

"Oh! Lud love you, they are all right, my lord," retorted Jellyband; "don't you be afraid.I wouldn't have spoken, only I knew we were among friends.That gentleman over there is as true and loyal a subject of King George as you are yourself, my lord saving your presence.He is but lately arrived in Dover, and is setting down in business in these parts.""In business? Faith, then, it must be as an undertaker, for Ivow I never beheld a more rueful countenance.""Nay, my lord, I believe that the gentleman is a widower, which no doubt would account for the melancholy of his bearing--but he is a friend, nevertheless, I'll vouch for that-and you will own, my lord, that who should judge of a face better than the landlord of a popular inn--""Oh, that's all right, then, if we are among friends," said Lord Antony, who evidently did not care to discuss the subject with his host."But, tell me, you have no one else staying here, have you?""No one, my lord, and no one coming, either, leastways--""Leastways?"

"No one your lordship would object to, I know.""Who is it?"

"Well, my lord, Sir Percy Blakeney and his lady will be here presently, but they ain't a-goin' to stay--""Lady Blakeney?" queried Lord Antony, in some astonishment.

"Aye, my lord.Sir Percy's skipper was here just now.He says that my lady's brother is crossing over to France to-day in the DAY DREAM, which is Sir Percy's yacht, and Sir Percy and my lady will come with him as far as here to see the last of him.It don't put you out, do it, my lord?""No, no, it doesn't put me out, friend; nothing will put me out, unless that supper is not the very best which Miss Sally can cook, and which has ever been served in `The Fisherman's Rest.'""You need have no fear of that, my lord," said Sally, who all this while had been busy setting the table for supper.And very gay and inviting it looked, with a large bunch of brilliantly coloured dahlias in the centre, and the bright pewter goblets and blue china about.

"How many shall I lay for, my lord?"

"Five places, pretty Sally, but let the supper be enough for ten at least--our friends will be tired, and, I hope, hungry.

As for me, I vow I could demolish a baron of beef to-night.""Here they are, I do believe," said Sally excitedly, as a distant clatter of horses and wheels could now be distinctly heard, drawing rapidly nearer.

There was a general commotion in the coffee-room.Everyone was curious to see my Lord Antony's swell friends from over the water.

Miss Sally cast one or two quick glances at the little bit of mirror which hung on the wall, and worthy Mr.Jellyband bustled out in order to give the first welcome himself to his distinguished guests.Only the two strangers in the corner did not participate in the general excitement.They were calmly finishing their game of dominoes, and did not even look once towards the door.

"Straight ahead, Comtesse, the door on your right," said a pleasant voice outside.

"Aye! there they are, all right enough." said Lord Antony, joyfully; "off with you, my pretty Sally, and see how quick you can dish up the soup."The door was thrown wide open, and, preceded by Mr.Jellyband, who was profuse in his bows and welcomes, a party of four--two ladies and two gentlemen--entered the coffee-room.

"Welcome! Welcome to old England!" said Lord Antony, effusively, as he came eagerly forward with both hands outstretched towards the newcomers.

"Ah, you are Lord Antony Dewhurst, I think," said one of the ladies, speaking with a strong foreign accent.

"At your service, Madame," he replied, as he ceremoniously kissed the hands of both the ladies, then turned to the men and shook them both warmly by the hand.

Sally was already helping the ladies to take off their traveling cloaks, and both turned, with a shiver, towards the brightly-blazing hearth.

There was a general movement among the company in the coffee-room.Sally had bustled off to her kitchen whilst Jellyband, still profuse with his respectful salutations, arranged one or two chairs around the fire.Mr.Hempseed, touching his forelock, was quietly vacating the seat in the hearth.Everyone was staring curiously, yet deferentially, at the foreigners.

"Ah, Messieurs! what can I say?" said the elder of the two ladies, as she stretched a pair of fine, aristocratic hands to the warmth of the blaze, and looked with unspeakable gratitude first at Lord Antony, then at one of the young men who had accompanied her party, and who was busy divesting himself of his heavy, caped coat.

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