

"Well, it is on the same principle as the safe deposit boxes in a bank.The depositor has one key, and the bank the other.The box cannot be opened by either party alone.Both keys must be used.That insures that no one person alone can get into the box.It was the same way with this safe.The combination was in two parts.""And did my father set it that way?"

"He must have done so, or had some one arrange the combination for him.""Then he - he must have shared the combination with some one else!" There was fright in Viola's eyes, and a catch in her voice.

"Yes," assented the expert."Either that or he set it that way merely for what we might call a 'bluff,' to throw any casual intruder off the track.Your father might have possessed both combinations himself.""And yet he might have shared them with - with another person?" "Yes.""And the other-the other person" - Viola hesitated noticeably over the word - "would have to be present when the safe was opened?" She did not say "he" or "she.""Well, not necessarily," answered the expert."He might have had the combination in two parts, and used both of them himself.It is often done.Though, of course, he could, at any time, have shared the secret of the safe with some one else.""That would only be in the event of there being something in it that both he and some other person would want to take out at the same time; something that one could not get at without the knowledge of the other; would it not?""Naturally, yes.But, as I say, it might be the other way - that the double combination was used merely as an additional precaution.""Thank you," said Viola.

She sat for several minutes in front of the opened safe after the expert had gone, and did not offer to take out any of the papers that were now exposed to view.There was a strange look on her face.

"Two persons!" she murmured."Two persons! Did he share the secrets of this safe with some one - some one else?"Viola reached forth her hand and took hold of a bundle of papers tied with a red band-tape it was, of the kind used in lawyers' offices.The bundle appeared to contain letters - old letters, and the handwriting was that of a woman.

"I wonder if I had better get Aunt Mary?" mused the girl."She is the administrator, and she will have to know.But there are some things I might keep from her - if I had to."She looked more closely at the letters, and when she saw that they were in the well-remembered hand of her mother she breathed more easily."If he kept - these - it must be - all right!" she faltered to herself."Iwill call Aunt Mary."

The two women, seeing dimly through their tears at times, went over the contents of the private safe.There were letters that told of the past- of the happy days of love and courtship, and of the early married life.Viola put them sacredly aside, and delved more deeply into the strong box."It was like Horace to keep something away from every one else," saidhis sister."He did love a secret.But we don't seem to be getting at anything, Viola, that will tell us where there is any more money, and that's what we need now, more than anything else.At least you do, if LeGrand Blossom is right, and you intend to keep on living in the style you're used to.""I don't have to do that, Aunt Mary.Being poor would not frighten me.""I didn't think it would.Fortunately I have enough for both of us, though I won't spend anything on a big yacht nor a car that looks like a Fourth of July procession, however much I love the Star Spangled Banner."Oh, no, we mustn't dream of keeping the big car nor the yacht," said Viola."They are to be sold as soon as possible.I only hope they will bring a good price.But here are more papers, Aunt Mary.We must see what they are.Poor father had so many business interests.It's going tobe a dreadful matter to straighten them all out.""Well, LeGrand Blossom and Captain Poland will help us." "Captain Poland?" questioned Viola.

"Yes.Why not?He is a fine business man, and he has largeinterests of his own.Have you any objection?""Oh, I don't know.Of course not!" she added quickly, as she caught sight of a rather odd look on her aunt's face."If we have to - I mean if you find it necessary, you can ask his advice, I suppose.""Wouldn't you?"

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