
第20章 A SCARE(1)

THE way to the woods where the little school outing was to be held ran close to the road on which the Bobbsey house stood.As Freddie and Flossie, with Nan and Bert, marched along with the others, Freddie cried out:

"0h, I hope we see mamma, and then we can wave to her.""Yes, and maybe she'll come with us," suggested Flossie."Wouldn't that be nice?""Pooh!" exclaimed Bert."Mamma's too busy to come to a picnic today.She's expecting company.""Yes," added Nan, "the minister and his wife are coming, and mamma'scooking a lot of things.""Why, does a minister eat more than other folks?" asked Freddie."If they does, I'm going to be a minister when I grow up.""I thought you were going to be a fireman," said Bert.

"Well, I can be a fireman week days and a minister on Sundays," said the little fellow, thus solving the problem."But do they eat so much, Nan?""No, of course not, only mamma wants to be polite to them, so she has a lot of things cooked up, so that if they don't like one thing they can have another.Folks always give their best to the minister.""Then I'm surely going to be one, too," declared Flossie."I like good things to eat.I hope our minister isn't very hungry, 'cause then there'll be some left for us when we come home from this picnic.""Why, Flossie!" cried Nan."We have a lovely lunch with us; plenty, I'm sure.""Well, I'm awful hungry, Nan," said the little girl."Besides, Sammie Jones, and his sister Julia, haven't any lunch at all.I saw them, and they looked terrible hungry.Couldn't we give them some of ours; if we have so much at home?""Of course we could, and it is very kind of you to think of them," said Nan, as she patted her little sister on her head."I'll look after Sammie and Julia when we get to the grove."In spite of what Nan and Bert had said about Mrs.Bobbsey being very busy, Flossie and Freddie looked anxiously in the direction of their house as they walked along.But no sight of their mother greeted them.They did see a friend, however, and this was none other than Snap, their new dog, who, with many barks and wags of his fluffy tail, ran out to meet his little masters and mistresses.

"Here, Snap! Snap!" called Freddie."Come on, old fellow!" and the dog leaped all about him.

"Let's take him to the picnic with us," suggested Flossie."We can have lots of fun.""And he can eat the scraps," said Nan."Shall we, Bert?" "I don't care.But maybe Mr.Tetlow wouldn't like it." "You ask him, Bert," pleaded Flossie.

"Tell him Snap will do tricks to amuse us."Bert goodnaturedly started ahead to speak to the principal, who was talking with some of the teachers, planning games for the little folk.Flossie and Freddie were patting their pet, when Danny Rugg, and one of his friends came along.

"That dog can't come to our picnic!" said Danny, with a scowl."He might bite some of us.""Snap never bites!" cried Freddie."Of course not," said Flossie.

"Well, he can't come to this picnic!" spoke Danny, angrily."Go on home!" he cried, sharply, stooping to pick up a stone.Snap growled and showed his teeth.

"There!" cried Danny."I told you he'd bite.""He will not, Danny Rugg!" exclaimed Nan, who had gone up front for a minute to speak to some of the older girls."He only growled because you acted mean to him.Now you leave him alone, or I'll tell Mr.Tetlow on you.""Pooh! Think I care? I say no dog can come to our picnic.Go on home!" and with raised hand Danny approached Snap.Again the dog growled angrily.He was not used to being treated in this way.

"Look out, Danny Rugg," said Nan, severely, "or he may jump on you,andknock you down.He wouldn't bite you, though, mean as you are, unless Itold him to do so.""I'm not afraid of you!" cried Danny, more angry than before."I'll get a stick and then we'll see what will happen," and he looked about for one.

"Don't let Danny beat Snap!" pleaded Flossie, tears coming into her eyes.

"I won't," said Nan, looking about anxiously for Bert.She saw him coming back, and felt better.By this time Danny had found a club, and was coming back to where Flossie, Freddie and Nan, with some of their friends, were walking along, Snap in their midst.

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