
第3章 Athens. TIMON'S house(2)

OLD ATHENIAN. Lord Timon, hear me speak. TIMON. Freely, good father. OLD ATHENIAN. Thou hast a servant nam'd Lucilius. TIMON. I have so; what of him? OLD ATHENIAN. Most noble Timon, call the man before thee. TIMON. Attends he here, or no? Lucilius! LUCILIUS. Here, at your lordship's service. OLD ATHENIAN. This fellow here, Lord Timon, this thy creature, By night frequents my house. I am a man That from my first have been inclin'd to thrift, And my estate deserves an heir more rais'd Than one which holds a trencher. TIMON. Well; what further? OLD ATHENIAN. One only daughter have I, no kin else, On whom I may confer what I have got. The maid is fair, o' th' youngest for a bride, And I have bred her at my dearest cost In qualities of the best. This man of thine Attempts her love; I prithee, noble lord, Join with me to forbid him her resort; Myself have spoke in vain. TIMON. The man is honest. OLD ATHENIAN. Therefore he will be, Timon. His honesty rewards him in itself; It must not bear my daughter. TIMON. Does she love him? OLD ATHENIAN. She is young and apt: Our own precedent passions do instruct us What levity's in youth. TIMON. Love you the maid? LUCILIUS. Ay, my good lord, and she accepts of it. OLD ATHENIAN. If in her marriage my consent be missing, I call the gods to witness I will choose Mine heir from forth the beggars of the world, Anddispossess her all. TIMON. How shall she be endow'd, If she be mated with an equal husband? OLD ATHENIAN. Three talents on the present; in future, all. TIMON. This gentleman of mine hath serv'd me long;. To build his fortune I will strain a little, For 'tis a bond in men. Give him thy daughter: What you bestow, in him I'll counterpoise, And make him weigh with her. OLD ATHENIAN. Most noble lord, Pawn me to this your honour, she is his. TIMON. My hand to thee; mine honour on my promise. LUCILIUS. Humbly I thank your lordship. Never may That state or fortune fall into my keeping Which is not owed to you! Exeunt LUCILIUS and OLD ATHENIAN POET. [Presenting his poem] Vouchsafe my labour, and long live your lordship! TIMON. I thank you; you shall hear from me anon; Go not away. What have you there, my friend? PAINTER. A piece of painting, which I do beseech Your lordship to accept. TIMON. Painting is welcome. The painting is almost the natural man; For since dishonour traffics with man's nature, He is but outside; these pencill'd figures are Even such as they give out. I like your work, And you shall find I like it; wait attendance Till you hear further from me. PAINTER. The gods preserve ye! TIMON. Well fare you, gentleman. Give me your hand; We must needs dine together. Sir, your jewel Hath suffered under praise. JEWELLER. What, my lord! Dispraise? TIMON. A mere satiety of commendations; If I should pay you for't as 'tis extoll'd, It would unclew me quite. JEWELLER. My lord, 'tis rated As those which sell would give; but you well know Things of like value, differing in the owners, Are prized by their masters. Believe't, dear lord, You mend the jewel by the wearing it. TIMON. Well mock'd.


MERCHANT. No, my good lord; he speaks the common tongue, Which all men speak with him. TIMON. Look who comes here; will you be chid? JEWELLER. We'll bear, with your lordship. MERCHANT. He'll spare none. TIMON. Good morrow to thee, gentle Apemantus! APEMANTUS. Till I be gentle, stay thou for thy good morrow; When thou art Timon's dog, and these knaves honest. TIMON. Why dost thou call them knaves? Thou know'st them not. APEMANTUS. Are they not Athenians? TIMON. Yes. APEMANTUS. Then I repent not. JEWELLER.

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