

"MAMMA, how much longer have we got to ride?" asked Nan Bobbsey, turning in her seat in the railroad car, to look at her parents, who sat behind her.

"Are you getting tired?" asked Nan's brother Bert."If you are I'll sit next to the window, and watch the telegraph poles and trees go by.Maybe that's what tires you, Nan," he added, and his father smiled, for he saw that Bert had two thoughts for himself, and one for his sister.

"No, I'm not tired of the scenery," answered the brownhaired and browneyed girl, "but you may sit next the window, Bert, if you like.""Thanks!" he exclaimed as he scrambled over to the place his sister gave up.

"Are you tired, dearie?" asked Mrs.Bobbsey, leaning forward and smoothing out her daughter's hair with her hand."If you would like to sit with me and put your head in my lap, papa can go to another seat and - ""Oh, no, mamma, I'm not as tired as that," and Nan laughed."I was just wondering how soon we'd be home.""I'd rather be back at the seashore," said Bert, not turning his gaze from the window, for the train was passing along some fields just then, and in one a boy was driving home some cows to be milked, as evening was coming on.Bert was wondering if one of the cows might not chase the boy.Bert didn't really want to see the boy hurt by a cow, of course, but he thought that if the cow was going to take after the boy, anyhow, he might just as well see it.But the cows were very well- behaved, and went along slowly.

"Yes, the seashore was nice," murmured Nan, as she leaned her head back on the cushioned seat, "but I'm glad to be going home again.I want to see some of the girls, and -""Yes, and I'll be looking for some of the boys, too," put in Bert."But school will soon begin, and that's no fun!"Mr.and Mrs.Bobbsey smiled at each other, and Mr.Bobbsey, taking out a timetable, looked to see how much longer they would be on thetrain.

"It's about an hour yet," he said to Nan, and she sighed.Really she was more tired than she cared to let her mother know.

Just ahead of the two Bobbsey children were another set of them.I say "set" for the Bobbsey children came "in sets."There were two pairs of twins, Bert and Nan, nearly nine years of age, and Flossie and Freddie, almost five.And, whereas the two older children were rather tall and slim, with dark brown hair and eyes, the littler twins were short and fat, and had light hair and blue eyes.The two pairs of twins were quite a contrast, and many persons stopped to look at them as they passed along the street together.

"No, sir," went on Bert musingly, "school's no fun, and it starts about a week after we get home.No chance to have a good time!""We've had fun all summer," replied his sister."I rather like school." "Mamma, are we going to school this year?" asked Flossie, as shelookedback with a quick turning of her head that set her yellow curls to dancing.

"If we are, I'm going to sit with Flossie - can't I?" asked Freddie, kneeling in the seat so that he could face back to his father and mother.

Indeed his request was not strange, since the two younger twins were always together even more so than their brother and sister.

"Yes, I think you and Freddie will start school regularly this term," said Mrs.Bobbsey, "and, if it can be arranged, you may sit together.We'll see about that.Be careful, Freddie, don't put your head out of the window," she cautioned quickly, for the little chap had turned in his seat again, and was leaning forward to see a horse galloping about a field, kicking up its heels at the sound of the puffing engine.

"It's my turn to sit by the window, anyhow," said Flossie.

"It is not!We haven't passed a station yet," disputed Freddie.

"Oh, we have so!" cried his little sister."Freddie Bobbsey!" and she pointed her finger at him.

"Children-children," said Mrs.Bobbsey, reprovingly.

"Are you two taking turns?" asked Bert, smiling with an older brother's superior wisdom.

"Yes," answered Flossie, "he was to have the seat next to the window until we came to a station, and then it's to be my turn until we pass another station, and we have passed one, but he won't change over.""Well, it was only a little station, anyhow," asserted Freddie, "and it came awful quick after the last one.It isn't fair!""There's a seat up ahead for you, Bert," suggested Mr.Bobbsey, as a gentleman got up, when the train approached a station." You can sit there, and let Flossie or Freddie take your place.""All right," answered Bert goodnaturedly, as he got up.

The train rolled on, the two younger twins each having a window now, and Nan occupying the seat with her little brother.For a time there was quietness, until Mrs.Bobbsey said to her husband:

"Hadn't you better get some of the satchels together, Richard, and tell Dinah what she is to carry?""I think I will," he answered, as he went up the car aisle a little way to where a very fat colored woman sat.She was Dinah, the Bobbsey cook, and they took her with them always when going away for the summer.Now they were on their way to their city house, and of course Dinah came back, too.

"Mamma, I'm thirsty," said Flossie, after a bit."Please may I get a drink?""I want one, too," said Freddie quicky."Come on, Flossie, we'll both go down to the end of the car where the water cooler is.""There's no cup," Nan said."I went a little while ago, but a lady let me take her glass.""And if there was a cup, I would rather they didn't use it," said Mrs.Bobbsey."One never knows who has last handled a public cup.""But I want a drink," insisted Flossie, a bit fretfully, for she was tired from the long journey.

"I know it, dear," said her mamma gently, "and I'm getting out the silver cup for you.Only you must be very careful of it, and not drop it, for it is solid silver and will dent, or mar, easily." She was searching in her bag, and presently took out a very valuable drinking cup, gold lined and with much engraving on it.The cup had been presented to Flossieand Freddie on their first birthday, and bore eachof their names.They were very proud of it.

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  • 创世狂神


    一颗自动寻主的空间晶石穿越空间,在一个未知的空间里找到了自己的主人。一个被师傅派下山执行任务的十二岁的少年,少年被空间晶石带到了另外的空间。在那里开始了他传奇的一生。和冥王大战,和天使,神王,主神大战。。。。。。感谢中国作者素材库免费封面支持 zzsck.com希望看过本书的给个收藏以示鼓励你的收藏是我无限的动力大家看了本书的给个收藏,要是能给个推荐哪就更好了。祝大家身体健康,合家幸福。在这里弱弱的喊一声收藏推荐本人为小说创了个群:创世狂神01【51842580】
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