


In connection with the revelation contained in this book concerning the physical characteristics of Mars, the compiler of this volume, as well also as the medium, was given much information concerning this advanced planet by means of clairvoyant visions.These pictures were given the writer at different times, commencing early in 1920, and continuing until the book was finished.

As has been explained by the controls who have been instrumental in giving the information about Mars, the purpose of these clairvoyant pictures was to give the compiler of this book real visual evidence as to life on Mars; and in particular, real pictures setting forth its topography, which could be elucidated in no other way.

Written descriptions of scenery and of human activities necessarily fall short of the reality, especially when an attempt is made to record a series of events or a point of view outside the realm of our experience.

The first picture realized by the writer, and for that matter the most important one, was the view given him of Urid the Beautiful, one of the most Important centers of population on the planet Mars.

It was while lying in bed one morning the writer was contemplating the many messages being received from the Martian, who is the dictator of the subject matter of this book, that he found himself at a strange place, suspended as it were in the air over a beautiful lake of blue water, whose surface was broken by gentle ripples, due to the soft, balmy breeze blowing over the surface of the water.The writer was facing what seemed to be a westerly direction; and at a distance of about five miles there arose a series of small mountains about 2,500 feet in altitude.These mountains skirted the shores of the lake.The sky was a beautiful blue, bluer than the sapphire-tinted skies of our own desert lands.The mountains were tinted red from base to top, except where the moisture near the shores of the lake had stimulated a vegetal growth, whose greencontrasted most harmoniously with the red of the soil.Two white clouds floated majestically near the peaks of the highest mountains.

The atmosphere was impressively clear and all objects seemed to stand out in sharp definition, a condition seldom seen by dwellers on our Earth except in extremely dry and arid regions.

On top of a small plateau, forming the crown of a low-lying hill at the base of one of the highest mountains, and about 1,500 feet from the shore line, I was startled to see a large city.The thousands of closely nestling buildings seemed to be built of white stone.The writer was lost in admiration, for there in front of him the pure white of the city, contrasting so vividly with the red soil of this faraway planet, stood the habitations of an advanced race many millions of miles removed from my own world.

The writer was impressed with the fact that, with but few exceptions, the buildings of gleaming white were all one story in height, and it became instantly evident that crowding is not tolerated by the inhabitants of this progressive planet.A few structures towered above the rest. These, as the writer was informed later, were the public buildings dedicated to the use of the people as lecture halls, centers for music and art, etc.

On a subsequent occasion the writer was shown a close-up view of Urid.Flowers, grass and green foliage abounded everywhere.The long streets were broad and well paved, and flanked on two sides with long rows of one-storied buildings of white stone, beautiful in their simplicity.No extreme ornamentation is carried out in the erection of buildings on Mars.On the contrary, the simple square outlines characteristic of our own Old Mission architecture seems to prevail on the planet Mars.The same simple style prevails with the public buildings, except that massive stone columns marked the portals of same, reminding one of our own early Grecian architecture.

Many palm-like trees grew all over the city, especially in the neighborhood of the public buildings.

A week after the occurrence of the above incident the writer was shown, in the same manner as before, one of the many canals that gridiron the Martian globe. This particular canal is one of the main waterways onMars, and appeared to be about a mile wide at the point of observation.The water was of a deep blue color, denoting great depth.Along the banks of this waterway could be seen many houseboats or floating dwellings.Some of these houseboats were very large and evidently housed large families.The writer was informed that many Martians who have charge of the waterways dwell in these habitations.

The banks above the canal were covered with green grass and many flowers.

On subsequent occasions I was shown other canals and reservoirs, and the manner in which some of the canals were cut through the mountains.In some instances the walls of the canals were almost perpendicular.Steep cuts, even in soft ground, seemed to be characteristic of all the waterways observed by the writer.

On another occasion the writer was given a view of the North Polar regions.At that time the deep snows that covered the ground everywhere were melting.The country seemed to be very hilly.As far as the eye could reach I observed low-lying hills covered with a white mantle of snow.Patches of reddish earth here and there indicated that the thaw was general and that the snow had thinned out in spots.Between the hills I observed a large body of water, and was informed that this was an artificial reservoir which had been created by the damming of a large valley.The sky on this occasion was hidden by a mist, a very natural phenomenon in view of the fact that many thousands of square miles of the country, covered with snow on this part of Mars, was undergoing a rapid thaw.

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