THE PARTY round the fire were just about to disperse when the captain of Vincent's troop approached.He took the horn of spirits and water that Vincent held up to him and tossed it off.
"That is a stirrup-cup, Wingfield."
"What! are we for duty, captain?" Vincent asked as he rose to his feet.
"Yes; our troop and Harper's are to muster.Get the men together quietly.I think it is a serious business; each of the regiments furnish other troops, and I believe Stuart himself takes the command.""That sounds like work, indeed," Vincent said."I will get the troop together, sir.""There are to be no trumpet calls, Wingfleld; we are to get off as quietly as possible."Most of the men were already fast asleep, but as soon as they learned that there was a prospect of active work all were full of life and animation.The girths of the saddles were tightened, swords buckled on, and revolvers carefully examined before being placed in the holsters.Many of the men carried repeating rifles, and the magazines were filled before these were slung across the riders' shoulders.
In a few minutes the three troops were mounted and in readiness for a start, and almost directly afterward Colonel Jones himself rode up and took the command.A thrill of satisfaction ran through the men as he did so, for it was certain that he would not himself be going in command of the detachment unless the occasion was an important one.For a few minutes no move was made.
"I suppose the others are going to join us here," Vin cent said to the officer next him.
"I suppose so," he replied."We lie in tbe middle of the cavalry brigade with two regiments each side of us, so it is likely enough this is the gathering place.Yes, I can hear the tramping of horses.""And I felt a spot of rain," Vincent said."It has been lightning for some time.I fear we are in for a wet ride."The contingent from the other regiments soon arrived, and just as the last came up General Stuart himself appeared and took his place at the head of the party, now some 500 strong.Short as the time had been since Vincent felt the first drop, the rain was now coming down in torrents.One by one the bright flames of the fires died down, and the darkness became so intense that Vincent could scarcely see the officer on his right hand.
"I hope the man who rode up with the general, and is no doubt to be our guide, knows the country well.It is no joke finding our way through a forest on such a night as this.""I believe Stuart's got eyes like a cat," the officer said."Sometimes on a dark night he has come galloping up to a post where I was in command, when one could scarcely see one's hand before one.It never seems to make any difference to him, day or night he rides about at a gallop.""He trusts his horse," Vincent said."That's the only way in the dark.They can see a lot better than we can, and if men would but let them go their own way instead of trying to guide them they would seldom run against anything.The only thing is to lie well down on the horse's neck, otherwise one might get swept out of the saddle by a bough.It's a question of nerve, I think not many of us would do as Stuart does, and trust himself entirely to his horse's instinct."The word was now passed down the line that perfect silence was to be observed, and that they were to move forward in column, the ranks closing up as much as possible so as not to lose touch of each other.With heads bent down, and blankets wrapped round them as cloaks, the cavalry rode off through the pouring rain.The thunder was clashing overhead, and the flashes of the lightning enabled them to keep their places in close column.They went at a rapid trot, and even those who were ready to charge a body of the enemy, however numerous, without a moment's hesitation, experienced a feeling of nervousness as they rode on in the darkness through the thick forest on their unknown errand.That they were going northward they knew, and knew also, after a short time, that they must be entering the lines of the enemy.They saw no signs of watch-fires, for these would long since have been quenched by the downpour.After half an hour's brisk riding all knew by the sharp sound of the beat of the horses' hoofs that they had left the soft track through the forest and were now upon a regular road.
"Thank goodness for that!" Vincent said in a low tone to his next neighbor."I don't mind a brush with the enemy, but I own I don't like the idea that at any moment my brains may be knocked out by the branch of a tree.""I quite agree with you," the other replied; "and I fancy every man felt the same."There was no doubt as to this.Hitherto no sound had been heard save the jingling of accouterments and the dull heavy sound of the horses' tread; but now there could be heard mingled with these the buzz of voices, and occasionally a low laugh.They were so accustomed to wet that the soaking scarce inconvenienced them.
They were out of the forest now, and felt sure of their guide; and as to the enemy, they only longed to discover them.
For another hour the rapid advance continued, and all felt sure that they must now have penetrated through the enemy's lines and be well in his rear.At last they heard a challenge of sentry.Then Stuart's voice shouted, "Charge!" and at full gallop they rode into the village at Catlet's Station on the Orange and Alexandria railroad, where General Pope had his headquarters.Another minute and they were in the midst of the enemy's camp, where the wildest confusion reigned.The Federal officers rushed from their teats and made off in the darkness; but the soldiers, who were lying on the line of railroad, leaped to their feet and opened a heavy fire upon their invisible foes.Against this the cavalry, broken up in the camp, with its tents, its animals, and its piles of baggage, could do little, for it was impossible to form them up in the broken and unknown ground.