

Prophecy and Fulfillment

Then Tarzan turned his attention to the man.He had not slain Numa to save the Negro--he had merely done it in revenge upon the lion; but now that he saw the old man lying helpless and dying before him something akin to pity touched his savage heart.In his youth he would have slain the witch-doctor without the slightest compunction; but civilization had had its softening effect upon him even as it does upon the nations and races which it touches, though it had not yet gone far enough with Tarzan to render him either cowardly or effeminate.He saw an old man suffering and dying, and he stooped and felt of his wounds and stanched the flow of blood.

"Who are you?" asked the old man in a trembling voice.

"I am Tarzan--Tarzan of the Apes," replied the ape-man and not without a greater touch of pride than he would have said, "I am John Clayton, Lord Greystoke."

The witch-doctor shook convulsively and closed his eyes.When he opened them again there was in them a resignation to whatever horrible fate awaited him at the hands of this feared demon of the woods."Why do you not kill me?" he asked.

"Why should I kill you?" inquired Tarzan.

"You have not harmed me, and anyway you are already dying.

Numa, the lion, has killed you."

"You would not kill me?" Surprise and incredulity were in the tones of the quavering old voice.

"I would save you if I could," replied Tarzan, "but that cannot be done.Why did you think I would kill you?"

For a moment the old man was silent.When he spoke it was evidently after some little effort to muster his courage."I knew you of old," he said, "when you ranged the jungle in the country of Mbonga, the chief.

I was already a witch-doctor when you slew Kulonga and the others, and when you robbed our huts and our poison pot.At first I did not remember you; but at last I did--the white-skinned ape that lived with the hairy apes and made life miserable in the village of Mbonga, the chief--the forest god--the Munango-Keewati for whom we set food outside our gates and who came and ate it.

Tell me before I die--are you man or devil?"

Tarzan laughed."I am a man," he said.

The old fellow sighed and shook his head."You have tried to save me from Simba," he said."For that I

shall reward you.I am a great witch-doctor.Listen to me, white man! I see bad days ahead of you.It is writ in my own blood which I have smeared upon my palm.

A god greater even than you will rise up and strike you down.Turn back, Munango-Keewati! Turn back before it is too late.Danger lies ahead of you and danger lurks behind; but greater is the danger before.I see--"

He paused and drew a long, gasping breath.Then he crumpled into a little, wrinkled heap and died.

Tarzan wondered what else he had seen.

It was very late when the ape-man re-entered the boma and lay down among his black warriors.None had seen him go and none saw him return.He thought about the warning of the old witch-doctor before he fell asleep and he thought of it again after he awoke; but he did not turn back for he was unafraid, though had he known what lay in store for one he loved most in all the world he would have flown through the trees to her side and allowed the gold of Opar to remain forever hidden in its forgotten storehouse.

Behind him that morning another white man pondered something he had heard during the night and very nearly did he give up his project and turn back upon his trail.It was Werper, the murderer, who in the still of the night had heard far away upon the trail ahead of him a sound that had filled his cowardly soul with terror--a sound such as he never before had heard in all his life, nor dreamed that such a frightful thing could emanate from the lungs of a God-created creature.

He had heard the victory cry of the bull ape as Tarzan had screamed it forth into the face of Goro, the moon, and he had trembled then and hidden his face; and now in the broad light of a new day he trembled again as he recalled it, and would have turned back from the nameless danger the echo of that frightful sound seemed to portend, had he not stood in even greater fear of Achmet Zek, his master.

And so Tarzan of the Apes forged steadily ahead toward Opar's ruined ramparts and behind him slunk Werper, jackal-like, and only God knew what lay in store for each.

At the edge of the desolate valley, overlooking the golden domes and minarets of Opar, Tarzan halted.

By night he would go alone to the treasure vault, reconnoitering, for he had determined that caution should mark his every move upon this expedition.

With the coming of night he set forth, and Werper, who had scaled the cliffs alone behind the ape-man's party, and hidden through the day among the rough boulders of the mountain top, slunk stealthily after him.The boulder-strewn plain between the valley's edge and the mighty granite kopje, outside the city's walls, where lay the entrance to the passage-way leading to the treasure vault, gave the Belgian ample cover as he followed Tarzan toward Opar.

He saw the giant ape-man swing himself nimbly up the face of the great rock.Werper, clawing fearfully during the perilous ascent, sweating in terror, almost palsied by fear, but spurred on by avarice, following upward, until at last he stood upon the summit of the rocky hill.

Tarzan was nowhere in sight.For a time Werper hid behind one of the lesser boulders that were scattered over the top of the hill, but, seeing or hearing nothing of the Englishman, he crept from his place of concealment to undertake a systematic search of his surroundings, in the hope that he might discover the location of the treasure in ample time to make his escape before Tarzan returned, for it was the Belgian's desire merely to locate the gold, that, after Tarzan had departed, he might come in safety with his followers and carry away as much as he could transport.

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