

"The duke invited him, sir, to rest here till Wednesday.

The duke is at Strelsau, preparing the King's reception.""Then they're friends?"

"None better," said the old lady.

But my rosy damsel tossed her head again; she was not to be repressed for long, and she broke out again:

"Ay, they love one another as men do who want the same place and the same wife!"The old woman glowered; but the last words pricked my curiosity, and I interposed before she could begin scolding:

"What, the same wife, too! How's that, young lady?""All the world knows that Black Michael--well then, mother, the duke--would give his soul to marry his cousin, the Princess Flavia, and that she is to be the queen.""Upon my word," said I, "I begin to be sorry for your duke.

But if a man will be a younger son, why he must take what the elder leaves, and be as thankful to God as he can;" and, thinking of myself, I shrugged my shoulders and laughed.

And then I thought also of Antoinette de Mauban and her journey to Strelsau.

"It's little dealing Black Michael has with--" began the girl, braving her mother's anger; but as she spoke a heavy step sounded on the floor, and a gruff voice asked in a threatening tone:

"Who talks of "Black Michael" in his Highness's own burgh?"The girl gave a little shriek, half of fright--half, I think, of amusement.

"You'll not tell of me, Johann?" she said.

"See where your chatter leads," said the old lady.

The man who had spoken came forward.

"We have company, Johann," said my hostess, and the fellow plucked off his cap.A moment later he saw me, and, to my amazement, he started back a step, as though he had seen something wonderful.

"What ails you, Johann?" asked the elder girl."This is a gentleman on his travels, come to see the coronation."The man had recovered himself, but he was staring at me with an intense, searching, almost fierce glance.

"Good evening to you," said I.

"Good evening, sir," he muttered, still scrutinizing me, and the merry girl began to laugh as she called--"See, Johann, it is the colour you love! He started to see your hair, sir.It's not the colour we see most of here in Zenda.""I crave your pardon, sir," stammered the fellow, with puzzled eyes."I expected to see no one.""Give him a glass to drink my health in; and I'll bid you good night, and thanks to you, ladies, for your courtesy and pleasant conversation."So speaking, I rose to my feet, and with a slight bow turned to the door.The young girl ran to light me on the way, and the man fell back to let me pass, his eyes still fixed on me.

The moment I was by, he started a step forward, asking:

"Pray, sir, do you know our King?"

"I never saw him," said I."I hope to do so on Wednesday."He said no more, but I felt his eyes following me till the door closed behind me.My saucy conductor, looking over her shoulder at me as she preceded me upstairs, said:

"There's no pleasing Master Johann for one of your colour, sir.""He prefers yours, maybe?" I suggested.

"I meant, sir, in a man," she answered, with a coquettish glance.

"What," asked I, taking hold of the other side of the candlestick, "does colour matter in a man?""Nay, but I love yours--it's the Elphberg red.""Colour in a man," said I, "is a matter of no more moment than that!'

--and I gave her something of no value.

"God send the kitchen door be shut!" said she.

"Amen!" said I, and left her.

In fact, however, as I now know, colour is sometimes of considerable moment to a man.

  • 谈龙录


  • Andreas Hofer

    Andreas Hofer

  • 海阳十咏·玄览亭


  • 送柳使君赴袁州


  • 樵云独唱


  • 传奇之无敌法师


  • 重生之妖孽女王


  • 朴灿烈,你是我的暖阳


  • 穿越之关公战吕布


  • 超级史莱姆戒指


  • 重拾仙缘


  • 时空的裂缝


  • 黑与紫的光影


  • 项城乡村岁月


  • 千家诗

