

Waltheof's southern earldoms of Northampton and Huntingdon became the dowry of his daughter Matilda; that of Huntingdon passed to his descendants the Kings of Scots.But Northumberland, close on the Scottish border, still needed an earl; but there is something strange in the choice of Bishop Walcher of Durham.It is possible that this appointment was a concession to English feeling stirred to wrath at the death of Waltheof.The days of English earls were over, and a Norman would have been looked on as Waltheof's murderer.

The Lotharingian bishop was a stranger; but he was not a Norman, and he was no oppressor of Englishmen.But he was strangely unfit for the place.Not a fighting bishop like Ode and Geoffrey, he was chiefly devoted to spiritual affairs, specially to the revival of the monastic life, which had died out in Northern England since the Danish invasions.But his weak trust in unworthy favourites, English and foreign, led him to a fearful and memorable end.The Bishop was on terms of close friendship with Ligulf, an Englishman of the highest birth and uncle by marriage to Earl Waltheof.He had kept his estates; but the insolence of his Norman neighbours had caused him to come and live in the city of Durham near his friend the Bishop.His favour with Walcher roused the envy of some of the Bishop's favourites, who presently contrived his death.The Bishop lamented, and rebuked them; but he failed to "do justice," to punish the offenders sternly and speedily.He was therefore believed to be himself guilty of Ligulf's death.One of the most striking and instructive events of the time followed.On May 14, 1080, a full Gemot of the earldom was held at Gateshead to deal with the murder of Ligulf.This was one of those rare occasions when a strong feeling led every man to the assembly.The local Parliament took its ancient shape of an armed crowd, headed by the noblest Englishmen left in the earldom.There was no vote, no debate; the shout was "Short rede good rede, slay ye the Bishop." And to that cry, Walcher himself and his companions, the murderers of Ligulf among them, were slaughtered by the raging multitude who had gathered to avenge him.

The riot in which Walcher died was no real revolt against William's government.Such a local rising against a local wrong might have happened in the like case under Edward or Harold.No government could leave such a deed unpunished; but William's own ideas of justice would have been fully satisfied by the blinding or mutilation of a few ringleaders.But William was in Normandy in the midst of domestic and political cares.He sent his brother Ode to restore order, and his vengeance was frightful.The land was harried; innocent men were mutilated and put to death; others saved their lives by bribes.Earl after earl was set over a land so hard to rule.A certain Alberie was appointed, but he was removed as unfit.The fierce Bishop Geoffrey of Coutances tried his hand and resigned.At the time of William's death the earldom was held by Geoffrey's nephew Robert of Mowbray, a stern and gloomy stranger, but whom Englishmen reckoned among "good men," when he guarded the marches of England against the Scot.

After the death of Waltheof William seems to have stayed in Normandy for several years.His ill luck now began.Before the year 1076was out, he entered, we know not why, on a Breton campaign.But he was driven from Dol by the combined forces of Britanny and France;Philip was ready to help any enemy of William.The Conqueror had now for the first time suffered defeat in his own person.He made peace with both enemies, promising his daughter Constance to Alan of Britanny.But the marriage did not follow till ten years later.

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