

The girls, while they played at this sport, also indulged in washing the faces of each other.With handsful of snow they rubbed the ears and cheeks of their chums so that there came a healthy glow to the skin.

One or two children, who lived near the school, ran in their yards as soon as the classes were dismissed, and brought out their sleds.But the snow was too thin to pack well and at best the coasting was not good.

"But it soon will be," declared Bert, as he and Charley walked along."We must finish our bob in a hurry.""All right.We'll work on it late tonight."And so the sound of hammer, plane and saw was heard in the old barn, where the sled was being built, until nearly ten o'clock.

"She ought to go very fast!" exclaimed Charley, as they paused to look at their sled.

"I'm sure she will," agreed Bert."And we'll put some carpet on the top of the main board, for a cushion for some of the girls." His chum agreed that this would be a good plan, and so the bob was made very attractive for the girls.

Bert and Charley took the big sled out for a private trial on a little hill behind the barn without telling anyone about it.They slid down very swiftly, and as they were walking up again Bert said:

"I think we have a fast one all right, Charley." "I'm sure we have," was the answer.

"It will pass anything on the main hill," went on Bert, and his friend believed him.

The storm kept up all night, and in the morning there was snow enough to suit anyone.Bert laughed as he looked out of the window and saw it.

"There'll be coasting now all right!" he cried, as he saw the big stretch of white over the fields and on the hills."We can have bob sled races, too.""Can't we come?" asked Flossie."We like sled rides," added Freddie.

"You may come part of the time," answered Bert."But big sledsaren'tfor little folks like you."

Not far from the Bobbsey home was a long hill that was most excellent for coasting.It was on this that Charley and Bert had decided to test their new sled on a long stretch.

As they hauled it from the barn where it had been made, and started to pull it to the hill, there were many laughs at the odd homemade affair.For Bert and Charley had done most of the work themselves, and it was rather rough.

"She'll never coast!" cried one boy, with a laugh.He was quite a friend of Danny's.

"Here comes the sled that can, though!" cried another, and Danny himself came into view, pulling a fine, new, big bob after him.

"That's the fastest one on the hill," boasted another lad who was helping Danny pull his sled.

"Well, I think ours is fast, too," said Bert calmly.

"Do you want to race?" asked Danny with a sharp glance at Bert.

"I don't mind," was the answer.It was after school, following the first snow, and the hill was just right for coasting.

"Come on! Come on!" cried a number of boys and girls, as they heard what went on between Danny and Bert."There's going to be a race on the big hill between the big bobs."There was much excitement.The sleds were the two largest owned by anyone in the neighborhood, and both were fine ones.Danny had bought his, but Bert and Charley had made theirs, and so, though it was not so fancy, it was stronger.Most eyes were on Danny's sled, for it was painted in bright colors, and brightly varnished.It had a red cushion of carpet on the top, and places at the side to rest one's feet.

The bob of Bert and Charley was built just the same, but it was painted in homemade fashion, and the carpet seat was an old and faded one.But it had a new gong and a fine big steering wheel.

"All ready for the race," cried Danny, as he got his sled in position."Who's going down with me?"A number of boys came forward.

"Who's going with Bert and me?" asked Charley, and several othersstepped forward.

"Go ahead, if you want to come in last!" sneered Danny, as he got his sled in place."I'll tell 'em you're coming, Bert.""All right," was the cool answer."Get an, boys!"Soon both sleds were filled, and all was ready for the big race-the first of the season.

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