

Mr.Bobbsey and his son hurried on, following the crowd that filled thestreet leading to the lake.Several gentlemen knew the lumbermerchant,and called to him.

"I guess you're glad this isn't your lumber yard," said one.

"Yes, indeed," was the answer."I had a little fire there once, and I don't want another.But I'm afraid this is some of my property just the same.""Is that so?"

"Yes, it looks to be my boathouse." "So it does!" cried another man.

"Oh, father!" cried Bert."Our nice boathouse!""Well, the firemen may save it," said Mr.Bobbsey."We will hope so, anyhow," he added.

They had not gone on much farther before Mr.Bobbsey and Bert could see that it was indeed their boathouse on fire.One side was all ablaze, and the flames were slowly, but surely, eating their way over the whole place.But two engines were now pumping streams of water on the fire, and they might put it out before too much damage was done.

Mr.Bobbsey rushed forward, and, as the policemen and firemen knew him, they let him get close to the boathouse.

"You stay here, Bert," said Mr.Bobbsey to his son."Where are you going?" Bert wanted to know."I'm going to see if we can save any of the boats."There was a sailing craft, a number of rowboats, and a small gasoline launch in the boathouse.They had been stored away for the winter.

"Come on, men!" cried Mr.Bobbsey, as he saw some of his workmen in the crowd."Help me save the boats!"All rushed forward willingly, and, as there was part of the place where the flames had not yet reached, they could make their way into the house.They began lowering the boats into the icy water, while the firemen played the several lines of hose on the flames.

The third engine was now working, and so much water was pumped that even a larger fire could not have stood it for very long.The blaze began to die down, and when Mr.Bobbsey and his men were about to lower the gasoline launch into the icy water the chief ran up, saying:

"You don't need to do that!We've got the fire under control now.Itwill soon be out."

"Are you sure?" asked the lumber merchant.

"Yes.You can see for yourself.Leave the boat there.It will be all right."Mr.Bobbsey looked, and was satisfied that the larger part of the boathouse would be saved.So he and his men stopped their work; and went outside to cool off.

A little later the fire was practically out, but one engine continued to throw water on the smouldering sparks.The crowd began to leave now, for there was nothing more to see, and it was cold.

"My!" exclaimed Bert as his father came back to where he had left his son, "it didn't take long to settle that fire.""No, we have a good fire department," replied Mr.Bobbsey.

The fire chief came up to Mr Bobbsey, who expressed his thanks for the quick work of the firemen.

"Have you any idea what started the fire, Mr.Bobbsey?" asked the chief."Was the boathouse in use?""No," was the answer."It had been closed for the winter some time ago - in fact as soon as the carpenters finished making the changes.No one was in it as far as I know.""Then how do you account for this?" asked the chief, as he held out a box partly filled with cigarettes."I picked these up in the living room," he went on, for the boathouse had one room carpeted, and fitted with chairs and tables, and electric lights where the family often spent evenings during Summer.

"You found those cigarettes in the living room of the boathouse?" asked Mr.Bobbsey.

"I did; and the question is who was smoking?" went on the chief."In my opinion the end of a cigarette thrown aside, or perhaps a lighted match dropped in some corner, started this fire.Who was smoking?"

  • 哲理故事大全集(优秀小学生必读)


    本书精选上百则感动心灵的哲理故事,它们涵盖了成长的滋味、父爱母爱、纯洁友情等内容。在每则故事后面,都配有平实生动、明白浅近的赏析点评,方便读者领会、启迪和感悟。 通过一个个感同身受的故事,让小学生体会“真”的流露,“善”的进发,“美”的呈现,进而学会感动,懂得感恩!
  • 大云轮请雨经


  • 跨越时空的爱恋:废后得宠


  • 玄武幻帝


  • 我被男神附了身


  • 浪漫星云(中国当代诗歌札记)


  • 凡骨仙缘五毒心


  • 大荒神仙传


  • 妇人良方集要


  • 贵宾

