

"Well, there are no others," said she."There's not a woman there--not as a servant, I mean.They do say--but perhaps it's false, sir.""Let's have it for what it's worth," said I.

"Indeed, I'm ashamed to tell you, sir."

"Oh, see, I'm looking at the ceiling."

"They do say there is a lady there, sir; but, except for her, there's not a woman in the place.And Johann has to wait on the gentlemen.""Poor Johann! He must be overworked.Yet I'm sure he could find half an hour to come and see you.""It would depend on the time, sir, perhaps.""Do you love him?" I asked.

"Not I, sir."

"And you wish to serve the King?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then tell him to meet you at the second milestone out of Zenda tomorrow evening at ten o'clock.Say you'll be there and will walk home with him.""Do you mean him harm, sir?"

"Not if he will do as I bid him.But I think I've told you enough, my pretty maid.See that you do as I bid you.And, mind, no one is to know that the King has been here."I spoke a little sternly, for there is seldom harm in infusing a little fear into a woman's liking for you, and I softened the effect by giving her a handsome present.Then we dined, and, wrapping my cloak about my face, with Fritz leading the way, we went downstairs to our horses again.

It was but half-past eight, and hardly yet dark; the streets were full for such a quiet little place, and I could see that gossip was all agog.With the King on one side and the duke on the other, Zenda felt itself the centre of all Ruritania.

We jogged gently through the town, but set our horses to a sharper pace when we reached the open country.

"You want to catch this fellow Johann?" asked Fritz.

"Ay, and I fancy I've baited the hook right.Our little Delilah will bring our Samson.It is not enough, Fritz, to have no women in a house, though brother Michael shows some wisdom there.

If you want safety, you must have none within fifty miles.""None nearer than Strelsau, for instance," said poor Fritz, with a lovelorn sigh.

We reached the avenue of the chateau, and were soon at the house.

As the hoofs of our horses sounded on the gravel, Sapt rushed out to meet us.

"Thank God, you're safe!" he cried."Have you seen anything of them?""Of whom?" I asked, dismounting.

He drew us aside, that the grooms might not hear.

"Lad," he said to me, "you must not ride about here, unless with half a dozen of us.You know among our men a tall young fellow, Bernenstein by name?"I knew him.He was a fine strapping young man, almost of my height, and of light complexion.

"He lies in his room upstairs, with a bullet through his arm.""The deuce he does!"

"After dinner he strolled out alone, and went a mile or so into the wood; and as he walked, he thought he saw three men among the trees; and one levelled a gun at him.He had no weapon, and he started at a run back towards the house.

But one of them fired, and he was hit, and had much ado to reach here before he fainted.By good luck, they feared to pursue him nearer the house."He paused and added:

"Lad, the bullet was meant for you."

"It is very likely," said I, "and it's first blood to brother Michael.""I wonder which three it was," said Fritz.

"Well, Sapt," I said, "I went out tonight for no idle purpose, as you shall hear.But there's one thing in my mind.""What's that?" he asked.

"Why this," I answered."That I shall ill requite the very great honours Ruritania has done me if I depart from it leaving one of those Six alive--neither with the help of God, will I."And Sapt shook my hand on that.

  • 原来我们错过的是青春


  • 雷武战尊


  • 大王独宠:绝代女捕快(完结)


  • 第一人主


  • 我的修炼笔录


  • 网王柯南之梦的诠释


  • 我们都曾亏欠爱情


    一个爱她爱得那么深的青梅竹马,一个只能仰望她、远远喜欢她的贫穷少年,那个拿着她家钥匙,打开房门的神秘人……那一夜之后她的生活发生了改变。很多很多年后,她才明白,很多事情是没有假如也没有答案的。当年那么在意的事情,现在却感觉可爱得想笑。当年那么回避憎恨的事件,掀开时光的面纱后心底却隐隐作痛。一切的原因只在于内心的种子最终开出的花朵。跌跌撞撞的成长,又美又疼才是本质。即使个人的生命终将归于虚无,生的意义还是由每个人自己决定的。 即使人类无法从上帝那里获得仁爱与公正,人类还是要为自己去选择合理的目标。
  • 易烊千玺之玫瑰花的爱恋


  • 瑞香阁见闻


  • 霓裳泪,妖孽魔君别乱来

