

When this little company, employed in pleasing talk and lively observations, were come within about a mile of Mrs.Teachum's house, and within view of a nobleman's fine seat, Miss Jenny said, that the next time their governess permitted them to walk out, she would ask her leave, that they might go and see that fine house; for some time ago she had told them, that they should go thither when the family were absent.Mrs.Wilson, the housekeeper, who by chance was walking that way, and heard what Miss Jenny said, came up to them, and told Miss Jenny that her lord and lady were now both absent, having set out, one for London, and the other for another fine seat, forty miles off, that very morning; and as she knew them to be Mrs.Teachum's well-regulated family, they should be welcome to see the house and gardens now, if they liked it.Miss Jenny thanked her, and said, as it was near two hours sooner than their governess expected them home, she would accept of her kind offer.The housekeeper led them through an avenue of tall elm-trees into this magnificent house, in which were many spacious apartments, furnished with the utmost grandeur and elegance.Some of the rooms were adorned with fine pictures, others were hung with tapestry almost as lively as those paintings, and most of the apartments above stairs were furnished with the finest sorts of needle-work.Our little company were struck into a sort of silent wonder and admiration at the splendid appearance of everything around them; nor could they find words to express the various reflections that passed in their minds, on seeing such a variety of dazzling gaudy things: but when they came to the needlework, Miss Jenny could not help smiling, to see how every one seemed most fixed in attention uponthat sort of work, which she herself was employed in, and she saw in every face a secret wish, that their own piece of work might be finished with equal neatness and perfection.The housekeeper was greatly pleased to see them so much delighted, and answered all their questions concerning the stories that were represented in the pictures and tapestry as fully as the time would permit; but Miss Jenny, being fearful of exceeding the hour in which they would be expected home, told them they must not now stay any longer, but if their governess would give them leave, and it would not be troublesome to Mrs.Wilson, they would come another time.She answered, that it was so far from being troublesome, that she never had more pleasure in her life, than to see so many well-behaved young ladies, who all seemed not only pleased with what they saw, but doubly delighted, and happy, in seeing each other so; and for her part, she could wish they were to stay with her all their lives; and, in short, they should not go till they had been in her room, and eat some sweetmeats of her own making.The good woman seemed to take so much delight in giving them any pleasure, that Miss Jenny could not refuse accepting her offer; and, when they were all in her room, Polly Suckling said, 'Well, this is a most charming house; I wish we could all live here for ever.How happy must the lord and lady of this fine place be!'

'Indeed, my little Polly,' said Miss Jenny, 'you may be very much mistaken; for you know our good governess has taught us, that there is no happiness but in the content of our own minds; and perhaps we may have more pleasure in viewing these fine things, than the owners have in the possession of them.'

'It is very true,' said the housekeeper, 'for my lord and lady have no delight in all this magnificence; for, by being so accustomed to it, they walk through all these apartments, and never so much as observe or amuse themselves with the work, the pictures, or anything else, or if they observe them at all, it is rather with a look that denotes a sort of weariness, at seeing the same things continually before them, than with any kind of pleasure.' And then, with a deep sigh, she added, 'You are, indeed, young lady, perfectly in the right, when you say grandeur and happiness do not always go together.' But turning off the discourse, Mrs.Wilson forcedthem to take as many dried sweetmeats as they could carry away with them, and insisted upon their promise (with Mrs.Teachum's consent) that they should come another time to see the gardens.They then took their leave with many thanks, and the greatest civility; and discoursed all the way home, on the fine things they had seen.Miss Betty Ford said, that the fine gilding, and so many glittering looking-glasses, made her think herself in Barbarico's great hall, where he kept all his treasure.

'No,' says Miss Nancy Spruce, 'it was not half so much like that, as it was like Brunetta's fine castle; and I could not help thinking myself the Princess Hebe, and how much I should have been pleased with such a fine place at first, just as she was.'

'Indeed,' says Miss Betty Ford, 'you are in the right of it, Miss Nanny; for 'twas much more like the description of Brunetta's castle, than what I said myself.'

Miss Jenny was pleased to hear Miss Betty so ready to own herself mistaken; and said to Miss Nanny Spruce, 'I am glad, my dear, to find that you so well remember what you read; for it is by recalling frequently into our memories the things we have read, that they are likely to be of any service to us.'

Being now come home, they entered into the presence of their governess with that pleasure, and proper confidence, which ever attends innocence and goodness; and Mrs.Teachum received them with a pleasing smile.

  • EXO之梦境奇缘:恋上吸血伯爵


  • 天使VS恶魔的情人


    她是众人眼中的恶魔,他是众人眼中的天使,可是只有她知道,谁才是真正的恶魔!天使的面具蒙骗了众人. 。一定要撕下他的天使假面具,可是,现在是什么情况。为了她而回来,什么意思啊!不懂呢?在美国念念不忘的人,让他决定丢下一切回来找她,可是她却已经忘了他,这怎么可以。既然她想玩,好啊,那就陪她玩玩吧! 可是,到底还是他的错,让她负伤离开。再见面时已经是五年后了,五年后的一切还会如初吗?这次是不是就可以幸福的在一起了!爱情的世界,两个人刚刚好,可是太多人掺与的爱情,注定不会有好的结局!赵灵依一个快乐而聪明的狡黠女孩,喜欢多管闲事,喜欢恶整人,智商180的她,是个漂亮而善良的小女生,却因为自己的恶整同学在剀汐高中由天使变成恶魔,魔鬼的脸蛋,魔鬼的身材,魔鬼的心肠。尹轩,赵灵依的双胞胎哥哥,早几分钟出生,却比赵灵依高出很多,是个恋妹严重的人,过度的保护欲,让赵灵依威胁利诱不许让别人知道他们是兄妹。爱妹如他,又怎会不答应,外号冰山王子。荆凤雅,赵灵依的好朋友兼死党,私生女。曾经她的世界只有黑暗,是她给她带来了阳光,一直保护自己的人。从没有想过,原来她也会那么脆弱的躺在病床上。心痛的滴血,暗下决定,以后换她来保护她。所以,她要变强,强到可以为她遮风挡雨,就像曾经的她。陈枫一个智商200的天才帅气男生,一次意外的咬人事件,让他念念不忘的小女生。美国的生活很好,可是缺了她,他的世界少了一片阳光,放弃一切回来,只为寻找那个让他牵挂十年的女孩。只是再见面时,她却已经忘了他,这怎么可以,他一定要重新追回她,陈枫,剀汐高中的天使王子,也是商场上以冷血的性情和果断的经商手法而闻名的“恶魔”。杰森,美国约翰家族的接班人,陈枫从小一起长大的对手兼死党。对于陈枫的突然离开,杰森好奇的跟在陈枫后面回了中国,顺便带了条小尾巴回来。第一次见到赵灵依,杰森的心突然沦陷了,这一刻他相信中国的那句一见钟情了。没想到的是,她居然是sky 的梦中情人,为了她,sky居然丢下一切回来找她。和sky的赌约只是一个气话,没说出口的是,早在他第一次见到依依时,就已经喜欢上了她。这次不管如何,他都不会放手的。帅气而阳光的杰森剀汐的阳光王子。
  • 神天陨


  • 勋鹿之对不起我爱你


  • 萌妃不要太花痴


  • 转世重生之紫金玉佩


  • 铁血抗战之神龙出击


  • 鸭子·蜜柑·入伍后(沈从文小说全集)


  • 福妻驾到


  • 武破凌空

