

Vincent carefully played out the rope till some fifteen yards were over, then he fastened it to the ring of the head rope, and had the satisfaction of finding that the boat rode easily to the floating anchor, rising lightly over the waves, and not shipping a drop of water.He then took the baler and got rid of the water that had found its way on board, Dan, after getting down the sail, having collapsed utterly.

"Now, Dan, sit up; there, man, the motion is much easier now, and we are taking no water on board.I will give you a glass of rum, that will put new strength into you.It's lucky we put it in the basket in ease of emergency."The negro, whose teeth were chattering from cold, fright, and exhaustion, eagerly drank off the spirit.Vincent, who was wet to the skin with the spray, took a little himself, and then settled himself as comfortably as he could on the floor-hoards in the stern of the boat, and quietly thought out the position.The wind was still rising, and a thick haze obscured the land.He had no doubt that by night it would be blowing a gale; but the boat rode so easily and lightly that he believed she would get through it.

They might, it was true, he blown many miles off the shore, and not be able to get back for some time, for the gale might last two or three days.The basket of provisions was, however, a large one.

Dan had received orders to bring plenty and had obeyed them literally, and Vincent saw that the supply of food, if carefully husbanded, would last; without difficulty for a week.The supply of liquor was less satisfactory.There was the bottle of rum, two bottles of claret, and a two-gallon jar, nearly half empty, of water.

The cold tea was finished.

"That would be a poor supply for a week for two of us," Vincent;muttered, as he removed the contents of the basket and stored them carefully in the locker; "however, if it's going to be a gale there is sure to be some rain with it, so 1 think we shall manage very well."By night it was blowing really heavily, but although the waves were high the boat shipped but little water.Dan had fallen off to sleep, and Vincent had been glad to wrap himself in the thick coat he had brought with him as a protection against the heavy dews when sleeping on the river.At; times sharp rain squalls burst upon them, and Vincent had no difficulty in filling up the water-bottle again with the baler.

The water was rather brackish, but nor sufficiently so to be of consequence.All night the heat was tossed heavily on the waves.

Vincent dozed off at times, rousing himself occasionally and baling out the water, which came in the shape of spray and rain.

The prospect; in the morning was not cheering.Gray clouds covered the sky and seemed to come down almost on to the water, the angry sea was crested with white heads, and it; seemed to Vincent wonderful that the boat should live in such a sea.

"Now, Dan, wake yourself up and get some breakfast," Vincent said, stirring up the negro with his foot.

"Oh Lor'!" Dan groaned, raising himself into a sitting position from the bottom of the boat, "dis am awful; we neber see the shore no more, massa.""Nonsense, man," Vincent said cheerily; "we are getting on capitally.""It hab been an awful night, sah.""An awful night! You lazy rascal, you slept like a pig all night, while I have been baling the boat and looking out for you.It is your turn now, I can tell you.Well, do you feel ready for your breakfast?"Dan, after a moment's consideration, declared that he was.The feeling of seasickness had passed off, and except that he was wet through and miserable, he felt himself again, and could have eaten four times the allowance of food that Vincent handed him.Apannikin of rum and water did much to restore his life and vitality, and he was soon, with the light-heartedness of his race, laughing and chatting cheerfully.

"How long dis go on, you tink, sah?"

"Not long, I hope, Dan.I was afraid last night it was going to be a big gale, but I do not think it is blowing so hard now as it; was in the night.""Where have we get to now, sah?""I don't exactly know, Dan; but I do not suppose that we are very many miles away from shore.The mast and oars prevent our drifting fast, and I don't think we are further off now than we were when we left that ship yesterday.But even if we were four or five times as far as that, we should not take very long in sailing back again when the wind drops, and as we have got enough to eat for a week we need not be uncomfortable about that.""Not much food for a week, Massa Vincent.""Not a very great deal, Dan; but quite enough to keep us going.

You can make up for lost time when you get to shore again."In a few hours it was certain that the wind was going down.By midday the clouds began to break up, and an hour later the sun was shining brightly.The wind was still blowing strongly, hr t the sea had a very different appearance in the bright light of the sun to that which it had borne under the canopy of dark gray clouds.Standing 'up in the boat two hours later, Vincent could see no signs of land.

"How shall we find our way back, Massa Vincent?""We have got a compass; besides, we should manage very well even if we had not.Look at the sun, Dan.There it; is right ahead of us.So, you know, that's the west-that's the way we have to go.""That very useful oh de sun, sah; but suppose we not live in de west do sun not point de way den.""Oh, yes, he would, just the same, Dan.We should know whether to go away from him, or to keep him en the right hand or on the left."This was beyond Dan."And I s'pose the moon will show de way at night, massa?""The moon would show the way if she were 'up, but she is not always up; but I have got a compass here, and so whether we have the sun or the moon, or neither of them, I can find my way back to land."Dan had never seen a compass, and for an hour amused himself turning it round and round and trying to get it to point in some other direction than the north.

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