Once upon a time, in the very middle of the middle of a large kingdom, there was a town, and in the town a palace, and in the palace a king.This king had one son whom his father thought was wiser and cleverer than any son ever was before, and indeed his father had spared no pains to make him so.He had been very careful in choosing his tutors and governors when he was a boy, and when he became a youth he sent him to travel, so that he might see the ways of other people, and find that they were often as good as his own.
It was now a year since the prince had returned home, for his father felt that it was time that his son should learn how to rule the kingdom which would one day be his.But during his long absence the prince seemed to have changed his character altogether.From being a merry and light-hearted boy, he had grown into a gloomy and thoughtful man.The king knew of nothing that could have produced such an alteration.He vexed himself about it from morning till night, till at length an explanation occurred to him--the young man was in love!
Now the prince never talked about his feelings--for the matter of that he scarcely talked at all; and the father knew that if he was to come to the bottom of the prince's dismal face, he would have to begin.So one day, after dinner, he took his son by the arm and led him into another room, hung entirely with the pictures of beautiful maidens, each one more lovely than the other.
'My dear boy,' he said, 'you are very sad; perhaps after all your wanderings it is dull for you here all alone with me.It would be much better if you would marry, and I have collected here the portraits of the most beautiful women in the world of a rank equal to your own.Choose which among them you would like for a wife, and I will send an embassy to her father to ask for her hand.'
'Alas! your Majesty,' answered the prince, 'it is not love or marriage that makes me so gloomy; but the thought, which haunts me day and night, that all men, even kings, must die.Never shall I be happy again till I have found a kingdom where death is unknown.
And I have determined to give myself no rest till I have discovered the Land of Immortality.
The old king heard him with dismay; things were worse than he thought.He tried to reason with his son, and told him that during all these years he had been looking forward to his return, in order to resign his throne and its cares, which pressed so heavily upon him.
But it was in vain that he talked; the prince would listen to nothing, and the following morning buckled on his sword and set forth on his journey.
He had been travelling for many days, and had left his fatherland behind him, when close to the road he came upon a huge tree, and on its topmost bough an eagle was sitting shaking the branches with all his might.This seemed so strange and so unlike an eagle, that the prince stood still with surprise, and the bird saw him and flew to the ground.The moment its feet touched the ground he changed into a king.
'Why do you look so astonished?' he asked.
'I was wondering why you shook the boughs so fiercely,' answered the prince.
'I am condemned to do this, for neither I nor any of my kindred can die till I have rooted up this great tree,' replied the king of the eagles.'But it is now evening, and I need work no more to-day.
Come to my house with me, and be my guest for the night.'
The prince accepted gratefully the eagle's invitation, for he was tired and hungry.They were received at the palace by the king's beautiful daughter, who gave orders that dinner should be laid for them at once.While they were eating, the eagle questioned his guest about his travels, and if he was wandering for pleasure's sake, or with any special aim.Then the prince told him everything, and how he could never turn back till he had discovered the Land of Immortality.
'Dear brother,' said the eagle, 'you have discovered it already, and it rejoices my heart to think that you will stay with us.Have you not just heard me say that death has no power either over myself or any of my kindred till that great tree is rooted up? It will take me six hundred years' hard work to do that; so marry my daughter and let us all live happily together here.After all, six hundred years is an eternity!'
'Ah, dear king,' replied the young man, 'your offer is very tempting!
But at the end of six hundred years we should have to die, so we should be no better off! No, I must go on till I find the country where there is no death at all.'
Then the princess spoke, and tried to persuade the guest to change his mind, but he sorrowfully shook his head.At length, seeing that his resolution was firmly fixed, she took from a cabinet a little box which contained her picture, and gave it to him saying:
'As you will not stay with us, prince, accept this box, which will sometimes recall us to your memory.If you are tired of travelling before you come to the Land of Immortality, open this box and look at my picture, and you will be borne along either on earth or in the air, quick as thought, or swift as the whirlwind.'
The prince thanked her for her gift, which he placed in his tunic, and sorrowfully bade the eagle and his daughter farewell.
Never was any present in the world as useful as that little box, and many times did he bless the kind thought of the princess.One evening it had carried him to the top of a high mountain, where he saw a man with a bald head, busily engaged in digging up spadefuls of earth and throwing them in a basket.When the basket was full he took it away and returned with an empty one, which he likewise filled.The prince stood and watched him for a little, till the bald-headed man looked up and said to him: 'Dear brother, what surprises you so much?'
'I was wondering why you were filling the basket,' replied the prince.