

On our side Mosby and a few other leaders of hands composed almost entirely of gentlemen, have never been accused of practices of this kind; but, with these exceptions, there is little to choose between them."After walking for four or five miles they again sat down till evening, and then going down to the river endeavored to find a boat by which they could cross, but to their disappointment no craft of any kind was visible, although in many places there were stages by the riverside, evidently used by farmers for unloading their produce into boats.Vincent concluded at last that at some period of the struggle all the boats must have been collected and either sunk or carried away by one of the parties to prevent the other crossing the river.

Hitherto they had carefully avoided all the farmhouses that appeared to be inhabited; but Vincent now determined to approach one of them and endeavor to gain some information as to the distance from the next bridge, and whether it was guarded by troops, and to find out if possible the position in which the Northern forces in Tennessee were at present posted-all of which points he was at present ignorant of.He passed two or three large farmhouses without entering, for although the greater part of the male population were away with one or other of the armies, he might still find two or three hands in such buildings.Besides, it was now late, and whatever the politics of the inmates they would be suspicious of such late arrivals, and would probably altogether refuse them admittance.Accordingly another night was spent in the wood.

The next morning, after walking a mile or two, they saw a house at which Vincent determined to try their fortune.It was small, but seemed to have belonged to people above the class of farmer.It stood in a little plantation, and was surrounded by a veranda.Most of the blinds were down, and Vincent judged that the inmates could not be numerous.

"You remain here, Dan, and I will go and knock at the door.It is better that we should not be seen together." Vincent accordingly went forward and knocked at the door.An old negress opened it.

"We have nothing for tramps," she said."De house am pretty well cleared out oh eberyting." She was about to shut the door when Vincent put his foot forward and prevented it closing."Massa Charles," the negress called out, "bring yo' shot-gun quick; here am tief want to break into the house.""I am neither a thief nor a tramp," Vincent said; "and I do not want anything, except that I should be glad to buy a loaf of bread if you have one that you could spare.I have lost my way, and I want to ask directions.""Dat am pretty likely story," the old woman said."Bring up dat shot-gun quick, Massa Charles.""What is it, Chloe?" another female voice asked.

"Here am a man pretend he hab lost his way and wants to buy a loaf.You stand back, Miss Lucy, and let your broder shoot de villain dead.""I can assure you that I am not a robber, madam," Vincent said through the partly opened door."I am alone, and only beg some information, which I doubt not you can give me.""Open the door, Chloe," the second voice said inside; "that is not the voice of a robber."The old woman reluctantly obeyed the order and opened the door, and Vincent saw in the passage a young girl of some sixteen years old.He took off his hat.

"I am very sorry to disturb you," he said; "but I am an entire stranger here, and am most desirous of crossing the river, but can find no boat with which to do so.""Why did you not cross by the bridge?" the girl asked."How did you miss the straight road?""Frankly, because there were Northern troops there," Vincent said, "and I wish to avoid them if possible.""You are a Confederate?" the girl asked, when the old negress interrupted her:

"Hush! Miss Lucy, don't you talk about dem tings; der plenty of mischief done already.What hab you to do wid one side or do oder?"The girl paid no attention to her words, but stood awaiting Vincent's answer.He did not hesitate.There was something in her face that told him that, friend or foe, she was not likely to betray a fugitive, and he answered:

"I am a Confederate officer, madam.I have made my escape from Elmira prison, and am trying to find my way back into our lines.""Come in, sir," the girl said, holding out her hand."We are Secessionists, heart and soul.My father and my brother are with our troops-that is, if they are both alive.I have little to offer you, for the Yankee bands have been here several times, have driven off our cattle, emptied our barns, and oven robbed our hen-nests, and taken everything in the house they thought worth carrying away.

But whatever there is, sir, you are heartily welcome to.I had a paper yesterday-it is not often I get one-and I saw there that three of our officers had escaped from Elmira.Are you one of them?""Yes, madam.I am Lieutenant Wingfield.""Ah! then you are in the cavalry.You have fought under Stuart,"the girl said."The paper said so.Oh, how I wish we had Stuart and Stonewall Jackson on this side! we should soon drive the Yankees out of Tennessee.""They would try to, anyhow," Vincent said, smiling, "and if it were possible they would assuredly do it.I was in Ashley's horse with the Stonewall division through the first campaign in the Shenandoah Valley and up to Bull Run, and after that under Stuart.

  • 太上洞神三皇传授仪


  • 改变孩子先改变自己


    这本书是著名家庭教育专家、网瘾戒除专家、2012年中国家庭教育“十佳公益人物”贾容韬老师成为一个好爸爸的心理历程及他这么多年教育方法的汇集。 贾容韬老师原来是做企业的,由于孩子教育出了问题,成为年级倒数第一名,还差点被学校开除,痛心之余,贾老师决定做陪读爸爸。在这个过程中,贾老师也进行了反思,发现孩子的问题其实主要是家长教育方法的问题,他开始从书本上学习,看了上千本书,做了80多万字的教育笔记,同时调整自己的教育方法,他的教育方法改变了,孩子也发生了根本变化,逐渐好学上进,最后还考上了全国重点大学。 贾老师把自己摸索出的经验用于指导其他咨询他的家长,指导了几千个家庭,都取得了非常好的效果。
  • 美女别怕,保镖在此


  • 终归陌路,等待


  • 贵族学院:百变萝莉强势回归


  • 反扑倒之兔子爱吃窝边草


  • 三世情深之挚爱不悔


  • 恋爱才是王道


  • 战魔之九转帝王剑


  • 易烊千玺:你是我的全部

