

The afternoon wore on, and, almost before the children realized it the hour for supper had arrived.They were not sorry, either, for they allhad good appetites.

"Come into the dining room, children," invited Mrs.Bobbsey.

And Oh! such gasps of pleased surprise as were heard when the children saw what had been prepared for them! For Mr.and Mrs.Bobbsey, while not going to any great expense, and not making the children's party too fanciful, had made it beautiful and simple.

The long table was set with dishes and pretty glasses.There were flowers in the centre, and at each end, and also blooms in vases about the room.Then, from the centre chandelier to the four corners of the table, were strings of green smilax in which had been entwined carnations of various colors.

The lights were softly glowing on the pretty scene, and there were prettily shaded candles to add to the effect.But what caught the eyes of all the children more than anything else were two large cakes - one at either end of the table.

On each cake burned five candles, and on one cake was the name "Flossie," while the other was marked "Freddie." The names were in pink icing on top of the white frosting that covered the birthday cakes.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" could be heard all about the room."Isn't that too sweet for anything!""I guess they are sweet!" piped up Freddie in his shrill little voice, "'cause Dinah put lots of sugar in 'em; didn't you, Dinah?" and he looked at Dinah, who had thrust her laughing, black, goodnatured face into the dining room door.

"Dat's what I did, honey! Dat's what I did!" she exclaimed."If anybody's got a toofache he'd better not eat any ob dem cakes, 'cause dey suah am sweet."How the children laughed at that!

"All ready, now, children, sit down," said Mrs.Bobbsey."Your names are at your plates."There was a little confusion getting them all seated, as those on one side of the table found that their name cards were on the other side.But Flossie and Freddie, and Nan and Bert, helped the guests to find their proper places and soon everyone was in his or her chair.

"Can't Snap sit with us, too?" asked Freddie, looking about for his pet, who had done all his tricks well that evening.

"No, dear," said Mrs.Bobbsey."Snap is a good dog, but we don't want him in the dining room when we are eating.It gives him bad habits.""Then can't I send him out some cakes?" asked Flossie, for Snap had almost as large a "sweet tooth" as the children themselves.

"Yes, as it is your birthday, I suppose you can give him some of your good things," said Mamma Bobbsey.

"Here, Dinah!" called Freddie to the cook, as he piled a plate full of cakes."Please give these to Snap.""Land sakes goodness me alive!" cried Dinah."Dat suah am queer.Feedin' a dog jest laik a human at a party.I can't bring mahself to it, nohow.""I'll take 'em out to him," said her husband.

Then the feast began, and such a feast as it was! Mrs.Bobbsey, knowing how easily the delicate stomachs of children can be upset, had wisely selected the food and sweets, and she saw to it that no one ate too much, though she was gently suggestive about it instead of ordering.

"Don't eat too much," advised Freddie to some of the friends who sat near him."We've got a lot of ice cream coming.Save room for that.""That's so - I almost forgot," spoke Jimmie Black.A little later Mrs.Bobbsey said to Dinah:

"I think you may bring in the cream now, and I will help you serve it." "Yes, ma'am.""Oh, goodie!" cried Freddie."Ice cream's coming!" and he waved his spoon above his head.

"Freddie - Freddie!" said his mother, in gentle reproof.

Dinah went out on the back stoop, looked around and came running back to the dining room, where Mrs.Bobbsey was.Dinah's eyes were big with wonder and surprise.

"Mrs.Bobbsey! Mrs.Bobbsey!" she cried."Suffin's done gone an' happened!""What is it?" asked Mamma Bobbsey, quickly."Is anyone hurt?""No'm, but dat ice cream freezer hate jest gone and walked right off de back stoop, an' it ain't dere at all, nohow!De ice cream is all gone!"The children looked at one another with pained surprise showing on theirfaces.

The ice cream was gone!

  • 篮球记忆


  • 风尘天下:唯吾独尊


  • 一品狂龙


  • 《傻子公主来和亲》


  • 原来你还爱


  • A Woman of No Importance

    A Woman of No Importance

  • 医妃萌宝:王爷快到碗里来


  • 相思谋:妃常难娶


  • 梦幻未来


  • 一阵微风

