

The Sun and the Wind once had a quarrel as to which was the stronger.Each believed himself to be the more powerful.While they were arguing they saw a traveler walking along the country highway, wearing a great cloak.

"Here is a chance to test our strength," said the Wind; "let us see which of us is strong enough to make that traveler take off his cloak; the one who can do that shall be acknowledged the more powerful.""Agreed," said the Sun.

Instantly the Wind began to blow; he puffed and tugged at the man's cloak, and raised a storm of hail and rain, to beat at it.But the colder it grew and the more it stormed, the tighter the traveler held his cloak around him.The Wind could not get it off.

Now it was the Sun's turn.He shone with all his beams on the man's shoulders.As it grew hotter and hotter, the man unfastened his cloak; then he threw it back; at last he took it off! The Sun had won.

第一章THE LITTLE JACKAL AND THE ALLIGATORThe little Jackal was very fond of shell- fish.He used to go down by the river and hunt along the edges for crabs and such things.And once, when he was hunting for crabs, he was so hungry that he put his paw into the water after a crab without looking first,--which you never should do! The minute he put in his paw, SNAP! --the big Alligator who lives in the mud down there had it in his jaws.

"Oh, dear!" thought the little Jackal; "the big Alligator has my paw in his mouth! In another minute he will pull me down and gobble me up! What shall I do? what shall I do?" Then he thought, suddenly, "I'll deceive him!"So he put on a very cheerful voice, as if nothing at all were the matter, and he said,--"Ho! ho! Clever Mr.Alligator! Smart Mr.Alligator, to take that old bulrush root for my paw! I'll hope you'll find it very tender!"The old Alligator was hidden away beneath the mud and bulrush leaves, and he couldn't see anything.He thought, "Pshaw! I've made a mistake." So he opened his mouth and let the little Jackal go.

The little Jackal ran away as fast as he could, and as he ran he called out,--"Thank you, Mr.Alligator! Kind Mr.Alligator! SO kind of you to letme go!"

The old Alligator lashed with his tail and snapped with his jaws, but it was too late; the little Jackal was out of reach.

After this the little Jackal kept away from the river, out of danger.But after about a week he got such an appetite for crabs that nothing else would do at all; he felt that he must have a crab.So he went down by the river and looked all around, very carefully.He didn't see the old Alligator, but he thought to himself, "I think I'll not take any chances." So he stood still and began to talk out loud to himself.He said,--"When I don't see any little crabs on the land I most generally see them sticking out of the water, and then I put my paw in and catch them.I wonder if there are any fat little crabs in the water today?"The old Alligator was hidden down in the mud at the bottom of the river, and when he heard what the little Jackal said, he thought, "Aha! I'll pretend to be a little crab, and when he puts his paw in, I'll make my dinner of him." So he stuck the black end of his snout above the water and waited.

The little Jackal took one look, and then he said,--"Thank you, Mr.Alligator! Kind Mr.Alligator! You are EXCEEDINGLY kind to show me where you are! I will have dinner elsewhere." And he ran away like the wind.

The old Alligator foamed at the mouth, he was so angry, but the little Jackal was gone.

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    写给迷茫、走过弯路的你,让你脑袋开窍,人生不再迷茫后悔。本书探讨了关于能力、选择、行动、情绪、人脉、心智六大最影响我们的工作和生活的问题:天赋和努力究竟哪个更重要?一万小时定律真的有效吗?到底应该加快脚步还是享受慢生活?抱怨就不对吗?不自信的人就不容易成功吗?人脉需要设计吗? 独特才有个人魅力吗......学会自己判断和选择,你才不会总为自己的错误追悔莫及。没有过不去的坎儿,没有走不直的弯路。平衡轮、时间轴、四象限、金字塔,四大思考工具帮助你真正掌握自己的工作和生活!
  • 爱在异时空(我不是她)


  • 獠盔


  • 青竹私语暗花开


  • 浴火重生邪妃祸天下

