

"Yes, it was.Before he bought the big car and the yacht he carried a good balance.But I told him - ""Never mind what you told him or he told you.That is not admissible under the circumstances.Just tell what you know.""Well, then I know that Mr.Carwell's affairs were in bad shape, and that he was trying to raise some ready cash.""How do you know this?"

"Because he asked me to put a large sum into his business and become a member of the firm.""He asked you to invest money and become a partner?" "Yes.""Well, that is not unusual, is it? Many a business man might do the same if he wanted to branch out, mightn't he ?""Yes.But before this Mr.Carwell had offered to take me into partnership without any advance of money on my part.Then he suddenly said he needed a large sum.He knew I had inherited eleven thousand dollars and had, moreover, made from investments.""And did you agree to it?"

"I said I'd think it over.I was to give him my answer the day he died.""Did you?"


"What would have been your answer?"

"It would have been 'no.' I didn't think I wanted to tie up with a man who was on the verge of ruin; and if you ask me I'll say I think he committed suicide because he was on the verge of financial ruin and couldn't face the music, and - ""That will do!" came sternly from the prosecutor."We didn't ask your opinion as to the suicide theory, and, what is more, we don't want it.I ask, your honor," and he turned to Billy Teller, who was secretly delighted at being thus addressed, "that the last remark of the witness be stricken from the record.""Rub it out," ordered the coroner, looking over at the stenographer; and the latter, with a smile, ran his pen through the curious hooks and curves that represented the "opinion" of LeGrand Blossom.

He was allowed to leave the stand, and Harry Bartlett was called next.He nodded and smiled at Viola as he walked forward through the crowd, and Captain Poland, who was sitting in front, waved his hand to his rival.For the young men were friends, even if both were in love with Viola Carwell.

"MrBartlett,"begantheprosecutor,aftersomeunimportantpreliminary questions, "I haye been informed that you had a conversation with Mr.Carwell shortly before his death.Is that true?""Yes, we had a talk."

Viola started at hearing this - started so visibly that several about her noticed it, and even Colonel Ashley turned his head.

"What was the nature of the talk?" asked Mr.Stryker.

"That I can not tell," said Bartlett firmly."But it had nothing to do with the matter in hand."There was a rustle of expectancy on hearing this, and the prosecutor quickly asked:

"What do you mean by `the matter in hand'?" "Well, his death.""Naturally you didn't talk about his death, for it hadn't taken place," said Mr.Stryker."Nor could it have been foreseen, I imagine.But what did you talk about?""I decline to answer."

There was a gasp that swept over the courtroom, and Billy Teller banged the gavel as he had seen real judges do.

"You decline to answer," repeated the prosecutor."Is it on the ground that it might incriminate you?""No"

"Then I must insist on an answer.However, I will not do so now, but at the proper time.I will now ask you one other question, and I think you willanswer that.Did you resume friendly relations with Mr.Carwell after your quarrel with him that day?" and Mr.Stryker fairly hurled the question at Harry Bartlett.

If this was a trap it was a most skillfully set one.For there must be an answer, and either no or yes would involve explanations.

"Answer me!" exclaimed the prosecutor."Did you make up after the quarrel?"There was a tense silence as Bartlett, whose face showed pale under his tan, said:

"I did not."

"Then you admit that you had a quarrel with Mr.Carwell?""Yes, but - "

Just at this moment Viola Carwell fainted in the arms of her aunt, the resultant commotion being such that an adjournment was taken while she was carried to an anteroom, where Dr.Lambert attended her.

"We will resume where we left off," said the prosecutor, when Bartlett again took the stand, and it might have been noticed that during the temporary recess one of the regular court constables from the county building at Loch Harbor remained close at his side."Will you now state the nature of your quarrel with Mr.Carwell?" asked Mr.Stryker.

"I do not feel that I can."

"Very well," was the calm rejoinder."Then, your honor," and again Billy Teller seemed to swell with importance at the title, "I ask that this witness be held without bail to await a further session of this court, and I ask for an adjournment to summon other witnesses.""Granted," replied Teller, who had been coached what to answer."Held!" exclaimed Bartlett, as he rose to his feet in indignation."Youare going to hold me!On what grounds?" "On suspicion," answered the prosecutor."Suspicion of what?""Of knowing something concerning the death of Mr.Carwell."An exclamation broke from the crowd, and Bartlett reeled slightly.He was quickly approached by the same constable who had remained at his side during the recess, and a moment later Coroner Billy Teller adjourned court.

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