
第22章 CHUN AH CHUN(3)

Of course, his children were not known as the Ah Chun children.As he had evolved from a coolie labourer to a multi-millionaire, so had his name evolved.Mamma Ah Chun had spelled it A'Chun, but her wiser offspring had elided the apostrophe and spelled it Achun.Ah Chun did not object.The spelling of his name interfered no whit with his comfort nor his philosophic calm.Besides, he was not proud.But when his children arose to the height of a starched shirt, a stiff collar, and a frock coat, they did interfere with his comfort and calm.Ah Chun would have none of it.He preferred the loose-flowing robes of China, and neither could they cajole nor bully him into making the change.They tried both courses, and in the latter one failed especially disastrously.They had not been to America for nothing.They had learned the virtues of the boycott as employed by organized labour, and he, their father, Chun Ah Chun, they boycotted in his own house, Mamma Achun aiding and abetting.But Ah Chun himself, while unversed in Western culture, was thoroughly conversant with Western labour conditions.An extensive employer of labour himself, he knew how to cope with its tactics.Promptly he imposed a lockout on his rebellious progeny and erring spouse.He discharged his scores of servants, locked up his stables, closed his houses, and went to live in the Royal Hawaiian Hotel, in which enterprise he happened to be the heaviest stockholder.The family fluttered distractedly on visits about with friends, while Ah Chun calmly managed his many affairs, smoked his long pipe with the tiny silver bowl, and pondered the problem of his wonderful progeny.

This problem did not disturb his calm.He knew in his philosopher's soul that when it was ripe he would solve it.In the meantime he enforced the lesson that complacent as he might be, he was nevertheless the absolute dictator of the Achun destinies.The family held out for a week, then returned, along with Ah Chun and the many servants, to occupy the bungalow once more.And thereafterno question wasraised when Ah Chun elected to enter his brilliant drawing-room in blue silk robe, wadded slippers, and black silk skull-cap with red button peak, or when he chose to draw at his slender-stemmed silver-bowled pipe among the cigarette- and cigar- smoking officers and civilians on the broad verandas or in thesmoking room.

Ah Chun occupied a unique position in Honolulu.Though he did not appear in society, he was eligible anywhere.Except among the Chinese merchants of the city, he never went out; but he received, and he always was the centre of his household and the head of his table.Himself peasant, born Chinese, he presided over an atmosphere of culture and refinement second to none in all the islands.Nor were there any in all the islands too proud to cross his threshold and enjoy his hospitality.First of all, the Achun bungalow was of irreproachable tone.Next, Ah Chun was a power.And finally, Ah Chun was a moral paragon and an honest business man.Despite the fact that business morality was higher than on the mainland, Ah Chun outshone the business men of Honolulu in the scrupulous rigidity of his honesty.It was a saying that his word was as good as his bond.His signature was never needed to bind him.He never broke his word. Twenty years after Hotchkiss, of Hotchkiss, Morterson Company, died, they found among mislaid papers a memorandum of a loan of thirty thousand dollars to Ah Chun.It had been incurred when Ah Chun was Privy Councillor to Kamehameha II.In the bustle and confusion of those heyday, money-making times, the affair had slipped Ah Chun's mind.There was no note, no legal claim against him, but he settled in full with the Hotchkiss' Estate, voluntarily paying a compound interest that dwarfed the principal.Likewise, when he verbally guaranteed the disastrous Kakiku Ditch Scheme, at a time when the least sanguine did not dream a guarantee necessary--"Signed his cheque for two hundred thousandwithout a quiver, gentlemen, without a quiver," was the report of the secretary of the defunct enterprise, who had been sent on the forlorn hope of finding out Ah Chun's intentions.And on top of the many similar actions that were true of his word, there was scarcely a man of repute in the islands that at one time or another had notexperienced the helping financial hand of Ah Chun.

So it was that Honolulu watched his wonderful family grow up into a perplexing problem and secretly sympathized with him, for it was beyond any of them to imagine what he was going to do with it.But Ah Chun saw the problem more clearly than they.No one knew as he knew the extent to which he was an alien in his family.His own family did not guess it.He saw that there was no place for him amongst this marvellous seed of his loins, and he looked forward to his declining years and knew that he would grow more and more alien.He did not understand his children.Their conversation was of things that did not interest him and about which he knew nothing.The culture of the West had passed him by.He was Asiatic to the last fibre, which meant that he was heathen.Their Christianity was to him so much nonsense.But all this he would have ignored as extraneous and irrelevant, could he have but understood the young people themselves.When Maud, for instance, told him that the housekeeping bills for the month were thirty thousand--that he understood, as he understood Albert's request for five thousand with which to buy the schooner yacht Muriel and become a member of the Hawaiian Yacht Club.But it was their remoter, complicated desires and mental processes that obfuscated him.He was not slow in learning that the mind of each son and daughter was a secret labyrinth which he could never hope to tread.Always he came upon the wall that divides East from West.Their souls were inaccessible to him, and by the same token he knew that his soul was inaccessible to them.

  • 建炎笔录


  • 医医十病


  • 续医说


  • 三光注龄资福延寿妙经


  • 明伦汇编人事典遇合部


  • 彼岸花开时光诠释爱


  • 安徒生格林童话中的人生智慧(三)


  • 双木单夕


  • 福妻驾到


  • 血剑传奇


  • 大道任逍遥


  • 终界


  • 人生思绪随笔


  • exo吴世勋爱的代价
  • 流浪佣兵

