

Anderson sets him self in opposition to those who say that Christianity is not founded on argument, and to Sopho, Hume, and Hutcheson." Feelings being so uncertain and variable, it is most ridiculous to found upon them a law so important and extensive as is the law of nature." He prefers the ground taken by Clarke and Cumberland.As to the scheme of necessity, it is no other than that of Collins." That Sopho's (Home's) principles serve the cause of atheism will be plain enough to any who duly consider the consequences of his scheme of necessity, which excludes a providence and binds up the Almighty in the same chain of fate with all other intelligent beings." There appeared in 1755 "An Analysis {178} of the Moral and Religious Sentiments contained in the Writings of Sopho and David Hume, Esq., addressed to the Consideration of the Reverend and Honorable Members of the General Assembly. The author denounces Home as maintaining that man is a mere machine, under an irresistible necessity in all his actions, and yet, " though man be thus necessarily determined in all his actions, yet does he believe himself free, God having planted in his nature this deceitful feeling of liberty," this deceitful feeling being the only foundation of virtue.He argues that from this doctrine it follows, as a necessary consequence, that there can be no sin or moral evil in the world. As to Hume, he is charged with making all distinction betwixt virtue and vice as merely imaginary: "Adultery is very lawful, but sometimes not expedient." This letter was met by a pamphlet, " Observations on the Analysis," generally attributed to Blair, "who is believed likewise to have lent his aid to the composition of a formal reply made by Mr.

Home himself, under the title of "Objections against the `Essays on Morality and Natural Religion' examined, 1756."{179}

In all this we have an able and legitimate discussion.

But the opponents of the rising scepticism resorted to other and more doubtful steps.Henry Home, it is presumed, was a member of the Church of Scotland, and it would have been quite within the province of that church to summon him before it, and inquire into the opinions which 'he was believed to be propagating.Over David Hume, it is clear that the church had no jurisdiction.But the Church of Scotland claimed to be the guardian of religion in the country, and to have an authority to prevent the circulation of error.So a motion was made in the committee of overtures of the General Assembly that the body should take into their consideration how far it was proper to call before them and censure the authors of infidel books."There is one person, styling himself David Hume, Esq., hath arrived at such a degree of boldness as publicly to avow himself the author of books containing the most rude and open attacks on the glorious gospel of Christ, and principles evidently subversive even of natural religion and the foundations of morality, if not establishing direct atheism: therefore, the Assembly appoint the following persons as a committee to inquire into the writings of this author.to call him before them, and prepare the matter for the next General Assembly."`I here was a keen debate in the committee for two days.It was moved in opposition, " that although all the members have a just abhorrence of any principles tending to infidelity or to the prejudice of our holy religion; yet, on account of certain circumstances in this case, they drop the overture, because it would not, in their judgment, serve the purpose of edification." The question being put, "transmit the overture to the Assembly or not," it passed in the negative by a majority of fifty to seventeen votes.After this, Mr.Anderson gave in a petition and complaint to the Presbytery of Edinburgh against the printer and publisher of the " Essays on the Principles of Morality and Natural Religion," requiring that the presbytery should summon them to appear before them and declare the name of the author of that work, that he might be censured according to the law of the gospel and the practice of this and all other well-governed churches." The defenders appeared by counsel.

Meanwhile Mr.Anderson was summoned away by death from the scene.The case, however, goes on to a decision on the {180}

merits, and the complaint is rejected.These incidents give us a more vivid picture of the times than any generalized statements.It is evidently the good function of the rising Moderate party in the church to restrain the intemperate zeal of those who would lay restraint on liberty of thought and writing, who would claim for the church a power not committed to it, and meet error with other weapons than argument.

Meanwhile there are able thinkers preparing to meet the scepticism both of Hume and Home, by well-established philosophic principles.We shall see that Reid and James Gregory, in particular, came forth to defend the doctrine of the freedom of the will.A curious cross-fight was produced at this stage by the introduction into Scotland of Edwards'

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