decent," corrected the other."I've got nothing against the Consolidated, but I won't lie down and let it or any other private concern hog-tie this State--not if I can help it, anyhow."Behind wary eyes Ridgway studied him.He was wondering how farthis man would go as his tool.Sam Yesler held a unique position in the State.His influence was commanding among the sturdy old-time population represented by the non-mining interests of the smaller towns and open plains.He must be won at all hazards to lend it in the impending fight against Harley.The mine-owner knew that no thought of personal gain would move him.He must be made to feel that it was for the good of the State that the Consolidated be routed.Ridgway resolved to make him see it that way.