The approach of two vessels, evidently men-of-war, and carrying the American flag, was perceived from the forts and redoubts at the mouth of the harbour, and the news quickly spread to the city and to the vessels in port.Intense excitement ensued on land and water, among the citizens of the place as well as its defenders.Every man who had a post of duty wasinstantly at it; and in less than half an hour the British man-of-war Scarabaeus, which had been lying at anchor a short distance outside the harbour, came steaming out to meet the enemy.There were other naval vessels in port, but they required more time to be put in readiness for action.
As soon as the approach of Scarabaeus was perceived by Repeller No.1, a boat bearing a white flag was lowered from that vessel and was rapidly rowed toward the British ship.When the latter saw the boat coming she lay to, and waited its arrival.A note was delivered to the captain of the Scarabaeus, in which it was stated that the Syndicate, which had undertaken on the part of the United States the conduct of the war between that country and Great Britain, was now prepared to demand the surrender of this city with its forts and defences and all vessels within its harbour, and, as a first step, the immediate surrender of the vessel to the commander of which this note was delivered.
The overwhelming effrontery of this demand caused the commander of the Scarabaeus to doubt whether he had to deal with a raving lunatic or a blustering fool; but he informed the person in charge of the flag-of- truce boat, that he would give him fifteen minutes in which to get back to his vessel, and that he would then open fire upon that craft.
The men who rowed the little boat were not men-of- war's men, and were unaccustomed to duties of this kind.In eight minutes they had reached their vessel, and were safe on board.
Just seven minutes afterward the first shot came from the Scarabaeus.It passed over Repeller No.1, and that vessel, instead of replying, immediately steamed nearer her adversary.The Director-in-chief desired to determine the effect of an active cannonade upon the new armour, and therefore ordered the vessel placed in such a position that the Englishman might have the best opportunity for using it as a target.
The Scarabaeus lost no time in availing herself of the facilities offered.She was a large and powerful ship, with a heavy armament; and, soon getting the range of the Syndicate's vessel, she hurled ball after ball upon her striped side.Repeller No.1 made no reply, but quietly submitted to the terrible bombardment.Some of the great shot jarred her from bow to stern,but not one of them broke a steel spring, nor penetrated the heavy inside plates.
After half an hour of this, work the Director-in- chief became satisfied that the new armour had well acquitted itself in the severe trial to which it had been subjected.Some of the air-buffers had been disabled, probably on account of faults in their construction, but these could readily be replaced, and no further injury had been done the vessel.It was not necessary, therefore, to continue the experiment any longer, and besides, there was danger that the Englishman, perceiving that his antagonist did not appear to be affected by his fire, would approach closer and endeavour to ram her.This was to be avoided, for the Scarabaeus was a much larger vessel than Repeller No.1, and able to run into the latter and sink her by mere preponderance of weight.
It was therefore decided to now test the powers of the crabs.Signals were made from Repeller No.1 to Crab A, which had been lying with the larger vessel between it and the enemy.These signals were made by jets of dense black smoke, which were ejected from a small pipe on the repeller.These slender columns of smoke preserved their cylindrical forms for some moments, and were visible at a great distance by day or night, being illumined in the latter case by electric light.The length and frequency of these jets were regulated by an instrument in the Director's room.Thus, by means of long and short puffs, with the proper use of intervals, a message could be projected into the air as a telegraphic instrument would mark it upon paper.
In this manner Crab A was ordered to immediately proceed to the attack of the Scarabaeus.The almost submerged vessel steamed rapidly from behind her consort, and made for the British man-of-war.
When the latter vessel perceived the approach of this turtle-backed object, squirting little jets of black smoke as she replied to the orders from the repeller, there was great amazement on board.The crab had not been seen before, but as it came rapidly on there was no time for curiosity or discussion, and several heavy guns were brought to bear upon it.It was difficult to hit a rapidly moving flat object scarcely above the surface of the water; and although several shot struck the crab, they glanced offwithout in the least interfering with its progress.
Crab A soon came so near the Scarabaeus that it was impossible to depress the guns of the latter so as to strike her.The great vessel was, therefore, headed toward its assailant, and under a full head of steam dashed directly at it to run it down.But the crab could turn as upon a pivot, and shooting to one side allowed the surging man-of-war to pass it.
Perceiving instantly that it would be difficult to strike this nimble and almost submerged adversary, the commander of the Scarabaeus thought it well to let it alone for the present, and to bear down with all speed upon the repeller.But it was easier to hit the crab than to leave it behind.It was capable of great speed, and, following the British vessel, it quickly came up with her.
The course of the Scarabaeus was instantly changed, and every effort was made to get the vessel into a position to run down the crab.But this was not easy for so large a ship, and Crab A seemed to have no difficulty in keeping close to her stern.