

Achmet Zek Sees the Jewels

Mugambi, weak and suffering, had dragged his painful way along the trail of the retreating raiders.

He could move but slowly, resting often; but savage hatred and an equally savage desire for vengeance kept him to his task.As the days passed his wounds healed and his strength returned, until at last his giant frame had regained all of its former mighty powers.Now he went more rapidly; but the mounted Arabs had covered a great distance while the wounded black had been painfully crawling after them.

They had reached their fortified camp, and there Achmet Zek awaited the return of his lieutenant, Albert Werper.During the long, rough journey, Jane Clayton had suffered more in anticipation of her impending fate than from the hardships of the road.

Achmet Zek had not deigned to acquaint her with his intentions regarding her future.She prayed that she had been captured in the hope of ransom, for if such should prove the case, no great harm would befall her at the hands of the Arabs; but there was the chance, the horrid chance, that another fate awaited her.

She had heard of many women, among whom were white women, who had been sold by outlaws such as Achmet Zek into the slavery of black harems, or taken farther north into the almost equally hideous existence of some Turkish seraglio.

Jane Clayton was of sterner stuff than that which bends in spineless terror before danger.Until hope proved futile she would not give it up; nor did she entertain thoughts of self-destruction only as a final escape from dishonor.So long as Tarzan lived there was every reason to expect succor.No man nor beast who roamed the savage continent could boast the cunning and the powers of her lord and master.To her, he was little short of omnipotent in his native world--this world of savage beasts and savage men.Tarzan would come, and she would be rescued and avenged, of that she was certain.She counted the days that must elapse before he would return from Opar and discover what had transpired during his absence.After that it would be but a short time before he had surrounded the Arab stronghold and punished the motley crew of wrongdoers who inhabited it.

That he could find her she had no slightest doubt.

No spoor, however faint, could elude the keen vigilance of his senses.To him, the trail of the raiders would be as plain as the printed page of an open book to her.

And while she hoped, there came through the dark jungle another.Terrified by night and by day, came Albert Werper.A dozen times he had escaped the claws and fangs of the giant carnivora only by what seemed a miracle to him.Armed with nothing more than the knife he had brought with him from Opar, he had made his way through as savage a country as yet exists upon the face of the globe.

By night he had slept in trees.By day he had stumbled fearfully on, often taking refuge among the branches when sight or sound of some great cat warned him from danger.But at last he had come within sight of the palisade behind which were his fierce companions.

At almost the same time Mugambi came out of the jungle before the walled village.As he stood in the shadow of a great tree, reconnoitering, he saw a man, ragged and disheveled, emerge from the jungle almost at his elbow.Instantly he recognized the newcomer as he who had been a guest of his master before the latter had departed for Opar.

The black was upon the point of hailing the Belgian when something stayed him.He saw the white man walking confidently across the clearing toward the village gate.No sane man thus approached a village in this part of Africa unless he was sure of a friendly welcome.Mugambi waited.His suspicions were aroused.

He heard Werper halloo; he saw the gates swing open, and he witnessed the surprised and friendly welcome that was accorded the erstwhile guest of Lord and Lady Greystoke.A light broke upon the understanding of Mugambi.This white man had been a traitor and a spy.

It was to him they owed the raid during the absence of the Great Bwana.To his hate for the Arabs, Mugambi added a still greater hate for the white spy.

Within the village Werper passed hurriedly toward the silken tent of Achmet Zek.The Arab arose as his lieutenant entered.His face showed surprise as he viewed the tattered apparel of the Belgian.

"What has happened?" he asked.

Werper narrated all, save the little matter of the pouch of gems which were now tightly strapped about his waist, beneath his clothing.The Arab's eyes narrowed greedily as his henchman described the treasure that the Waziri had buried beside the ruins of the Greystoke bungalow.

"It will be a simple matter now to return and get it,"

said Achmet Zek."First we will await the coming of the rash Waziri, and after we have slain them we may take our time to the treasure--none will disturb it where it lies, for we shall leave none alive who knows of its existence.

"And the woman?" asked Werper.

"I shall sell her in the north," replied the raider.

"It is the only way, now.She should bring a good price."

The Belgian nodded.He was thinking rapidly.If he could persuade Achmet Zek to send him in command of the party which took Lady Greystoke north it would give him the opportunity he craved to make his escape from his chief.He would forego a share of the gold, if he could but get away unscathed with the jewels.

He knew Achmet Zek well enough by this time to know that no member of his band ever was voluntarily released from the service of Achmet Zek.Most of the few who deserted were recaptured.More than once had Werper listened to their agonized screams as they were tortured before being put to death.The Belgian had no wish to take the slightest chance of recapture.

"Who will go north with the woman," he asked, "while we are returning for the gold that the Waziri buried by the bungalow of the Englishman?"

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