

"Very well.Can you give me the one I had before?"He emitted a faint moan from behind a pile of cardboard boxes on the table, which might have contained gloves or handkerchies or neckties.Iwonder what the fellow did keep in them? There was a smell of decaying coral, or Oriental dust of zoological speciments in that den of his.Icould only see the top of his head and his un-happy eyes levelled at me over the barrier.

"It's only for a couple of days," I said, intending to cheer him up.

"Perhaps you would like to pay in advance?"he suggested eagerly.

"Certainly not!" I burst out directly I could speak."Never heard of such a thing! This is the most infernal cheek...."He had seized his head in both hands--a gesture of despair which checked my indignation.

"Oh, dear! Oh, dear! Don't fly out like this.

I am asking everybody."

"I don't believe it," I said bluntly.

"Well, I am going to.And if you gentlemen all agreed to pay in advance I could make Hamil-ton pay up, too.He's always turning up ashore dead broke, and even when he has some money he won't settle his bills.I don't know what to do with him.He swears at me and tells me I can't chuck a white man out into the street here.So if you only would...."I was amazed.Incredulous, too.I suspected the fellow of gratuitous impertinence.I told him with marked emphasis that I would see him and Hamilton hanged first, and requested him to con-duct me to my room with no more of his nonsense.

He produced then a key from somewhere and led the way out of his lair, giving me a vicious sidelong look in passing.

"Any one I know staying here?" I asked him before he left my room.

He had recovered his usual pained impatient tone, and said that Captain Giles was there, back from a Solo Sea trip.Two other guests were stay-ing also.He paused.And, of course, Hamilton, he added.

"Oh, yes! Hamilton," I said, and the miserable creature took himself off with a final groan.

His impudence still rankled when I came into the dining room at tiffin time.He was there on duty overlooking the Chinamen servants.The tiffin was laid on one end only of the long table, and the punkah was stirring the hot air lazily--mostly above a barren waste of polished wood.

We were four around the cloth.The dozing stranger from the chair was one.Both his eyes were partly opened now, but they did not seem to see anything.He was supine.The dignified person next him, with short side whiskers and a carefully scraped chin, was, of course, Hamilton.

I have never seen any one so full of dignity for the station in life Providence had been pleased to place him in.I had been told that he regarded me as a rank outsider.He raised not only his eyes, but his eyebrows as well, at the sound I made pulling back my chair.

Captain Giles was at the head of the table.Iexchanged a few words of greeting with him and sat down on his left.Stout and pale, with a great shiny dome of a bald forehead and prominent brown eyes, he might have been anything but a seaman.You would not have been surprised to learn that he was an architect.To me (I know how absurd it is) to me he looked like a church-warden.He had the appearance of a man from whom you would expect sound advice, moral sentiments, with perhaps a platitude or two thrown in on occasion, not from a desire to dazzle, but from honest conviction.

Though very well known and appreciated in the shipping world, he had no regular employment.

He did not want it.He had his own peculiar position.He was an expert.An expert in--how shall I say it?--in intricate navigation.He was supposed to know more about remote and im-perfectly charted parts of the Archipelago than any man living.His brain must have been a perfect warehouse of reefs, positions, bearings, images of headlands, shapes of obscure coasts, aspects of innumerable islands, desert and otherwise.Any ship, for instance, bound on a trip to Palawan or somewhere that way would have Captain Giles on board, either in temporary command or "to assist the master." It was said that he had a retaining fee from a wealthy firm of Chinese steamship owners, in view of such services.Besides, he was always ready to relieve any man who wished to take a spell ashore for a time.No owner was ever known to object to an arrangement of that sort.

For it seemed to be the established opinion at the port that Captain Giles was as good as the best, if not a little better.But in Hamilton's view he was an "outsider." I believe that for Hamilton the generalisation "outsider" covered the whole lot of us; though I suppose that he made some dis-tinctions in his mind.

I didn't try to make conversation with Captain Giles, whom I had not seen more than twice in my life.But, of course, he knew who I was.

After a while, inclining his big shiny head my way, he addressed me first in his friendly fashion.He presumed from seeing me there, he said, that I had come ashore for a couple of days' leave.

He was a low-voiced man.I spoke a little louder, saying that: No--I had left the ship for good.

"A free man for a bit," was his comment.

"I suppose I may call myself that--since eleven o'clock," I said.

Hamilton had stopped eating at the sound of our voices.He laid down his knife and fork gently, got up, and muttering something about "this infernal heat cutting one's appetite," went out of the room.Almost immediately we heard him leave the house down the verandah steps.

On this Captain Giles remarked easily that the fellow had no doubt gone off to look after my old job.The Chief Steward, who had been leaning against the wall, brought his face of an unhappy goat nearer to the table and addressed us dole-fully.His object was to unburden himself of his eternal grievance against Hamilton.The man kept him in hot water with the Harbour Office as to the state of his accounts.He wished to good-ness he would get my job, though in truth what would it be? Temporary relief at best.

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