

"For a man who pretends to be open and above board, his actions are very queet," mused the detective, as he silently crawled nearer to where eGrand Blossom and the woman stood talking in low tones on the lonely sands."I don't see what object he could have in making away with Carwell, and yet it begins to look black for him.Maybe there is more than the fifteen thousand dollars involved.There are so many angles to the case now.I must find out who this woman is.

And when she spoke in louder tones than usual, drawing from LeGrand Blossom an impatient "Hush!" the colonel had his answer.

"Morocco Kate again!What's her part now?"The detective was near enough now to hear some of the talk."Did you bring it?" asked the woman eagerly.

"Hush! can't you?" snapped LeGrand Blossom.

"Pooh! What's the harm? There's no one in this lonely place! It gives me the creeps.Li'l ole Broadway for mine!""You never know who's anywhere these days!" muttered LeGrand."That infernal detective seems to be all over.He looks at me - oh, he looks at me, and I don't like it." Morocco Kate laughed.

"Shut up!" ordered the head clerk."Do you think this is funny?""It used to be," was the answer."It used to be funny, when you thought you were in love with me.Oh, it was delicious!""I was a bigger fool than I ever thought I'd be!" growled LeGrand Blossom.

"You aren't the only one," was the consoling answer."But what I'm interested in now, is - did you bring the mazumma - the cush - the dope?""All I could get," was the answer."I'm in a devil of a mess, and the estate hasn't been settled yet.I may get some more out of it then, but you'll have to quit bleeding me.I'm through with you, I tell you!""But I'm not with you," was the sharp rejoinder."I'll take this now,but I'll need more.The game isn't going as it used to.Mind, I'll need more, and soon.""You won't get it!"

"Oh, won't I? Well, there are others that'll pay well for what I'm able to tell, I guess.I rather think you'll see me again, Lee.So-long now, but I'll see you again!"She moved off in the darkness, laughing mirthlessly, and with muttered imprecations LeGrand Blossom turned in the opposite direction, passing within a few feet of the hidden detective."Blackmail, or is it a division of the spoils?" mused Colonel Ashley."I've got to find out which.Mr.Blossom, I think I'll have to stick to you until you fall into the sear and yellow leaf."The next day as Colonel Ashley sat trying to fix his attention on a passage from Walton, a messenger brought him a note.It was from a young man who, at the colonel's suggestion, had been given a clerical place in the office of the late Horace Carwell.Not even Viola knew that the young man was one of the colonel's aides.

"Blossom just sent out a note to a Miss Minnie Webb," the screed, which the colonel perused, read."He's going to meet her in the park at Silver Lake at nine to-night.Thought I'd let you know.""I'm glad he did," mused the detective."I'll be there."And he was, skillfully though not ostentatiously attired as a loitering fisherman of the native type, of which there were many in and about Lakeside.

The fisherman strolled about the little park in the center of which was a body of fresh water known as Silver Lake.It was little more than a pond, and was fed by springs and by drainage.In the park were trees and benches, and it was a favorite trysting spot.

Up and down the paths walked Colonel Ashley, his clothes odorous of fish, and he was beginning to think he might have his trouble for his pains when he saw a woman coming along hesitatingly.

It needed but a second glance to disclose to the trained eyes of the detective that it was none other than Minnie Webb, whom he had met several times at the home of Viola Carwell.Minnie advanced until shecame to a certain bench, and she stopped long enough to count and make sure that it was the third from one end of a row, and the seventh from the other end.

"The appointed place," mused the colonel as he sauntered past.And then, making a detour, he came up in the rear and hid in the bushes back of the bench, where he could hear without being observed - in fact the bench was in such shadow that even the casual passerby in front could not after darkness had fallen tell who occupied it.

Minnie Webb sat in silence, but by the way she fidgeted about the colonel, hearing the shuffling of her feet on the gravel walk, knew she was nervous and impatient.

Then quick footsteps were heard coming along through the little park.They increased in sound, and came to a stop in front of the bench on which sat the shrouded and dark figure of the girl.


  • 地理常识知道点


  • 陌陌枕上雪


  • 挚我深爱着的小怪物们


  • 佛祖历代通载


  • 镜花楼台烟雨阁


  • 世界经典智慧故事全集:明慧觉醒的故事


  • 爱尔莉雅


  • 你的世界遥不可及


  • 此生唯爱


  • 俏萌公主勾勾手:高冷驸马跟着走

