

Two months before this time Helen Messiter had been serenely teaching a second grade at Kalamazoo, Michigan, notwithstanding the earnest efforts of several youths of that city to induce her to retire to domesticity "What's the use of being a schoolmarm?" had been the burden of their plaint."Any spinster can teach kids C-A-T, Cat, but only one in several thousand can be the prettiest bride in Kalamazoo." None of them, however, had been able to drive the point sufficiently home, and it is probable that she would have continued to devote herself to Young America if an uncle she had never seen had not died without a will and left her a ranch in Wyoming yclept the Lazy D.

When her lawyer proposed to put the ranch on the market Miss Helen had a word to say.

"I think not.I'll go out and see it first, anyhow," she said.

"But really, my dear young lady, it isn't at all necessary.Fact is, I've already had an offer of a hundred thousand dollars for it.Now, I should judge that a fair price ""Very likely," his client interrupted, quietly."But, you see, I don't care to sell.""Then what in the world are you going to do with it?" "Run it.""But, my dear Miss Messiter, it isn't an automobile or any other kind of toy.You must remember that it takes a business head and a great deal of experience to make such an investment pay.I really think--""My school ends on the fourteenth of June.I'll get a substitute for the last two months.I shall start for Wyoming on the eighteenth of April."The man of law gasped, explained the difficulties again carefully as to a child, found that he was wasting his breath, and wisely gave it up.

Miss Messiter had started on the eighteenth of April, as she had announced.When she reached Gimlet Butte, the nearest railroad point to the Lazy D, she found a group of curious, weatherbeaten individualsgathered round a machine foreign to their experience.It was on a flat car, and the general opinion ran the gamut from a newfangled sewing machine to a thresher.Into this guessing contest came its owner with so brisk and businesslike an energy that inside of two hours she was testing it up and down the wide street of Gimlet Butte, to the wonder and delight of an audience to which each one of the eleven saloons of the city had contributed its admiring quota.

Meanwhile the young woman attended strictly to business.She had disappeared for half an hour with a suit case into the Elk House; and when she returned in a short-skirted corduroy suit, leggings and wide-brimmed gray Stetson hat, all Gimlet Butte took an absorbing interest in the details of this delightful adventure that had happened to the town.The population was out _en masse_ to watch her slip down the road on a trial trip.

Presently "Soapy" Sothern, drifting in on his buckskin from the Hoodoo Peak country, where for private reasons of his own he had been for the past month a sojourner, reported that he had seen the prettiest sight in the State climbing under a gasoline bronc with a monkey-wrench in her hand.Where? Right over the hill on the edge of town.The immediate stampede for the cow ponies was averted by a warning chug-chug that sounded down the road, followed by the appearance of a flashing whir that made the ponies dance on their hind legs.

"The gasoline bronc lady sure makes a hit with me," announced "Texas," gravely."I allow I'll rustle a job with the Lazy D outfit.""She ce'tainly rides herd on that machine like a champeen," admitted Soapy."I reckon I'll drift over to the Lazy D with you to look after yore remains, Tex, when the lightning hits you."Miss Messiter swung the automobile round in a swift circle, came to an abrupt halt in front of the hotel, and alighted without delay.As she passed in through the half score of admirers she had won, her dark eyes swept smilingly over assembled Cattleland.She had already met most of them at the launching of the machine from the flat car, and had directed their perspiring energies as they labored to follow her orders.Now she nodded a recognition with a little ripple of gay laughter.

"I'm delighted to be able to contribute to the entertainment of GimletButte," she said, as she swept in.For this young woman was possessed of Western adaptation.It gave her no conscientious qualms to exchange conversation fraternal with these genial savages.

The Elk House did not rejoice in a private dining room, and competition strenuous ensued as to who should have the pleasure of sitting beside the guest of honor.To avoid ill feeling, the matter was determined by a game of freeze-out, in which Texas and a mature gentleman named, from his complexion, "Beet" Collins, were the lucky victors.Texas immediately repaired to the general store, where he purchased a new scarlet bandanna for the occasion; also a cake of soap with which to rout the alkali dust that had filtered into every pore of his hands and face from a long ride across the desert.

Came supper and Texas simultaneously, the cow-puncher's face scrubbed to an apple shine.At the last moment Collins defaulted, his nerve completely gone.Since, however, he was a thrifty soul, he sold his place to Soapy for ten dollars, and proceeded to invest the proceeds in an immediate drunk.

During the first ten minutes of supper Miss Messiter did not appear, and the two guardians who flanked her chair solicitously were the object of much badinage.

"She got one glimpse of that red haid of Tex and the pore lady's took to the sage," explained Yorky.

"And him scrubbed so shiny fust time since Christmas before the big blizzard," sighed Doc Rogers.

"Shucks! She ain't scared of no sawed-off, hammered-down runt like Texas, No, siree! Miss Messiter's on the absent list 'cause she's afraid she cayn't resist the blandishments of Soapy.Did yo' ever hear about Soapy and that Caspar hash slinger?""Forget it, Slim," advised Soapy, promptly.He had been engaged in lofty and oblivious conversation with Texas, but he did not intend to allow reminiscences to get under way just now.

  • 闲妃来袭:夫君快接嫁


  • 炎风引


  • 大预言


  • 谁是船长


  • 他从前世来


  • 背叛之暗影独尊


  • 空白天才


  • 你到底爱不爱我


  • 绝世妖姬:红颜倾天下


  • 女神的贴身经纪人

