

"Is anything the matter?" asked the confidential clerk, as he quickly opened his desk."I am sorry I was late this morning.But I had some matters to look after - ""No apology necessary," said Colonel Ashley, quickly."We have notbeen waiting long.We have discovered something."If his life had depended on it LeGrand Blossom could not, at that moment, have concealed a start of surprise.

"You mean you have found out who killed Mr.Carwell?" he asked, and his tongue went quickly around his dry lips.

"Not that," the colonel answered."But we have found some letters that seem to need explaining.Here they are."Then when Viola had told how she discovered them, she asked: "Did my father ever owe Captain Poland any money?""Yes," answered LeGrand Blossom, frankly, "he did." "How much?""Fifteen thousand dollars."

"Was it ever paid back?" asked Colonel Ashley."That I cannot say," replied the head clerk."The papers in that particular transaction are missing.I looked for them the other day, but failed to find them.I was intending to ask you, Miss Carwell, if you knew anything about them.Now, it seems you do not.The fact remains that your father was at one time indebted to the captain for fifteen thousand dollars.Whether it was repaid I can not say.""Who would know?" asked Colonel Ashley.

"Why, Captain Poland, of course," answered Mr.Blossom."One would think that it would be paid by check, but in that case the canceled one would come back from the bank, which it has not.It is possible that Mr.Carwell had an account in some other bank, or he may have paid the captain in cash.In either case a receipt would be given, I should say.Captain Poland is the only one who now would know.""Then we had better see him," suggested Colonel Ashley."Shall we call on him, Viola?"She hesitated a moment before answering, and then replied in a low voice:

"I think it would be better.We must end this mystery!"They left LeGrand Blossom and again entered the car.Jean Forette was driving, and the detective again noticed the strange and sudden change in his manner.Whereas he had been morose and sullen the firstpart of the trip, timid and watchful of every crossing and turning, now he put on full speed and drove with the confidence of an expert.

"He must have had another shot of dope," mused the colonel."I'll have to keep an eye on you, my Frenchie, else you may be ramming a stone wall when you're feeling pretty well elated."They were half way to the home of Captain Poland when Viola suddenly changed her mind.

"I - I don't believe I care to go to see him," she said."Can't you go without me, Colonel Ashley? You can find out better than I can.I - I really don't feel equal to it.""Of course, I can," was the ready answer."Drive Miss Carwell home, Jean, and then I'll go on to see Captain Poland myself."The car was swung around, and was soon in front of The Haven.The colonel, with his usual gallantry, walked with Viola to the steps.As the maid opened the door she said to her mistress:

``There is a lady to see you."

"A lady to see me?" exclaimed Viola, in some surprise.

"Yes.She is in the library, waiting.I said I did not know how long you would be away, but she said she was a friend of the family and would wait.""Who is she?" asked Viola.

"I don't know.But she is a large, blonde lady.""I can't imagine," murmured Viola."Won't you come in, Colonel Ashley? It may be some one I would want you to see, also."As Viola, followed at a little distance by the colonel, entered the library, a large, blonde woman arose to meet her.

"I am so glad to see you, my dear Miss Carwell," began the woman, and then Colonel Ashley had one of his questions answered.The voice was the same as that of the shawled woman LeGrand Blossom had met on the ferryboat the night before, and it was the voice of Annie Tighe, alias Maude Warren, alias Morocco Kate, one of the cleverest of New York's de luxe crooks.

"So you have a hand in the game, have you, my dear?" mused the colonel, as he caught the now well-remembered tones."Well, I guessyou don't want to see me right away, and I don't want you to."He had kept behind Viola during the walk down the hall, and the large blonde had not noticed him, he hoped.He whispered to Viola, who stood just at the entrance to the room:

"Learn all you can from her.I'll be back pretty soon - as soon as she has gone.Find out where she's stopping.Don't mention me."The hall was dimly lighted, and he had a chance to say this to Viola without getting into full view of the caller, and without her overhearing.Then, turning quickly, Colonel Ashley hurried out of the house.

"Morocco Kate," he mused as he got into the car again, and told Jean to drive to Captain Poland's."Morocco Kate! I wonder if she is just beginning her game, or if this is merely a phase of it, started before Mr.Carwell's death? Another link added to the puzzle."He was still pondering over this when he reached the captain's home.It was a rather elaborate summer "cottage," with magnificent grounds, and the captain's mother kept house for him.But there was a curious deserted air about the place as Jean drove up the gravel road.A man was engaged in putting up boards at the windows.

"Is the captain here?" asked the colonel.

"The place is being closed for the season, sir," answered the man, evidently a caretaker.

"Closed? So early?" exclaimed the colonel, in surprise.

"The captain has gone away," the man went on."I got orders yesterday to close the place for the season.Captain Poland will not be back.""Oh!" softly exclaimed the colonel.And then to himself he added: "He won't be back! Well, perhaps I shall have to bring him back.Another link! There may be three people in this instead of two!"

  • 德玛西亚帝国


  • exo都爱上我了


  • 福妻驾到


  • 探墓特遣队


  • 福妻驾到


  • 逆天阴阳


  • 虫族传承者


  • 黄土地上的花花苔


  • 那年晚风


  • 和赵云同居的日子

