Long, long ago, a king and queen reigned over a large and powerful country.What their names were nobody knows, but their son was called Sigurd, and their daughter Lineik, and these young people were famed throughout the whole kingdom for their wisdom and beauty.
There was only a year between them, and they loved each other so much that they could do nothing apart.When they began to grow up the king gave them a house of their own to live in, with servants and carriages, and everything they could possibly want.
For many years they all lived happily together, and then the queen fell ill, and knew that she would never get better.
'Promise me two things,' she said one day to the king; 'one, that if you marry again, as indeed you must, you will not choose as your wife a woman from some small state or distant island, who knows nothing of the world, and will be taken up with thoughts of her grandeur.But rather seek out a princess of some great kingdom, who has been used to courts all her life, and holds them at their true worth.The other thing I have to ask is, that you will never cease to watch over our children, who will soon become your greatest joy.'
These were the queen's last words, and a few hours later she was dead.The king was so bowed down with sorrow that he would not attend even to the business of the kingdom, and at last his Prime Minister had to tell him that the people were complaining that they had nobody to right their wrongs.'You must rouse yourself, sir,'
went on the minister, 'and put aside your own sorrows for the sake of your country.'
'You do not spare me,' answered the king; 'but what you say is just, and your counsel is good.I have heard that men say, likewise, that it will be for the good of my kingdom for me to marry again, though my heart will never cease to be with my lost wife.But it was her wish also; therefore, to you I entrust the duty of finding a lady fitted to share my throne; only, see that she comes neither from a small town nor a remote island.'
So an embassy was prepared, with the minister at its head, to visit the greatest courts in the world, and to choose out a suitable princess.But the vessel which carried them had not been gone many days when a thick fog came on, and the captain could see neither to the right nor to the left.For a whole month the ship drifted about in darkness, till at length the fog lifted and they beheld a cliff jutting out just in front.On one side of the cliff lay a sheltered bay, in which the vessel was soon anchored, and though they did not know where they were, at any rate they felt sure of fresh fruit and water.
The minister left the rest of his followers on board the ship, and taking a small boat rowed himself to land, in order to look about him and to find out if the island was really as deserted as it seemed.
He had not gone far, when he heard the sound of music, and, turning in its direction, he saw a woman of marvellous beauty sitting on a low stool playing on a harp, while a girl beside her sang.
The minister stopped and greeted the lady politely, and she replied with friendliness, asking him why he had come to such an out-of-the way place.In answer he told her of the object of his journey.
'I am in the same state as your master,' replied the lady; 'I was married to a mighty king who ruled over this land, till Vikings [sea-robbers] came and slew him and put all the people to death.
But I managed to escape, and hid myself here with my daughter.'
And the daughter listened, and said softly to her mother: 'Are you speaking the truth now?'
'Remember your promise,' answered the mother angrily, giving her a pinch which was unseen by the minister.
'What is your name, madam?' asked he, much touched by this sad story.
'Blauvor,' she replied 'and my daughter is called Laufer'; and then she inquired the name of the minister, and of the king his master.
After this they talked of many things, and the lady showed herself learned in all that a woman should know, and even in much that men only were commonly taught.'What a wife she would make for the king,' thought the minister to himself, and before long he had begged the honour of her hand for his master.She declared at first that she was too unworthy to accept the position offered her, and that the minister would soon repent his choice; but this only made him the more eager, and in the end he gained her consent, and prevailed on her to return with him at once to his own country.
The minister then conducted the mother and daughter back to the ship; the anchor was raised, the sails spread, and a fair wind was behind them.
Now that the fog had lifted they could see as they looked back that, except just along the shore, the island was bare and deserted and not fit for men to live in; but about that nobody cared.They had a quick voyage, and in six days they reached the land, and at once set out for the capital, a messenger being sent on first by the minister to inform the king of what had happened.
When his Majesty's eyes fell on the two beautiful women, clad in dresses of gold and silver, he forgot his sorrows and ordered preparations for the wedding to be made without delay.In his joy he never remembered to inquire in what kind of country the future queen had been found.In fact his head was so turned by the beauty of the two ladies that when the invitations were sent by his orders to all the great people in the kingdom, he did not even recollect his two children, who remained shut up in their own house!
After the marriage the king ceased to have any will of his own and did nothing without consulting his wife.She was present at all his councils, and her opinion was asked before making peace or war.
But when a few months had passed the king began to have doubts as to whether the minister's choice had really been a wise one, and he noticed that his children lived more and more in their palace and never came near their stepmother.