

He followed Minnie Webb from the little pavilion, paying no attention to where she drifted.But he made his way through the press of persons to where Viola stood, and he saw her eyes light up as he approached.His, too, seemed brighter.

"I was wondering if you would come to see dad win," she murmured to him, as he took her hand, and Captain Poland, with a little bow, stepped back.

"You knew I'd come, didn't you?" Bartlett asked in a low voice.

"I hoped so," she murmured."Now, Harry," she went on in a low voice, as they moved aside, "this will be a good time for you to smooth things over with father.If he wins, as he feels sure he will, you must congratulate him very heartily - exceptionally so.Make a fuss over him, so to speak.He'll be club champion, and it will seem natural for you to bubble over about it.""But why should I, Viola? I haven't done anything to merit his displeasure.""I know.But you remember what a touch-fire he is.He's always held that business matter against you, though I'm sure you had nothing to do with it.Now, if he wins, and I hope he will, you can take advantage of it to get on better terms with him, and - ""Well, I'm willing to be friends, you know that, Viola.But I can't pretend - I never could!""You're stubborn, Harry !" and Viola pouted."Well, perhaps I am.When I know I'm right - " "Couldn't you forget it just once?""I don't see how!"

"Oh, you provoke me! But if you won't you won't, I suppose.Only it would be such a good chance - ""Well, I'll see him after the match, Viola.I'll do my best to be decent.""You must go a little farther than that, Harry.Dad will be all worked up if he wins, and he'll want a fuss made over him.It will be the very chance for you.""All right-I'll do my best," murmured Bartlett.And then a servant came up to summon him to the telephone.

Viola was not left long alone, for Captain Poland was watching her from the tail of his eye, and he was at her side before Harry Bartlett was out of sight.

"Perhaps you'd like to come for a little spin with me, Miss Carwell," said the captain."I just heard that they've postponed the cup-winners' match an hour; and unless you want to sit around here - ""Come on !" cried Viola, impulsively."It's too perfect a day to sit around, and I'm only interested in my father's match."There was another reason why Viola Carwell was glad of the chance to go riding with Captain Poland just then.She really was a little provoked with Bartlett's stubbornness, or what she called that, and she thought it might "wake him up," as she termed it, to see her with the only man who might be classed as his rival.

As for herself, Viola was not sure whether or not she would admit Captain Poland to that class.There was time enough yet.

And so, as Bartlett went in to the telephone, to answer a call that had come most inopportunely for him, Viola Carwell and Captain Poland swept off along the pleasantly shaded country road.

Left to herself, for which just then she was thankful, Minnie Webb drifted around until she met LeGrand Blossom.

"What's the matter, Lee?" she asked him in a low voice, and he smiled with his eyes at her, though his face showed no great amount of jollity."You're as solemn as though every railroad stock listed had dropped ten points just after you bought it.""No,it isn't quite as bad as that," he said, as he fell into step beside her, and they strolled off onone of the less-frequented walks.

"I thought everything was going so well with you.Has there been any hitch in the partnership arrangement?" asked Minnie.

"No, not exactly." "Have you lost money?""No, I can't say that I have."

"Then for goodness' sake what is it? Do I have to pump you like a newspaper reporter?" and Minnie Webb laughed, showing a perfect set of teeth that contrasted well against the dark red and tan of her cheeks.

"Oh, I don't know that it's anything much," replied LeGrand Blossom."It's something!" insisted Minnie.

"Well, yes, it is.And as it'll come out, sooner or later, I might as well tell you now," he said, with rather an air of desperation, and as though driven to it."Have you heard any rumors that Mr.Carwell is in financial difficulties?""Why, no! The idea! I always thought he had plenty of money.Not a multi-millionaire, of course, but better off financially than any one else in Lakeside.""He was once; but he won't be soon, if he keeps up the pace he's set of late," went on LeGrand Blossom, and his voice was gloomy.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, things don't look so well as they did.He was very foolish to buy that ten-thousand-dollar yacht so soon after spending even more than that on this red, white and blue monstrosity of his !""You don't mean to tell me he's bought a yacht, too?""Yes, the Osprey that Colonel Blakeson used to sport up and down the coast in.Paid a cool ten thousand for it, though if he had left it to me I could have got it for eight, I'm sure.""Well, twenty thousand dollars oughtn't to worry Mr.Carwell, I should think," returned Minnie.

"It wouldn't have, a year ago," answered LeGrand."But he's been on the wrong side of the market for some time.Then, too, something new has cropped up about that old Bartlett deal.""You mean the one over which Harry's uncle and Mr.Carwell had such a fuss?""Yes.Mr.Carwell's never got over that.And there are rumors that he lost quite a sum in a business transaction with Captain Poland.""Oh, dear !" sighed the girl."Isn't business horrid! I'm glad I'm not a man.But what is this about Captain Poland?""I don't know?haven't heard it all yet, as Mr.Carwell doesn't tell me everything, even if he has planned to take me into partnership with him.But now I'm not so keen on it.""Keen on what, Lee ?" and Minnie Webb leaned just the least bit nearer to his side.

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  • 毒手法师


  • 转身成神


  • 请看好你的灵魂


  • TFboys之我心中的靓丽女孩


  • 巴桐幽默小说


    本书收有《雾》、《金缸客外传》、《天上人间》等二十个长短不一的小说。他摈弃那种卿卿我我的情爱故事,同时走出悲悯的情怀,用豁达不羁的目光对人生和人性作出冷峻的审视。 他的小说文字灵动洒脱,富有幽默感,让读者在阅读的过程中,带泪微笑,在微笑中喟然叹息,引领读者走过昨天与今天,走过悲伤与彷徨,走近苦苦寻觅的精神家园。
  • 请别丢失爱的小药丸


  • 至尊女巫

