Once, long ago, in a little town that lay in the midst of high hills and wild forests, a party of shepherds sat one night in the kitchen of the inn talking over old times, and telling of the strange things that had befallen them in their youth.
Presently up spoke the silver-haired Father Martin.
'Comrades,' said he, 'you have had wonderful adventures; but I will tell you something still more astonishing that happened to myself.
When I was a young lad I had no home and no one to care for me, and I wandered from village to village all over the country with my knapsack on my back; but as soon as I was old enough I took service with a shepherd in the mountains, and helped him for three years.One autumn evening as we drove the flock homeward ten sheep were missing, and the master bade me go and seek them in the forest.I took my dog with me, but he could find no trace of them, though we searched among the bushes till night fell; and then, as I did not know the country and could not find my way home in the dark, I decided to sleep under a tree.At midnight my dog became uneasy, and began to whine and creep close to me with his tail between his legs; by this I knew that something was wrong, and, looking about, I saw in the bright moonlight a figure standing beside me.It seemed to be a man with shaggy hair, and a long beard which hung down to his knees.He had a garland upon his head, and a girdle of oak-leaves about his body, and carried an uprooted fir-tree in his right hand.I shook like an aspen leaf at the sight, and my spirit quaked for fear.The strange being beckoned with his hand that I should follow him; but as I did not stir from the spot he spoke in a hoarse, grating voice: "Take courage, fainthearted shepherd.I am the Treasure Seeker of the mountain.
If you will come with me you shall dig up much gold."'Though I was still deadly cold with terror I plucked up my courage and said: "Get away from me, evil spirit; I do not desire your treasures."'At this the spectre grinned in my face and cried mockingly:
'"Simpleton! Do you scorn your good fortune? Well, then, remain a ragamuffin all your days."'He turned as if to go away from me, then came back again and said: "Bethink yourself, bethink yourself, rogue.I will fill your knapsack--I will fill your pouch."'"Away from me, monster," I answered, "I will have nothing to do with you."'When the apparition saw that I gave no heed to him he ceased to urge me, saying only: "Some day you will rue this," and looked at me sadly.Then he cried: "Listen to what I say, and lay it well to heart, it may be of use to you when you come to your senses.Avast treasure of gold and precious stones lies in safety deep under the earth.At twilight and at high noon it is hidden, but at midnight it may be dug up.For seven hundred years have I watched over it, but now my time has come; it is common property, let him find it who can.So I thought to give it into your hand, having a kindness for you because you feed your flock upon my mountain."'Thereupon the spectre told me exactly where the treasure lay, and how to find it.It might be only yesterday so well do I remember every word he spoke.
'"Go towards the little mountains," said he, "and ask there for the Black King's Valley, and when you come to a tiny brook follow the stream till you reach the stone bridge beside the saw-mill.Do not cross the bridge, but keep to your right along the bank till a high rock stands before you.A bow-shot from that you will discover a little hollow like a grave.When you find this hollow dig it out; but it will be hard work, for the earth has been pressed down into it with care.Still, work away till you find solid rock on all sides of you, and soon you will come to a square slab of stone; force it out of the wall, and you will stand at the entrance of the treasure house.
Into this opening you must crawl, holding a lamp in your mouth.
Keep your hands free lest you knock your nose against a stone, for the way is steep and the stones sharp.If it bruises your knees never mind; you are on the road to fortune.Do not rest till you reach a wide stairway, down which you will go till you come out into a spacious hall, in which there are three doors; two of them stand open, the third is fastened with locks and bolts of iron.Do not go through the door to the right lest you disturb the bones of the lords of the treasure.Neither must you go through the door to the left, it leads to the snake's chamber, where adders and serpents lodge; but open the fast-closed door by means of the well-known spring-root, which you must on no account forget to take with you, or all your trouble will be for naught, for no crowbar or mortal tools will help you.If you want to procure the root ask a wood-seller; it is a common thing for hunters to need, and it is not hard to find.If the door bursts open suddenly with great crackings and groanings do not be afraid, the noise is caused by the power of the magic root, and you will not be hurt.Now trim your lamp that it may not fail you, for you will be nearly blinded by the flash and glitter of the gold and precious stones on the walls and pillars of the vault; but beware how you stretch out a hand towards the jewels! In the midst of the cavern stands a copper chest, in that you will find gold and silver, enough and to spare, and you may help yourself to your heart's content.If you take as much as you can carry you will have sufficient to last your lifetime, and you may return three times; but woe betide you if you venture to come a fourth time.You would have your trouble for your pains, and would be punished for your greediness by falling down the stone steps and breaking your leg.
Do not neglect each time to heap back the loose earth which concealed the entrance of the king's treasure chamber."'As the apparition left off speaking my dog pricked up his ears and began to bark.I heard the crack of a carter's whip and the noise of wheels in the distance, and when I looked again the spectre had disappeared.'
So ended the shepherd's tale; and the landlord who was listening with the rest, said shrewdly: