

This shaking piece of forgetfulness stimulated Mrs Verloc's intelligence.

She began to perceive certain consequences which would have surprised Mr Verloc.There was no need for her now to stay there, in that kitchen, in that house, with that man - since the boy was gone for ever.No need whatever.

And on that Mrs Verloc rose as if raised by a spring.But neither could she see what there was to keep her in the world at all.And this inability arrested, her.Mr Verloc watched her with marital solicitude.

`You're looking more like yourself,' he said, uneasily.Something peculiar in the blackness of his wife's eyes disturbed his optimism.At that precise moment Mrs Verloc began to look upon herself as released from all earthly ties.She had her freedom.Her contract with existence, as represented by that man standing over there, was at an end.She was a free woman.Had this view become in some way perceptible to Mr Verloc he would have been extremely shocked.In his affairs of the heart Mr Verloc had been always carelessly generous, yet always wig no other idea than that of being loved for himself.Upon this matter, his ethical notions being in agreement with his vanity, he was completely incorrigible.That this should be so in the case of his virtuous and legal connection he was perfectly certain.He had grown older, fatter, heavier, in the belief that he lacked no fascination for being loved for his own sake.When he saw Mrs Verloc starting to walk out of the kitchen without a word he was disappointed.

`Where are you going to?' he called out rather sharply.`Upstairs?'

Mrs Verloc in the doorway turned at the voice.An instinct of prudence born of fear, the excessive fear of being approached and touched by that man, induced her to nod at him slightly (from the height of two steps], with a stir of the lips which the conjugal optimism of Mr Verloc took for a wan and uncertain smile.

`That's right,' he encouraged her gruffly.`Rest and quiet's what you want.Go on.It won't be long before I am with you.'

Mrs Verloc, the free woman who had had really no idea where she was going to, obeyed the suggestion with rigid steadiness.

Mr Verloc watched her.She disappeared up the stairs.He was disappointed.

There was that within him which would have been more satisfied if she had been moved to throw herself upon his breast.But he was generous and indulgent.

Winnie was always undemonstrative and silent.Neither was Mr Verloc himself prodigal of endearments and words as a rule.But this was not an ordinary evening.It was an occasion when a man wants to be fortified and strengthened by open proofs of sympathy and affection.Mr Verloc sighed, and put out the gas in the kitchen.Mr Verloc's sympathy with his wife was genuine and intense.It almost brought tears into his eyes as he stood in the parlour reflecting on the loneliness hanging over her head.In this mood Mr Verloc missed Stevie very much out of a difficult world.He thought mournfully of his end.If only that lad had not stupidly destroyed himself!

The sensation of unappeasable hunger, not unknown after the strain of a hazardous enterprise to adventurers of tougher fibre than Mr Verloc, overcame him again.The piece of roast beef, laid out in the likeness of funereal baked meats for Stevie's obsequies, offered itself largely to his notice.And Mr Verloc again partook.He partook ravenously, without restraint and decency, cutting thick slices with the sharp carving knife, and swallowing them without bread.In the course of that refection it occurred to Mr Verloc that he was not hearing his wife move about in the bedroom as he should have done.The thought of finding her perhaps sitting on the bed in the dark not only cut Mr Verloc's appetite, but also took from him the inclination to follow her upstairs just yet.Laying down the carving knife, Mr Verloc listened with careworn attention.

He was comforted by hearing her move at last.She walked suddenly across the room, and threw the window up.After a period of stillness up there, during which he figured her to himself with her head out, he heard the sash being lowered slowly.Then she made a few steps, and sat down.Every resonance of this house was familiar to Mr Verloc, who was thoroughly domesticated.

When next he heard his wife's footsteps overhead he knew, as well as if he had seen her doing it, that she had been putting on her walking shoes.

Mr Verloc wriggled his shoulders slightly at this ominous symptom, and moving away from the table, stood with his back to the fireplace, his head on one side, and gnawing perplexedly at the tips of his fingers.He kept track of her movements by the sound.She walked here and there violently, with abrupt stoppages, now before the chest of drawers, then in front of the wardrobe.An immense load of weariness, the harvest of a day of shocks and surprises, weighed Mr Verloc's energies to the ground.

He did not raise his eyes till he heard his wife descending the stairs.

It was as he had guessed, she was dressed for going out.

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    The Armies of Labor

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