

His quick eye noticed the swept floor and the evanishment of disorder."Hello! What's this clean through a fall house-cleaning? I'm not the only member of the firm that has been working.Dishes washed, floor swept, bed made, kitchen fire lit.You've certainly been going some, unless the fairies helped you.Aren't you afraid of blistering these little hands?" he asked gaily, taking one of them in his and touching the soft palm gentlywith the tip of his finger.

"I should preserve those blisters in alcohol to show that I've really been of some use," she answered, happy in his approval.

"Sho! People are made for different uses.Some are fit only to shovel and dig.Others are here simply to decorate the world.Hard world.Hard work is for those who can't give society anything else, but beauty is its own excuse for being," he told her breezily."Now that's the first compliment you have given me," she pouted prettily."I can get them in plenty back in the drawing-rooms where I am supposed to belong.We're to be real comrades here, and compliments are barred.""I wasn't complimenting you," he maintained."I was merely stating a principle of art.""Then you mustn't make your principles of art personal, sir.But since you have, I'm going to refute the application of your principle and show how useful I've been.Now, sir, do you know what provisions we have outside of those you have just brought?"He knew exactly, since he had investigated during the night.That they might possibly have to endure a siege of some weeks, he was quite well aware, and his first thought, after she had gone to sleep before the fire, had been to make inventory of such provisions as the prospector had left in his cabin.A knuckle of ham, part of a sack of flour, some navy beans, and some tea siftings at the bottom of a tin can; these constituted the contents of the larder which the miner had gone to replenish.But though the man knew he assumed ignorance, for he saw that she was bubbling over with the desire to show her forethought.

"Tell me," he begged of her, and after she had done so, he marveled aloud over her wisdom in thinking of it.

"Now tell me about your trip," she commanded, setting herself tailor fashion on the rug to listen.

"There isn't much to tell," he smiled "I should like to make an adventure of it, but I can't.I just went and came back.""Oh, you just went and came back, did you?" she scoffed."That won't do at all.I want to know all about it.Did you find the machine all right?""I found it where we left it, buried in four feet of snow.You needn't beafraid that anybody will run away with it for a day or two.The pantry was cached pretty deep itself, but I dug it out."Her shy glance admired the sturdy lines of his powerful frame."I am afraid it must have been a terrible task to get there through the blizzard.""Oh, the blizzard is past.You never saw a finer, more bracing morning.It's a day for the gods," he laughed boyishly.

She could have conceived no Olympian more heroic than he, and certainly none with so compelling a vitality."Such a warm, kind light in them!" she thought of the eyes others had found hard and calculating.

It was lucky that the lunch the automobilists had brought from Avalanche was ample and as yet untouched.The hotel waiter, who had attended to the packing of it, had fortunately been used to reckon with outdoor Montana appetites instead of cloyed New York ones.They unpacked the little hamper with much gaiety.Everything was frozen solid, and the wine had cracked its bottle.

"Shipped right through on our private refrigerator-car.That cold- storage chicken looks the finest that ever happened.What's this rolled up in tissue-paper? Deviled eggs and ham sandwiches AND caviar, not to speak of claret frappe.I'm certainly grateful to the gentleman finished in ebony who helped to provision us for this siege.He'll never know what a tip he missed by not being here to collect.""Here's jelly, too, and cake," she said, exploring with him.

"Not to mention peaches and pears.Oh, this is luck of a special brand! I was expecting to put up at Starvation Camp.Now we may name it Point Plenty.""Or Fort Salvation," she suggested shyly."Because you brought me here to save my life."She was such a child, in spite of her charming grown-up airs, that he played make-believe with a zest that surprised himself when he came to think of it.She elected him captain of Fort Salvation, with full power of life and death over the garrison, and he appointed her second in command.His first general order was to put the garrison on two meals a day.

She clapped her little hands, eyes sparkling with excitement."Are we really snow-bound? Must we go on half-rations?""It is the part of wisdom, lieutenant," he answered, smiling at her enthusiasm."We don't know how long this siege is going to last.If it should set in to snow, we may be here several days before the relief-party reaches us." But, though he spoke cheerfully, he was aware of sinister possibilities in the situation."Several weeks" would have been nearer his real guess.

  • 教育孩子的80种美德


    这是一部献给天下所有父母的书,同时更是一部关系到孩子们命运的书。书中荟萃了流传甚久的美德故事,这些智慧一直在全世界广泛流传,深刻地影响了千千万万的家庭,为孩子们的伟大前程提供了一份行动的指南,也给父母们望子成龙的希望带来了福音。 教育的最终目的,就是追求孩子的行为和思想趋向正常,从而从根本上改变孩子的缺点。
  • 福妻驾到


  • 致最后的遗憾


  • 相思谋:妃常难娶


  • 狼人先生


  • 福妻驾到


  • 傲游穹海


  • 王俊凯之我的小丫头


  • 纨绔神医:废柴三小姐


  • 水样年华

