

LIFE AN ATTRIBUTE OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.THE PLANET JUPITERLIFE IS AN ATTRIBUTE OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.Go forthon a moonless night and behold the firmament emblazoned with its myriad of scintillating stars, solar orbs, nebulae, world-systems in the making: the galactic circle, a jeweled band athwart the canopy of Heaven; a seething maelstrom of Light: countless suns in space all expressing the one reality, OMNISCIENCE.

Only presumptuous man can question the Divine Intent in the creation of the Infinite number of giant suns, stupendous worldwide systems, and place his particular world-unit at the center of the Cosmos.

Man contemplates this handiwork of God as a mere adjunct (more ornamental than useful) to his terrestrial environment, conceitedly thinking that the Father's only consideration is centered about himself.

As these life-giving orbs are countless in number, their orbits extending as they do to Infinity in all directions, so is it with the habitable worlds in space.Some there are where life is not yet possible: worlds not yet far removed from their primitive state: not long since condensed from fire mist: others where life has just begun: others on whose surfaces live teeming millions of God's creatures, just as you live and others have lived before you.And there are other worlds whose life-cycle has been run; where intelligent life has ceased: where world-disintegration has set in.For this is in accordance with the universal law of Growth and Decay--a law that exempts neither the one-celled amoeba, nor the complex Solar system whirling yonder in Infinite space.

For all that comes from the Father into material expression must some day revert to its primordial state.

You have thus far received much concerning the idealistic conditions on Mars, whose planetary career is now reaching the zenith of its Cosmic cycle, and whose denizens have progressed to a degree of Divineunfoldment not yet attained by many worlds.

It is necessary that you now receive some information relating to one of the less-advanced planets belonging to the family of our sun, in order you may be able to learn by contrast something of the wonders of God's work.

JUPITER, owing to its prodigious size, being nearly eleven times larger than your Earth, but whose density is proportionately less, might well be styled the Master Planet of our system.

Jupiter is well blessed with satellites, having eight, a description of which is not necessary at this time.This planet is in what might be styled its primary evolutionary stage where life has just begun.This life has not evolved beyond the unicellular, or amoebic stage; and it will be only after the lapse of a long period of time, measured in Geological units, when more complex organisms will appear: and many of these periods will come and go before this planet's surface will have attained a proper development for the propagation of intelligences capable of being classed with the denizens of your Earth.

Long before that age arrives Jupiter's surface and atmosphere will undergo a tremendous change.Mighty planetary cataclysms will raise new mountain ranges; new continents will appear, and the present land surfaces on this planet will sink, to be covered with slime and water, to rise again in the centuries to come, for the Father's love and solicitude will provide, as it has in the case of all His Celestial Creations, a bountiful supply of stored-up radiant energy, such as coal and petroleum, and other elements, for the comfort of those who will inhabit this giant among the worlds of this system in time to come.

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