There is no doubt that our slaves, both at the Orangery and at the other plantations, are contented and happy; but you know how fickle and easily led the negroes are, and in the excitement of finding them selves free and able to go where they please, you may be sure that the greater number will wander away.My proposal is, that we should at once mark out a plot of land for each family and tell them that as long as they stay here it is theirs rent-free; they will be paid for their work upon the estate, three, four, or five days a week, as they can spare time from their own plots.In this way they will be settled down, and have crops upon their plots of land, before the whole black population is upset by the sudden abolition of slavery.""But supposing they won't work at all, even for wages, Vincent?""I should not give them the option, mother; it will be a condition of their having their plots of land free that they shall work at least three days a week for wages.""I will think over what you say, Vincent, and tell you my decision in the morning.I certainly think your plan is a good one."The next morning Mrs.Wingfield told Vincent that she had decided to adopt his plan.He at once held a long consultation with the overseer, and decided which fields should be set aside for the allotments, choosing land Close to the negroes' quarters and suitable for the raising of vegetables for sale in the town.
In the afternoon Mrs Wingfield went down with him.The bell was rung and the whole of the slaves assembled.Vincent then made them a speech.He began by reminding them of the kind treatment they had always received, and of the good feeling that had existed between the owners of the Orangery and their slaves.He praised them for their good conduct since the beginning of the troubles, and said that his mother and himself had agreed that they would now take steps to reward them, and to strengthen the tie between them.They would all be granted their freedom at once, and a large plot of land would be given to each man, as much as he and his family could cultivate with an average of two days a week steady labor.
Those who liked would, of course, be at liberty to leave; but he hoped that none of them would avail themselves of this freedom, for nowhere would they do so well as by accepting the offer he made them.All who accepted the offer of a plot of land rent-free must understand that it was granted them upon the condition that they would labor upon the estate for at least three days a week, receiving a rate of pay similar to that earned by other freed negroes.Of course they would be at liberty to work four or five days a week if they chose; but at least they must work three days and any one failing to do this would forfeit his plot of land."Three days' work," he said, "will be sufficient to provide all necessaries for yourselves and families and the produce of your land you can sell, and will so be able to lay by an ample sum to keep yourselves in old age.I have already plotted out the land and you shall cast lots for choice of the plots.There will be a little delay before all your papers of freedom can be made out, but the arrangement will begin from to-day, and henceforth you will be paid for all labor done on the estate."Scarcely a word was spoken when Vincent concluded.The news was too surprising to the negroes for them to be able to understand it all at once.Dan and Tony, to whom Vincent had already explained the matter, went among them, and they gradually took in the whole of Vincent's meaning.A few received the news with great joy, but many others were depressed rather than rejoiced at the responsibilities of their new positions.Hitherto they had been clothed and fed, the doctor attended them in sickness, their master would care for them in old age.They had been literally without a care for the morrow, and the thought that in future they would have to think of all these things for themselves almost frightened them.Several of the older men went up to Mrs.Wingfield and positively declined to accept their freedom.They were quite contented and happy, and wanted nothing more.They had worked on the plantation since they had been children, and freedom offered them no temptations whatever.
"What had we better do, Vincent?" Mrs.Wingfield asked.
"I think, mother, it will be best to toll them that all who wish can remain upon the old footing, but that their papers will be made out and if at any time they wish to have their freedom they will only have to say so.No doubt they will soon become accustomed to the idea, and seeing how comfortable the others are with their pay and the produce of their gardens they will soon fall in with the rest.Of course it will decrease the income from the estate, but not so much as you would think.They will be paid for their labor, but we shall have neither to feed nor clothe them; and I think we shall get better labor than we do now, for the knowledge that those who do not work steadily will lose their plots of land, and have to go out in the world to work, their places being filled by others, will keep them steady.""It's an experiment, Vincent, and we shall see how it works.""It's an experiment I have often thought I should like to make, mother, and now you see it is almost forced upon us.To-morrow Iwill ride over to the other plantations and make the same arrangements."During the month of August many battles took place round Petersburg.On the 12th the Federals attacked, but were repulsed with heavy loss, and 2,500 prisoners were taken.On the 21st the Confederates attacked, and obtained a certain amount of success, killing, wounding, and capturing 2,400 men.Petersburg was shelled day and night, and almost continuous fighting went on.