
第13章 The Gay Old Dog [1917](8)

Jo looked at him, and his face flushed purple.His eyes, the hard- boiled eyes of a Loop-hound, took on the look of a sad old man.And suddenly he was no longer Jo, the sport; old J.Hertz, the gay dog.He was Jo Hertz, thirty, in love with life, in love with Emily, and with the stinging blood of young manhood coursing through his veins.

Another minute and the boy had passed on up the broad street--the fine, flag-bedecked street--just one of a hundred service hats bobbing in rhythmic motion like sandy waves lapping a shore and flowing on.

Then he disappeared altogether.

Emily was clinging to Jo.She was mumbling something, over andover."I can't.I can't.Don't ask me to.I can't let him go.

Like that.I can't." Jo said a queer thing.

"Why, Emily! We wouldn't have him stay home, would we? We wouldn't want him to do anything different, would we? Not our boy.I'm glad he enlisted.I'm proud of him.So are you glad."Little by little he quieted her.He took her to the car that was waiting, a worried chauffeur in charge.They said good-by, awkwardly.Emily's face was a red, swollen mass.

So it was that when Jo entered his own hallway half an hour later he blinked, dazedly, and when the light from the window fell on him you saw that his eyes were red.

Eva was not one to beat about the bush.She sat forward in her chair, clutching her bag rather nervously.

"Now, look here, Jo.Stell and I are here for a reason.We're here to tell you that this thing's going to stop.""Thing?Stop?"

"You know very well what I mean.You saw me at the milliner's that day.And night before last, Ethel.We're all disgusted.If you must go about with people like that, please have some sense of decency."Something gathering in Jo's face should have warned her.But he was slumped down in his chair in such a huddle, and he looked so old and fat that she did not heed it.She went on."You've got us to consider.Your sisters.And your nieces.Not to speak of your own----"But he got to his feet then, shaking, and at what she saw in his face even Eva faltered and stopped.It wasn't at all the face of a fat, middle- aged sport.It was a face Jovian, terrible.

"You!" he began, low-voiced, ominous."You!" He raised a great fist high."You two murderers! You didn't consider me, twenty years ago.You come to me with talk like that.Where's my boy! You killed him, you two, twenty years ago.And now he belongs to somebody else.Where's my son that should have gone marching by today?" He flung his arms out in a great gesture of longing.The red veins stood out on his forehead."Where's my son! Answer me that, you two selfish,miserable women.Where's my son!"Then, as they huddled together, frightened, wild-eyed.

"Out of my house!Out of my house!Before I hurt you!" They fled, terrified.The door banged behind them.

Jo stood, shaking, in the center of the room.Then he reached for a chair, gropingly, and sat down.He passed one moist, flabby hand over his forehead and it came away wet.The telephone rang.He sat still.It sounded far away and unimportant, like something forgotten.But it rang and rang insistently.Jo liked to answer his telephone when he was at home.

"Hello!"He knew instantly the voice at the other end."That you, Jo?" it said.


"How's my boy?" "I'm--all right."

"Listen, Jo.The crowd's coming over tonight.I've fixed up a little poker game for you.Just eight of us.""I can't come tonight, Gert." "Can't!Why not?""I'm not feeling so good."

"You just said you were all right."

"I AM all right.Just kind of tired."

The voice took on a cooing note."Is my Joey tired? Then he shall be all comfy on the sofa, and he doesn't need to play if he don't want to.No, sir."Jo stood staring at the black mouthpiece of the telephone.He was seeing a procession go marching by.Boys, hundreds of boys, in khaki.

"Hello! Hello!" The voice took on an anxious note."Are you there?""Yes," wearily.

"Jo, there's something the matter.You're sick.I'm coming right over.""No!" "Why not? You sound as if you'd been sleeping.Look here----""Leave me alone!" cried Jo, suddenly, and the receiver clacked onto the hook."Leave me alone.Leave me alone." Long after the connection had been broken.

He stood staring at the instrument with unseeing eyes.Then he turned and walked into the front room.All the light had gone out of it.Dusk had come on.All the light had gone out of everything.The zest had gone out of life.The game was over--the game he had been playing against loneliness and disappointment.And he was just a tired old man.A lonely, tired old man in a ridiculous rose-colored room that had grown, all of a sudden, drab {sic}

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